please stop making anime

Chapter 245 Looking forward to the next plot

Chapter 245 Looking forward to the next plot

"May I ask, what do you think about Lu Luxiu's regent who is talking about the rebellious new work of the Festival Society on the Internet?" Wang Bingbing asked with a microphone in his hand.

This incident has caused quite a stir on the Internet, and the audience is also looking forward to how things will develop next.

Viewers who like Jie Cao Society and Zhao Ran's works are naturally worried about Jie Cao Society, while those colleagues who are jealous of Jie Cao Society's achievements are all looking at the joke with cold eyes.

"To be honest, I'm also very surprised that someone actually mentioned the issue of regency in this anime. In my opinion, this anime doesn't involve politics, and their conjectures are totally unfounded." Zhao Ran said with certainty.

"I hope that some people in the dark don't smear the festival society casually. You have the time to think about your own works. Of course, if I or the festival society offend you, I apologize to you here, but if you just If you provoke the morality society for no reason, the morality society will fight back if necessary." Zhao Ran said with a smile.

Don't think that if Zhao Ran has a good temper, he can be manipulated at will. If he pushes the morality club into a hurry, Zhao Ran will teach them a lesson no matter what he says.

"I also hope that the audience can treat the works of Jie Cao Society rationally, and don't follow others' opinions. Good works can be seen. This new work of Jie Cao Society is full of sincerity, no matter the style of painting or the soundtrack." Zhao Ran said that he is very satisfied with his new role said in a tone.

"I see that many online viewers are praising the content of this new work as fun. May I ask President Zhao Ran, will there be a turning point or reverse content in the later stage of this animation?" Wang Bingbing saw that Zhao Ran was very satisfied with his work look, so asked.

"This anime is one of the rare anime works that combines elements such as combat and mechs. The audience should have seen American blockbusters, right? Think about this anime carefully. Is it similar to those American blockbusters? It’s just that there are more plots, such as the emotional problems of the characters in it.”

How dare you compare your work to an American blockbuster?Wang Bingbing didn't know what Zhao Ran was thinking, she also watched the rebellious Lu Luxiu, it was not in the same style as the American blockbuster, okay?
Although the plot looks really cool, Zhao Ran's cool works make people feel a little uneasy!

I'm always afraid that he will suddenly have a twist in a certain plot, and then cry a lot of people.

Of course, the audience has long been used to crying. They are afraid that the characters in Zhao Ran's sudden knife, or if they come to a full-scale, the audience will cry wherever they want.

"Excuse me, President Zhao Ran, how many people will die in your new work, the rebellious Lu Luxiu?" Wang Bingbing hit the nail on the head and asked the question that all audiences wanted to know.

"Now this anime has played several episodes in a row. No matter how you look at the plot now, you don't think it has anything to do with the dead, right? The death of characters in previous anime works is also to promote the development of the plot. If possible, I don't want to make myself work hard. If the characters created die, they are all my children!" Zhao Ran said very moved, but, who would believe his nonsense?

"When I watched the anime cl before, I also thought that this anime would not kill people, but in the end it still died?" Wang Bingbing's question was very tricky.

"But, in the end, the characters in it will not be resurrected again?" Zhao Ran said that I will not take the blame.

"And everyone, don't always remember those animes in which the characters died. Apart from those animations, the Festival Society has also produced a lot of cheerful animation works. Even, the Festival Society has also produced several animations that mainly sell cuteness. " Zhao Ran said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, don't think too much."

Wang Bingbing chatted with Zhao Ran for a long time. During the chat, the two almost met each other honestly.

Finally, Wang Bingbing came out of Zhao Ran's bedroom with a blushing face. Before leaving, Zhao Ran reminded her to take away the clothes she had hung on the clothes rack.

They are all cultural people, and after the interview, they had in-depth exchanges, so that Zhao Ran knew the depth of this woman Wang Bingbing.

When Zhao Ran was lying on the bed exhausted and sleeping, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet because of Zhao Ran's interview.

Wang Bingbing was a woman who had in-depth communication with Zhao Ran. She posted her interview with Zhao Ran on the Internet overnight, and wrote two short articles, which can be regarded as speaking for Zhao Ran.

One of the two short articles was about the rebellious Lu Luxiu, the anime Zhao Ran and everyone in the Essence Society hadn’t thought about the regency at all. The audience should not be deceived by those who want to, and cite multiple examples to refute those who say this movie anime regency man.

The other article describes how much the festival has paid for the production of this animation work, and the staff have worked hard for several months in order to present a more perfect painting style to the audience.

In addition, the report also filmed the working scenes of the internal personnel of the festival and praised them for their craftsmanship.

Looking at the two short articles, Zhao Ran sighed, the articles were well written, and he was almost moved to tears by the "Zhao Ran" depicted in the articles.

He didn't even know he was so good!

It seems that it is necessary to have more in-depth exchanges with Wang Bingbing in the future!

As soon as the two interview reports came out, public opinion quickly reversed.

Fans have long been angry with those black fans, and when these two articles were reported, the audience retweeted them one after another, which is a strong counterattack to those navy troops.

"The Essence Club has worked hard. To give everyone a good work, they have paid so much. Zhao Ran must pay attention to his health, don't be too tired."

"I've heard that animation production is very tiring. Only after reading the news report today, I realized that animation production is not easy. It's more tiring than I imagined."

"Zhao Gou is really fighting for his dream, but those trolls started trolling without knowing the specific situation, and those who slandered the integrity society are really disgusting."

"Am I the only one who cares about the later content of this anime? There are so many interviews, and Zhao Gou, a slick guy, always chooses not to talk about the main points, and only talks about the irrelevant things of this anime. What we care about is the plot! What is it? Depression or pure fighting? Either way, let’s be honest!”

"Don't even think about pure fighting. Didn't you see that there is also a battle of wits in it? It should be a big boss behind the scenes? In short, I am looking forward to the later plot."

"As long as the plot is rigorous, I can do it! I generally don't pick the works of the Festival Society, as long as the works produced by the Festival Society, I will choose to watch."

"You guys are so optimistic, just wait for Zhao Gou to play with your emotions! When you are huddling in front of the screen and secretly weeping, Zhao Gou might be squatting in the dark secretly laughing."

(End of this chapter)

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