please stop making anime

Chapter 252 The plot is very "healing"

Chapter 252 The plot is very "healing"

Time passed quickly, and the anime of the rebellious Lelouch was finally played as expected by all audiences.

And the suspense left in the last chapter of the first season also solved the mystery for the audience in the second season.

The gun fired by Lelouch just missed Suzaku, but Suzaku arrested Lelouch and brought Lelouch to the emperor of Britannia.

And with the credit of catching Zero, Suzaku also became the Empire's Knights of the Round Table.

The protagonist's memory was tampered with, and then sent back to District [-] in order to lure CC out.

The protagonist Lelouch later recovered his memory with the help of the remnants of the Black Knights and CC.

And Lelouch, who recovered his memory, commanded the Black Knights and soon won a battle.

At this moment, the plot has returned to the ranks of Shuangfan, but because the protagonist's memory has been tampered with, the Black Knights and other things need him to deal with it.

For example, the senior sister-controller Lelouch's younger sister still couldn't be found, but a younger brother named Luo Luo was inexplicably added, and the memory of his younger sister was even replaced by Luo Luo.

And that person named Lolo also has the skill, the skill is to stop time in a small area, if the ability is used well, it is still very strong, his task is to monitor Lelouch and find CC, and when he finds Lelouch Kill him after recovering his memory.

In addition to Lolo, there were also people monitoring Lelouch in the school, and the Black Knights also lost a lot of personnel. Many former cadres were taken away. In short, Lelouch faced many problems after recovering his memory.

In order to solve the current problem, Lelouch decided to try his best to rescue those members of the Black Knights while pretending that he hadn't recovered his memory. He also successfully captured Lolo and made him work for him.

When everything seemed to be turning in a good direction, the candidate for the new governor of District [-] was chosen as Nunna Li.

In order to test whether Lelouch had recovered his memory, Suzaku called Nunnally, and with the help of Lolo, Lelouch bought a few seconds to briefly talk about his situation with Nunnally. Of course, the protagonist is still very cautious. He pretends not to know Nunnally to prevent his memory recovery from being revealed.

While Nunnally was being escorted, Lelouch decided to take her with him, and ordered the Black Knights to attack.

Then when Lelouch finally saw his sister, but his sister told him that Lelouch's approach was wrong.

Later, Lelouch's sister told Lelouch what she wanted in her heart, that is to inherit Euphemia's last wish and re-establish the administrative special zone, and her request at this time is the same as that of Euphemia, hoping to be Lelouch of Zero was able to join. After all, it was his sister who said it. The senior sister-controlling Lelouch was naturally very shaken in his heart.

But at this moment, Suzaku arrived, and Lelouch had to do everything possible to bring his sister with him, but his sister went to Suzaku. In the end, Lelouch's plan to take Nunnally away ended in failure. .

The consecutive defeats hit Lelouch hard, but later he discovered that his battle was not only for Nunnally, but the ship hidden by the black cavalry on the bottom of the sea was found, and it was about to be wiped out. Cheer up Lelouch to help everyone through the crisis again and announce that everyone in Black Thunder will join the Neon Special Zone.

Lelouch's decision naturally surprised many people, and during the secret conversation between Lelouch and Suzaku, Lelouch proposed that he would mobilize millions of people to participate on the day the special zone was established, and the condition was that he would be spared.

On the day of the establishment of the special zone, countless people really went to the celebration, but when the decision to pardon zero was brought up, those who went to join the Black Knights put on black clothes and capes to look like zero.

Suzaku and the others were naturally confused by this sudden situation, and in the end they could only watch helplessly as these people swaggered away.

The plot is a bit cruel at times, and whether it is so cool or not, it makes people want to watch it.

The audience continued to discuss the plot of these consecutive episodes, and they started discussing it on the Internet.

"Have you noticed that Zhao Gou can always grasp the excitement of the audience very well! A bit of abuse, and then let you have a good time, tsk tsk tsk!"

"Damn it, can't it be fun all the time? Why do you still torture me from time to time? For the sake of those fun times, I will bear it!"

"Hey, although the protagonist led the Black Knights to fly, there are many people who are also abusive and want to cry! For example, when Nunnali took the initiative to meet Suzaku, Suzaku had already turned against the protagonist, and the protagonist's sister also wanted to cry. Do you want to turn against the protagonist?"

"Everyone, don't think so. We have to prepare for the worst. Although the current plot is cruel, it is still far from the worst plot. After all, it seems that few important characters died, right? Except for the third princess."

Although the plot of the anime rebellious Lu Luxiu makes the audience want to cry from time to time, even so, the popularity of this anime is still very high.

It can be said that there is no one who can fight at all, and the number of viewers of the works of the small animation production company that is popular with the rebellious Lelouch is also quite large, but, they seem to only focus on the coolness in the first season of the rebellious Lelouch Extract it, and try every means to eliminate those abusive plots. The audience was very disappointed after seeing such an adaptation. It was cool, but it is not good-looking if it is not abused. I don’t know what is going on with this anime. It lacks abuse. ingredients, a masterpiece becomes rubbish.

The audience can only sigh that Zhao Ran is really awesome.

The plot of the anime is still going down very rhythmically. Now that the plot is unfolding, the audience can no longer guess what the ending of this anime will be. Probably only Zhao Ran knows it, and this kind of anime that cannot guess the ending makes the audience Am looking forward to.

The current plot has progressed to more than a dozen episodes, and Xia Li's memory has been restored due to the influence of Jeremiah's ability.

And this plot makes the audience feel very uneasy, a very bad feeling.

Do you want to abuse again?
Old viewers who are familiar with Zhao Ran's urination began to feel a little uneasy. Now the plot looks like it wants to kill a girl named Xia Li.

Really, I know you don't have a girlfriend, Zhao Gou!But you can't take your anger out on those female characters!
In Zhao Ran's works, how many heroines end well?Every time, Zhao Ran's works will always focus on the heroine, abuse him if he can, and find a way to abuse him if he can't!
The audience has already seen this, so it is naturally impossible to turn off this anime and not watch it, even if they already know that Zhao Ran is about to abuse the character of Xia Li.

This is the charm of a masterpiece. The audience still wants to watch it even though they know it is going to be abused. This involves Zhao Ran's ability to control the plot and the ability to vent emotions.

Sometimes if the abuse is wrong, there will be poisonous spots, which will make the audience feel like eating shit, and if the abuse is appropriate, it will make the audience want to watch the abuse more and more, and eventually give this anime a high score.

The rebellious Lu Luxiu naturally belongs to the latter category.

After waking up from the nightmare, Xia Li muttered to herself that Lelouch was the murderer of her father.

In order to solve her doubts, Xia Li decided to call Suzaku out, and the two met the protagonist just after they met, and Jeremiah also rushed into the school to find Lelouch.

Lolo and the others attacked naturally, but because Jeremiah's body had been transformed, he was extremely powerful, and his abilities were unlimited to him. In short, Lolo and the others were no match for him at all.

The strength was crushed, and Veletta had to tell Jeremiah where Lelouch was located so that Lelouch could defeat Jeremiah.

On the other side, Lelouch felt troubled when he heard the news, because now Xia Li and Suzaku were by his side.

Perhaps because she felt that the relationship between Lelouch and Suzaku was not right, Xia Li took the initiative to take Suzaku with her.

The battle between Lelouch and Jeremiah caused a lot of trouble, Suzaku didn't think much about it, and because he was busy with work, he found a few people to protect Xia Li, and when Suzaku left, Xia Li gave Lelouch She couldn't get through the phone no matter what. At this time, Xia Li might have felt that something happened to Lelouch.

So Charlie rushed into the station building.

That's right, there is going to be a hindrance at this moment!
Not all anime female characters can be like the heroine Iki Hiyori in "Yato", run away quickly when encountering bad situations and never delay the protagonist!

Most of the anime heroines are not successful enough, and they are more than defeated. They can obviously win, but it is because of the existence of a drag bottle that a battle that must be won ends in failure.

Just like now, Xia Li obviously didn't consider whether her ability can cope with the crisis that may occur next.

The audience also had a bad feeling about this episode. If Xia Li's strength was affected by the battle, wouldn't it just be cool?

Moreover, Zhao Gou will not show mercy at all!So, is this going to deliver food?
Moreover, something that surprised the audience happened next. It turned out that Jeremiah didn't come to kill Lelouch.

He actually came here to serve Lelouch!It turned out that Jeremiah was there when Lelouch's mother was assassinated, and he was Marianne's bodyguard at the time. Jeremiah blamed himself for failing to protect Lelouch's mother, and when he When he learned that Lelouch was trying to avenge his mother, Jeremiah decided to be loyal to Lelouch.

The plot seems to be developing in a good direction again. After accepting such a powerful subordinate, the sphere of influence has expanded again, and the audience has to let go of their inner anxiety. After all, they think that there is a high probability of death at this moment, such as the usual anime. The heroine of the dish, and now there is no such worry. After all, Jeremiah is his own at this time, and the battle cannot affect Xia Li.

But, can Xia Li really escape?

Xia Li who rushed into the station building happened to meet Lolo, and Xia Li told Lolo that she liked the protagonist very much, so she wanted to ask Lolo to let her join Lelouch to protect Lelouch, and she would help Lelouch regain happiness Recapture Lelouch's sister Nunnally.

Xia Li didn't even know that she said something wrong, the existence of Nunnally has always been a thorn in Luo Luo's heart!So, Luo Luo was moved by Xia Li's ability!

Nothing is worse than dying at the hands of the enemy than dying at the hands of one's own!
The audience was confused by the plot, did Luo Luo kill Xia Li?Originally they thought that Xia Li would not die, but now...
Damn Zhao Gou!
Lelouch who was passing by saw Xia Li, at this time Xia Li had only one breath left.

She said to Lelouch weakly, "It's great that I was able to talk to you in the end."

"It's not the last, I'll go to the doctor to save you now." Lelouch looked at Xia Li who was lying in a pool of blood with a panicked expression.

And Charlie stopped him.

Maybe Xia Li also felt that she couldn't survive.

"When I recovered my memory, I was very scared. The false teacher, the friend who lost his memory, everything, this world seemed to be lying and deceiving! But Lulu lived alone in such a false world and fought independently. Be lonely, Lulu, you must be very lonely, so I think, probably only I in this world can give you a real Lulu."

"I like Lulu very much, even if I know that you are involved in my father, but I can't hate you at all, Lulu made me forget all that, but I fell in love with Lulu again , even if the memory has been tampered with, I am still the same as before, falling in love with you again."

The loss of blood made Xia Li's tone weaker and weaker, Lelouch shouted and begged Xia Li not to die!
Moreover, he gave an order not to die to Xia Li, who was about to die!

However, no matter how powerful Wang Zhili is, he can only make people obey orders, but he cannot save a person who is about to die!

"No matter how many times I reincarnate, I will still fall in love with Lulu! So it's okay, Lulu? Even if I reincarnate, I can still fall in love with you, many times. Many times. No matter how many times I reincarnate. I will still like you After Xia Li finished speaking, the hand holding Lelouch was no longer able to pull the pulley.

"Don't kill Xia Li!" Lelouch cried bitterly, with a heart-piercing cry from his mouth.

At this point, the plot ends.

The audience was also successfully "healed" by this plot.

Seeing that Xia Li would leave in such a way, the audience was instantly angry.

It's okay to die in the hands of the enemy, but what's the deal with dying in the hands of Luo Luo?
"Zhao Gou, please be human! It's okay to change Xia Li's memory before. After all, she is not dead. Now, changing her memory is not enough? Do you want to write her to death?"

"Am I the only one who thinks that Xia Li's death is aggrieved? If Xia Li dies at the hands of the enemy, the protagonist can take revenge and kill the enemy, but if she dies at the hands of Lolo, how can the protagonist take revenge? Kill Lolo? This plot What exactly is Zhao Gou thinking? I really want to use a hammer to pry Zhao Gou's head open to see what he thinks!"

"It's not enough to pry open the head! This plot directly makes me depressed! The good mood of the day is gone with a bang!"

(End of this chapter)

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