please stop making anime

Chapter 260 Face code, I found you!

Chapter 260 Face code, I found you!
Unheard Flower Name has reached the last episode.

As a loyal fan of the Essence Society and Zhao Ran's loyal little fan, Guo Meng squatted in front of the screen and waited patiently early on.

The plot plays on time.

In the last episode of the anime, the male protagonist and his childhood partners finally made fireworks with the help of an uncle, and the female protagonist’s family was also invited on the day the fireworks were set off.

The heroine's younger brother came over, and although the heroine's parents didn't stay with the hero and the others, they also drove nearby and watched them from afar.

Brilliant fireworks exploded in the sky. However, even after the fireworks were set off, the heroine did not disappear. It seems that watching fireworks together is not the heroine's real wish.

And the last episode is actually a continuation of the content of the previous episode. First of all, the younger brother of the heroine thanked the heroine and others for inviting him to watch the fireworks. After speaking, he bowed to the heroine.

The heroine's younger brother is very grateful for what the hero and the others have done for her sister, and the heroine also recognized her brother and called her brother's name.

Of course, the heroine's younger brother couldn't have heard it, and the heroine watched her parents take her brother away with tears in her eyes, but the heroine's parents seemed to have escaped from the grief of losing their daughter.

When the heroine's family left, the hero and the others also went back to their respective homes. At night, the heroine said while eating: "It's a pity, it seems to be another wish."

Although the male lead agrees on the surface, he doesn't quite agree with it in his heart. The male lead always feels that it is his own reason for the female lead's failure to become a Buddha.

After the male protagonist took a shower and changed his clothes, he found that the female protagonist had fallen asleep on the table, and at this moment, his childhood friend called the male protagonist and said that he should not be discovered by the female protagonist.

It's still the shrine where we made fireworks together before, and several childhood friends have gathered together, and the hero is also at a loss when he sees this posture.

Xueji asked the hero at this time: "Why do you think Mianma didn't become a Buddha?"

"Maybe it's because..." The male protagonist sat on the ground and didn't dare to look at everyone with a very guilty look.

And the following plot was beyond the audience's expectations. The childhood friends all confessed that they didn't want to become a Buddha in their hearts at all.

A few people started to cry as they talked, weeping loudly, and then, after this confession, the relationship between the few people who were still estranged from each other seemed to return to their childhood, and even began to grow up with each other. Use the titles they used to call each other when they were children.

In the end, they made a decision: call Mianma to the base, and then use the diary to have a good chat that can truly realize Mianma's wish.

After making such a decision, everyone set off to the base, while the male protagonist went home and planned to call up the face code.

When the male protagonist returned home, he found that the female protagonist had woken up. At this time, the female protagonist was lying on the ground with a powerless appearance.

Something is wrong!

The male protagonist quickly helped the female protagonist up and asked the female protagonist what was going on.

"Mianma's wish seems to have come true." The heroine replied.

"Huh?" The male lead was very surprised by this.

At this time, the hostess told her the real wish in her heart. The hostess’ wish is not to set off fireworks with everyone, but to make the host cry. As for the reason, because the host’s mother once said that the host has never Don't cry, like to hold on, which makes the hero's mother worry about the hero.

And the heroine brought her childhood friends to the base when she was a child because of this incident, but the heroine didn't make the hero cry smoothly, but she accidentally fell into the river.

And when the male protagonist learned that the female protagonist's wish was this, he couldn't help crying out his emotions for a while.

The heroine comforted the hero from the side: "You're crying again, actually, Mianma still likes the way you smile the most."

The heroine gently stroked the hero's cheek, and then slowly withdrew her hand after a while: "Is it time to say goodbye now?"

"Wait! It's not enough now! You can't just tell me! I want to see you, I always want to see you again, I want to call your name, I want to apologize to you, I want to tell you that I like you, but ah , everyone is the same as me! Everyone likes Mianma very much, everyone wants to see Mianma, everyone is waiting for you now, and everyone is waiting for us, waiting for us in the place that belongs to us!"

While talking, the male lead left the house with the female lead on his back and headed towards the base where everyone is located.

As soon as the male protagonist arrived at the base, he couldn't feel the existence of the female protagonist.

The heroine was in a hurry, and hurriedly looked for the face code, but the heroine obviously didn't expect this situation to happen, tears flowed down her cheeks, the heroine covered her eyes and whimpered: "This is... this It's playing hide and seek!"

Although the male protagonist can no longer perceive the female protagonist, he can still hear the female protagonist's voice. The male protagonist was a little stunned after hearing the female protagonist's voice: "What. What hide-and-seek?"

So the male protagonist gritted his teeth and rushed out from the base to look for it outside.

And those childhood friends also rushed out of the base with the hero, desperately looking for the heroine.

The heroine was the only one left in the base at this time, she said softly: "It's not healed yet, me, I have to say goodbye to everyone!"

And outside the base, several people shouted the title of heroine loudly, and the heroine followed everyone like playing hide-and-seek and shouted: "It's not good yet."

At this time, the hostess was desperately writing something in her notebook with a pen in her hand, and whispered: "Wait a while, it will be fine soon."

The male protagonist is still desperately looking for the female protagonist, but the male protagonist did not find it until dawn, and when the male protagonist and the others were almost desperate, the male protagonist found a paper that suddenly appeared under the tree, and looked at the paper The heroine should have torn it from her notebook.

A few people hurried over to take the paper, and it was written on the heroine's words.

"I like the gentle crane very much."

"I really, really like the collection of tireless snow."

"I really, really like a playful bobo."

"I like the serious and reliable An Ming very much."

"I like Renta very, very much. My liking for Rentai is the kind of liking I want to marry you as your bride."

With the soft voice of the heroine and the sound of sheets of paper being spread out, the audience couldn't hold back their tears.

The end of summer with you, future dreams, great hopes, I will never forget, 10 years later in August, I believe we can meet again, with the best memories of the beginning.
At this point in the plot, almost all the audience watching this anime cried. Of course, Zhao Ran couldn't just let them go so easily.

The plot continued, and there was still a small part of the last episode that was not played.

At this time, the heroine leaned against a big tree and thought to herself: "In this way, I will say goodbye to everyone, already"

But at this time, the male protagonist shouted loudly: "What is this?!? How can the hide-and-seek end if you haven't been found yet?!"

The hostess froze for a moment when she heard it.

"Have you hidden the mask?" the male lead repeatedly shouted.

Seeing this, several other friends also followed the hero and yelled, "Have you hidden the mask?"

The hostess was already crying at this time, and then quickly yelled: "The mask is hidden."

But this time, not only the hero heard the voice of the heroine, but everyone heard the voice of the heroine.

The voice came from under the tree, and everyone quickly turned their heads to look. At this time, everyone can see the face code.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised.

"Shouldn't my name be called at this time? Mianma doesn't know how to play hide-and-seek, so please tell me that, Mrs. Ren." The heroine wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

The male protagonist was a little puzzled, but the female protagonist told him that, for example, it should be over.

And the sun was also passing through her chest at this time, and everyone started to say things like I like face size from Bobo.

"Thank you for fulfilling my wish Mianma, I like your Mianma very much." The male protagonist was the last one to say.

At this time, they seem to have returned to their childhood, and the picture of memories appeared, and the heroine also burst into tears and said: "Mianma, I still want to be with you, and I want to play with you, so I want to reincarnate Now, I should be able to be with everyone this way, don’t cry, Jinta, I want to say goodbye to everyone, so ah”

At this time, he wiped his tears and shouted: "One two."

Then all the childhood friends shouted together: "Mianma, I found you."

The tears in the heroine's eyes couldn't be stopped, but at this moment she showed a big smile: "Mianma, I've been found!"

The unheard flower name is over!

However, the popularity did not show any signs of decline because of the end of this anime.

It's really a tough man who cried when he watched it, and there is a lot of discussion on this anime on the Internet:

"Is there anyone who doesn't cry after watching this anime? I couldn't stop crying after watching this anime! Especially in the last episode, the sentence "Face code, I found it" burst into tears."

"I have a long memory. I must be cautious when watching Zhao Gou's works in the future! I cried as much in this anime as I did when I watched CL's anime! This anime is really cruel from the beginning to the end, especially the last episode. , I can't control my tears at all!"

"I'm an old fan. I always thought that people like me who have watched Lelouch and CL have become resistant to Zhao Gou's works. As a result, I overestimated myself. When the ed music sounded in the end, my Tears told me that I was too young to fight with Zhao Gou."

"Fortunately, I prepared a lot of paper before watching it. I wiped my nose and tears while watching it. I finally finished watching this anime decently."

"Zhao Gou's anime has never let me down! I give it a full score! Although it tortured me badly, this anime is indeed a good work, there is no doubt about it."

"The last episode was really tear-jerking, especially the last episode, I couldn't bear it at all! Stop talking, I'm crying."

There are a lot of people who cry when watching this anime.

Although the plot is tear-jerking, the score is very high. Countless viewers gave this anime a high score, and even many colleagues praised this anime.

"Thanks to Mr. Zhao Ran, this anime can be described as excellent. Although the relationship between several characters in this anime is complicated, the core content has not changed. It is still about friendship and growth. Moreover, Mr. Zhao Ran is very good at portraying emotions, and he can use the complex emotions between several characters in it to promote the plot of the whole anime! I am so impressed!"

"I said that I have learned it. Every anime work of Mr. Zhao Ran has benefited me a lot. I will watch Mr. Zhao Ran's works seriously and hope to learn something from Mr. Zhao Ran's style."

"Delicate emotional expression, exquisite painting style, and the ed that makes people cry when they hear it, every detail has been perfected!"

"People always lose something in the process of growing up. Some people will forget their best memories, and some people will lose some old friends on the way of growing up. We all gradually become lonely on the way of growing up. I think that in reality, there will always be situations where we can’t chat with our childhood friends, but this anime has made us recall the good times of our childhood.”

The animation works are well-received. In addition, the quality of the animation itself is very good. Whether it is the soundtrack or the picture, it is all done to the extreme. Some viewers thought they were watching an anime movie at first.

And the Jie Cao Society also put in a lot of sweat for this, of course, all of this is worth it.

Since the broadcast of this anime, the number of hits and topics has never stopped, and Zhao Ran is also a frequent visitor on the hot search list. Of course, Zhao Ran is on the hot search, and the comment area is usually very lively.

Unlike the works, which are almost all well received, the evaluation of Zhao Ran is mixed.

There are not a few people who say that Zhao Ran is great, but there are also countless people who say that Zhao Ran is not good.

"The anime is really good. However, I watched this anime at the beginning because Zhao Ran said in an interview that this anime is not dead. So...doesn't the disappearance of the ghost mean the dead?"

"The plot is obviously super depressing. Well, other people may have their own brand new lives. They may gradually forget the summer when the mask appeared because of the passage of time. But, what about the mask? She is forever stuck in the Is this the perfect ending for that summer? The more I think about it, the worse I feel."

"Zhao Gou really has a plot to hate women. In the past, almost every animation work had a few female characters. Sometimes Zhao Gou would not let go of the heroine, but now it is good. Even if the heroine is a ghost, Zhao Ran is also Find a way to erase her."

"I am very grateful to Zhao Gou for allowing me to watch such a good work. I am very grateful for the hard work of Jie Cao Society to produce such a work, but I just want to scold Zhao Gou."

"If anyone has a chance to see Zhao Gou, he must be more ruthless. He abused us so hard. It shouldn't be too much for us to beat him hard, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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