please stop making anime

Chapter 258 How could a ghost be

Chapter 258 How could a ghost be
After the first two episodes of Unheard of Flowers finished, Guo Meng fell into deep thought while watching the animation.

To be honest, this anime feels a bit like an anime movie. The emotional description is quite delicate. It is not quite like the battle series made by Zhao Ran before, and the style of painting is also very similar to the battle series produced by Zhao Ran. It's different, it's softer, and it feels like watching a Second Five movie.

As for the content, with the broadcast of the first two episodes of this animation, Guo Meng also got a general understanding of the situation of some male protagonists.

The male protagonist’s name is Rentai, and the names of several childhood playmates of the male protagonist are also introduced in detail. Besides the male protagonist, those playmates who had a good relationship with the male protagonist in childhood all have another nickname, such as Mian code.

Like all grown-up adults, the male protagonist gradually grew up with his childhood playmates, and even stopped communicating with each other, while the dead female protagonist appeared as a ghost. Appearing beside the male protagonist in the form of the heroine, although the female protagonist has grown up, she is still very innocent, just as pure as the heroine when she was a child, and the innocent heroine may be the beautiful friendship between those playmates. the bond.

And the wish that the heroine said needs to be realized by everyone may be the main line of this anime, and this will also become a very important entry point.

And the plot after this anime may be that those few childhood playmates who used to talk about everything but now have nothing to say get together again in order to fulfill the heroine's wish, and their relationship will change accordingly. be beautiful.

However, it is difficult to get people who have not communicated for a long time to get together again, and at this time, the heroine's wish is probably related to this, and this is also the highlight of this anime.

This kind of emotional animation works are actually quite difficult. It’s okay to say about the picture, the most important thing is the catharsis of the emotions of the characters in it, that is, the subtle control of the emotions between these characters.

In Guo Meng's impression, Zhao Ran is very good at controlling emotions, just like the emotional control between the hero and the heroine in Second Five. Of course, Second Five saw Guo Meng's nose and tears at the time. .

After two episodes of this anime were played, the audience began to comment on this anime. Of course, there were both good and bad reviews.

And most of those who made negative comments were black fans or trolls, and these people always relentlessly opposed Zhao Ran.

There are also some viewers who don't like Zhao Ran's animation genre and gave bad reviews.

"Bland and boring, not good-looking at all. It's so different from the previous works. Are you sure this anime was produced by Zhao Ran? Why do I feel like a different person!"

"My expectations were in vain. The gap between this anime and the rebellious Lu Luxiu is not so big. The anime of the rebellious Lu Luxiu is the real masterpiece. This anime directly ruined Zhao Ran's reputation. .”

"In addition to the style of painting and the theme song, which one is satisfactory? And the theme song is too gentle, it makes me want to fall asleep."

"Trash anime, I can do it myself."

Guo Meng directly chose to ignore those bad reviews, especially the netizen who said "I can do it too", if Guo Meng wasn't in a good mood now, he would have turned into a keyboard warrior and yelled a key to teach him how to behave.

Compared with bad reviews, this anime has more positive reviews. Many of the viewers who received good reviews are old fans like Guo Meng. When it was released, these audiences strongly supported it.

These audiences are touting:

"It's good, it's really good. Is it based on friendship and growth? It's the first time I've watched an anime with this kind of theme. I hope this anime can meet my expectations."

"Zhao Gou's animation works must be chased! As for the content and so on, Zhao Gou has produced so many animation works, are there any bad works? All of them are very good."

"I think there is a high probability that there will be some accidents in this anime, someone will die, and I am very scared when I think of the fear that Zhao Ran used to dominate me, but I can't bear to watch his works, it's really tangled! "

"It's very substituting, especially the current situation of the protagonist, which is too similar to me. After I grow up, I will gradually lose contact with my former best friends, and then I can't chat with my childhood partners anymore."

"Humans are social animals, but ah, human beings have to get used to loneliness slowly! In a person's life, no one can accompany you all the time. Your childhood partners will gradually weaken your direct feelings due to growth. Everyone They are all very busy, and it is enough to be alive, but everyone dare not stop their steps, work overtime every day, and in the end, the innocence of childhood is also worn away by time."

"The interpersonal relationship described in this anime is really scary. Those who don't understand or find the anime boring should be primary school students or minors who are still enjoying their time in middle and high school. After going through some things, watch this anime. You will admire the creator Zhao Ran from the bottom of your heart."

"As long as you don't die too many people, uh, as for the undead, I don't dare to expect too much. Zhao Gou's works always abuse the audience repeatedly!"


There are quite a few people in the audience who understand and appreciate it. Second, when Guo Meng was scrolling through the comments of those silly audiences with the mouse, he suddenly saw a comment with a high number of hits:

"Brothers, take a look at the dubbing of the male and female protagonists and the theme song of this anime. The voice actors are all monster series?

Speaking of which, Zhao Gou is not only good at animation production, but also a role model for my generation in terms of perverts. He can dub the hero and heroine at the same time, which is fine, but he even sang the theme song?The theme song is still sung so nicely, so softly?

I exploded! "

Many people have already commented on this post:

"Zhao Gou: Normal operation."

"Zhao Gou is already omnipotent. Apart from not being able to have children, I really can't think of what else he can't do. Hasn't he already dubbed several characters? My wife, King Arthur, is the voice of Zhao Gou. Yin really wanted to complain, but he didn't know what to say." space]
"If Zhao Gou was a girl, that would be fine. You can listen to different voices every day, as if you had several girlfriends at the same time, and this girlfriend is also a talented woman."

Of course, Zhao Ran's dubbing can only be regarded as a small disturbance.

At the same time, a journalist who had been in love for a long time came to the door and wanted to interview Zhao Ran.

"Excuse me, President Zhao Ran, what is your new work about?" Wang Bingbing asked while sitting opposite Zhao Ran.

What a surprise!
The animation news department of the rebellious Lu Luxiu hasn't done a detailed investigation and report yet, and the morality club here has already started broadcasting new works?Can you not make anime so fast!

"What's going on?" Zhao Ran was a little confused. The girl asked herself such questions as soon as she entered the door, and she didn't explain it well. How could I know what she wanted to know.

Because Zhao Ran and this reporter have a true friendship in bed, so the two of them are not formal when chatting.

"Didn't the anime of your rebellious Lu Luxiu just end? According to the general situation of the Ethics Club, new works will be released in a few months, but now this new work is in the rebellious Lu Luxiu's animation." The anime was released less than a week after it was finished." Wang Bingbing expressed his doubts.

"Ah, what are you talking about? When I made the anime of the rebellious Lu Luxiu, I was too bored, so I came up with this anime." Zhao Ran said perfunctorily, but Wang Bingbing on the opposite side believed it. .

"When making the masterpiece of the rebellious Lu Luxiu, President Zhao Ran, do you still have time to think about other animation works?" Wang Bingbing sighed inwardly, then changed the subject and said: "Since this animation work is Zhao Ran However, the president took the time to make it, so, is the quality and plot of this hastily thought-out animation guaranteed? Is President Zhao Ran not afraid that this animation will ruin the golden signboard of the Ethics Society?"

"Golden signboard? That's nothing to worry about. Although I took the time to come up with this animation, I can still guarantee the quality, and it can fully meet the audience's inner expectations." Zhao Ran is not humble, this is Zhao Ran. However, he affirms the animation of Unheard Flower Name, if the animation of Unheard Flower Name does not meet the expectations of the audience, then there is no need for Zhao Ran to make another animation.

As for Zhao Ran's interview, Two-dimensional fans will be very concerned. Seeing Zhao Ran sitting on the sofa lazily drinking health tea, with a cynical smile on his mouth, the audience is itchy with anger but helpless.

"Do you all remember his face? Remember it for me. Next time, if you meet this face on the road, you can just go up and throw off your slippers, and he will kill several of my wives. Yes! And killed my boy Lelouch!"

"Is this new work just created in the spare time of the rebellious Lelouchi anime? I thought this anime was an anime after repeated changes."

"I've heard for a long time that when Zhao Ran made animations, his creations were almost done in one go, and there were very few repeated changes."

"Isn't it normal that an animation ghost who meets once in a few years can easily create an excellent animation work?"

The audience chattered and discussed, and Wang Bingbing also asked the audience a topic they were very concerned about: "Excuse me, President Zhao Ran, is your animation tear-jerking? Or is it Yu Fan?"

"Uh, why do you say that? Couldn't there be other options? For example, Happy Xiang." Zhao Ran shrugged.

"Happy direction? As far as I know, President Zhao Ran hardly makes happy animation works. Moreover, this new work is very delicate in depicting emotions, and President Zhao Ran, your work only needs to describe emotionally. Delicate works will be a bit cruel." Wang Bingbing said.

"Delicate emotional description does not mean that an anime will be abused. Moreover, this anime mainly tells the story of the growth of the protagonist and the friendship between them. There are not many anime plots that want to be abused. Be able to abuse, and I have always hated people saying that I can only make abuse or something, and this anime work is what I showed to everyone, showing that I not only know how to abuse, but also show you Open up the joy." Zhao Ran said with a serious face.

And the audience.
"I bother!"

"Until now, Zhao Gou is still fooling us? Do you think we will still believe your nonsense? This guy may have hidden a knife in a certain plot of this anime again. Everyone must be careful when watching it!"

"If you are Mengxin, you will believe your nonsense. We have been chasing after your first anime work! Zhao Gou, do you think we haven't figured out your routine yet? Let everyone watch you first animation works, and then engage in a wave of massacres!"

"Last time I just believed in Zhao Gou, and believed that he would not abuse cl. As a result, I cried so badly that I couldn't stop crying at all!"

"Don't mention it, I watched the anime of Rebellious Lu Luxiu just because I wanted to watch it, and then I finished watching this anime, and I didn't get over it for a week."

The audience has already begun to disbelieve Zhao Ran's words, this is not acceptable!

Of course, this is also related to the promotion of the festival club. In many cases, the animation content does not match the content of the festival club.

"Usually everyone thinks my anime is very abusive, saying that the heroine dies at every turn in my anime works, but the heroine of this "Unheard Flower Name" is a ghost, and ghosts can't die, so I say this one There is no question of abuse or abuse in animation." Zhao Ran explained solemnly.

Hearing this, it seems to be a little bit right, but it feels very strange and very wrong.

This is how the same thing?

"I don't know what's going on with the audience. As soon as they mention my anime, they think it must be very cruel. But, is it really cruel? Although I have produced a few cruel dramas, I have also produced a lot of funny ones. , such as the Bone King, so when you watch the new anime, don’t just think about abuse or something, you can watch it with confidence." Zhao Ran clenched his fists and looked sincere.

It's getting more and more wrong.
There won't be any big thunder in this anime, right?

However, this anime is really only about growth and friendship, and the heroine is just a ghost who can't die. Thinking about it this way, people who don't die don't know how to use swords?No, the ghost Zhaogou wouldn't think about smashing the heroine's soul, right? It's really possible.

After reading Zhao Ran's works, the audience has long associated Zhao Ran with the attribute of "enemy". As long as it is Zhao Ran's animation works, there are really few female characters in it.

There are some anime works, the death of the female character in it is called a miserable death
For example, the beheaded young ladies don't know how Zhao Ran came up with such a plot in the first place. After watching it, the audience was depressed for several days.

And now the heroine of this new work is a soul state, that is, a ghost.
So, how will Zhao Ran deal with this ghost?

(End of this chapter)

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