please stop making anime

Chapter 239 Cheers to Zhang Cao Club!

Chapter 239 Cheers to the Ethics Club!

According to the usual practice, after the production of an animation, the employees of the Ethics Club will have a dinner together, um, Zhao Ran pays the bill.

It doesn't cost much to eat, and the luxury set meal is ordered, and the employees of the festival club chat with each other.

Generally speaking, Zhao Ran is the protagonist of this kind of banquet, giving a speech or something, but the employees below seem to be tired of this old routine.

"You can go up and say a few words in a while, I won't be on stage." Zhao Ran said sitting beside Li Xuan.

Because the ending of cl's animation is perfect, the audience who were clamoring to beat up Zhao Ran are now praising it all over the Internet, and Zhao Ran can also get out of the morality society as he wished.

"Huh? I'm not the leader." Li Xuan was stunned and muttered in a low voice.

"Who in our company is not convinced by your ability? Don't worry, you can do it! Don't you handle all kinds of chores in the company? You are very prestigious among the employees!" Zhao Ran patted Li Xuan's small head.

Who would have thought that such a girl of the same age as her could manage the company in an orderly manner?

"However, President, you are the core of the company. Without you, our company would become a third-rate company, and we would not be able to stand firmly in the animation production industry." Li Xuan said.

This is telling the truth. The animation industry sometimes depends on the brand name. Some production companies start to look forward to the animation before it is broadcast, and even cover up the finished animation to sell the copyright. Those broadcast platforms will also charge a high price.

"Okay, stop boasting, hurry up." Zhao Ran shook his head and said.

"Okay." Li Xuan straightened his dress.

It is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, and the girls are still wearing skirts, showing their white legs. Li Xuan put on light makeup, because she is wearing professional attire for work reasons, and the well-fitting lady's suit highlights her figure Concave and convex, good-looking, very attractive.

Because of the habit of being a leader, Li Xuan stood in the center of the crowd without stage fright at all. He picked up the microphone and looked at the crowd and said slowly:

"It seems that I shouldn't speak on stage on this occasion, but ah, you all know that the leader of our family is too lazy!"

Zhao Ran didn't expect that Li Xuan's opening remarks would be like this, and the employees below would still agree with it?Am I really that lazy?Zhao Ran fell into self-doubt.

"However, the president of our family is very talented! Does anyone object to this point?" Li Xuan said again.

"From a small company to the present, there are everyone's credit and the president's credit. Who would have thought that a small animation production society would become what it is now?"

"From Second Five, to Zhanmei, to Magic Circle, Date A Live, Bone King, and the work CL, which is now considered a classic masterpiece by the audience, any one of these works can be taken out by other anime producers. The society has been blowing for several years!"

"But, we can't be proud, we can't brag! Because we are the festival club! The number one animation production company in China! The festival club that only produces classic animation!"

"I can't count the harassing calls you have received, right? The razor blades received by the Festival Society are piled up in boxes. Maybe everyone is also troubled by these. However, when we see that the works we personally participated in have won When it is unanimously praised, that trouble will also turn into a full sense of accomplishment."

After Li Xuan finished speaking, everyone applauded thunderously.

It took quite a while for the applause to subside, and Li Xuan continued:

"It's true that you are tired. The president and I both know it, but who is not tired? Isn't the president tired? Maybe you haven't seen the scene where the president stays up until one or two in the morning when making a new work , the president is also working very hard, he is working when you are working, and he is still busy when you are not working."

"Sometimes I also wonder why the president is working so hard. Later I realized that all of this is for dreams, for the festival club, and for animation! Since everyone has come to the festival club, I think everyone likes it more or less Anime? We will encounter various challenges in the future, maybe we will be hacked by the whole network, or we may be hit hard because of the failure of an anime, but we must never forget the purpose of the festival! Only make classics ! Only make high-quality goods! This is the creed of our festival!"

"We will unite as one, cheers for the festival!"

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he raised his glass very boldly, and everyone followed suit.

Feeling deeply depressed, without saying much, Zhao Ran raised his wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

When Li Xuan came down from the stage and came to Zhao Ran's side, after a while, everyone began to drink and chat happily.

"That's a good speech." Zhao Ran said to Li Xuan who was beside him.

"I thought what I said was wrong." Li Xuan said.

"It's not wrong, that's right." Zhao Ran shook his head and said.

"By the way, President, is there a new work?" Li Xuan asked after taking a bite of food.

"Why, doesn't Jingani have a lot of script writers? Besides, the adaptation ability is also top-notch in China, right? Maybe you can try it yourself and make a masterpiece by yourself." Zhao Ran raised his eyebrows and said.

"KyoAni's most outstanding animations are still the works that JingAni did not take over. As for the adaptation, it is a bit hard to say. Although KyoAni has indeed produced a lot of animations with high ratings, but also produced a lot of reluctantly. An anime that has passed the passing line." Li Xuan sighed.

"Take your time, Jingani is already very good, except that it is hard to find an opponent in China, take your time, don't panic, you can start to make a good novel or a well-written plot." Zhao Ran smiled. said comfortingly.

Things don’t happen overnight, you have to eat every bite, KyoAni has plenty of time, and domestic animation is still in its infancy, and in a few years, KyoAni’s strength is absolutely outrageous.

"By the way, we can start working on the novel JingAni on Ri Zai Campus." Zhao Ran reminded Li Xuan when he knew about the decapitated work.

And Li Xuan frowned after hearing that work.

Li Xuan was very dissatisfied with that work!In Li Xuan's opinion, that work has no value of adaptation at all!
In her opinion, if the content of this novel is adapted into an anime, it will not attract the audience at all!
Moreover, the author who wrote this novel has changed! ! !

Yes, that's right!The author actually eunuched this novel!
Fortunately, I gave it a lot of good recommendations at the beginning!And the author actually ran away after taking the bonus and not updating for a long time!
At the beginning, because there were a lot of recommendations, the first order of that work was still very impressive. However, in the later stage, the plot was too procrastinated, the number of subscribers dropped wildly, the author's mentality collapsed, and then he cut it decisively.

Just such a novel should be adapted, something that is sure to lose money, does it deserve to have the right to adapt it? !

President, are you kidding me? !
"I'll adapt it myself."

Zhao Ran said calmly.

That's it! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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