please stop making anime

Chapter 267 Hard work will not betray oneself, although dreams will betray

Chapter 267 Hard work will not betray oneself, although dreams will betray
"I feel... I feel that your club is so interesting!"

Tuanzi's face was full of excitement and envy, and even little stars appeared in his eyes.

"It turns out that you talk a lot, Ah Qi. How should I say it? It's completely different from you usually. You usually cringe in the classroom. It's disgusting."

Hikigu Hachiman received [-] electric shocks in his heart!

Anyone who is told by a girl that he is disgusting must feel very uncomfortable. Hikigu Hachiman's dead fish eyes look at the dumpling very badly.


"What's a bitch. I'm still a virgin."

Hikigu Hachiman is not a disadvantaged person at all. He whispered to vent his dissatisfaction in his heart. However, what he said was still heard by Tuanzi. She was very angry, but then thought of what she wanted to do, and the anger on her face turned into Out of panic, she wanted to fool the past.

This drama is enough.

The male protagonist dared to scold the girl like that, and Tuanzi directly proved himself.

There is also a very interesting plot where Hikigu Hachiman and Yukinoshita Yukino fight each other.

"My strange knowledge has increased again. What's the matter? Why don't you continue to talk? Who did you learn from this bad habit of not finishing half of the talk? Zhao Gou?"

"I'm still a primary school student. This is not my car to go to school. Please let me down."

"This is where you are going. I will give you a link later, and you can look at various poses."

The first episode of the anime "My Youth Love Is Really Problematic" finally ended successfully amidst the laughter of the audience, and the audience was satisfied after watching it.

Whether it's Hikigaya Hachiman, Yukinoshita Yukino, and the dumpling that appeared, these three people have distinct personalities.

And as the plot progressed, the audience also saw the way the protagonist handles things, such as making dumplings with biscuits, and then letting Hikigu Hachiman taste the taste, and Hikigu Hachiman bluntly said that it was terrible, but then he He also explained that boys are actually very simple. If he likes you, he will not care whether the biscuits you make are delicious or not, but whether the biscuits are made by you yourself.

Tuanzi was very upset when she heard Hikigu Hachiman's words. She worked so hard to make it for so long but didn't get any recognition, not even a perfunctory compliment, which made her very unhappy. Then, Hikigu Hachiman exposed him Self-explosive attribute, it doesn't matter how you are, the key is to see if the matter has been resolved.

A very gentle person.

Maybe Tuanzi didn't notice it, but Yukinoshita Yukino Bingqing's mind is very delicate. She saw Hikigu Hachiman's good intentions, so her impression of Bikigu Hachiman improved a lot.

And Tuanzi also sent Hikigu Hachiman as a thank you afterwards. Although she said he was disgusting before, Tuanzi knew the key to the matter and was not angry because of the previous incident. However, she also played a trick and sent a Bag of burnt cookies.

Although the biscuit was burnt, but the heart is good, but the dumpling can't be pulled down, and the audience's image of the dumpling has changed a lot because of this.

Girls, sometimes they like to be self-willed, which is understandable.

"Efforts will not betray you. Although dreams will betray you, hard work may not realize your dreams, but the fact that you have worked hard is enough to comfort yourself."

"To be honest, I think Hikigu Hachiman's point of view on things is different from others, and his heart is more mature."

"Lonely people are mature in their hearts. Hikigu Hachiman is like a great teacher, telling the audience his way and principles of life."

"Great teacher? What a wonderful title!"

At the end of the first episode of Harmony, the audience was discussing the plot in it, as well as the famous quotes of Hikigu Hachiman, and the title of Great Teacher slowly began to spread on the Internet.

Campus Four Bully Teacher, this title was very well-known in the Two-dimensional world in the previous life. Whenever the title of Great Teacher is mentioned, fans will immediately think of those dead fish eyes and what he said.

This is not over yet, after giving Hikigaya Hachiman the title, the audience gave the other two characters titles, one is called "Hirano" and the other is called "Tuanko".

Luckily, there is no show at this time. When the puppet girl who can play tennis and has a delicate body appears, what expression will the audience face?It must be wonderful.

There is one thing to say, Caijia is actually very good with the teacher. When taking the bus, the teacher even talked to Yicai, and the teacher blushed at that time.

Moreover, the audience is also willing to buy the stocks of Caijia and Mr. Da.

Chunwu has not always been circulated, no matter whether Xue Naigu wins or Tuanzigu wins, I Caijia will never lose such a conclusion.

"The market is open! The market is open! Do you want to buy Xuenai stocks or Tuanzi stocks?"

Zhao Ran saw that those netizens on the Internet were not too serious about the discussion, and posted a message on his Weibo.

Chunwu doesn't speculate in stocks, how boring it seems!

Now because Caijia has not yet appeared, Zhao Ran will add another Caijia stock after Caijia appears.

"Stock trading? I'm sure my wife, Xue Nai, will win! The interaction between the teacher and Xue Nai is super loving, and I have a natural sense of CP."

"Damn, don't you want the dumpling? What a cute girl, you throw it away as soon as you say it? Damn scumbag! I'll buy the dumpling stock! The dumpling will definitely win!"

"Isn't anyone betting that the protagonist is single? The protagonist's character is a bit unpopular with girls, and it's hard for girls to understand the self-destructive personality."

"I don't care, I want to buy Yukino shares! I like Hei Changzhi! Besides, who said that no one understands the protagonist? Xue Nai can understand the protagonist. Although I, Xue Nai, have a poisonous tongue, my heart is also very gentle and delicate. "

The so-called [-]-[-] split, the number of viewers who buy Tuanzi shares is about the same as the number of viewers who buy Xuenai shares.

Now the audience only chooses based on their own aesthetics. When the plot develops further and the audience learns more about their personalities, it will be difficult to determine which character they like.

Regardless of Yukinoshita Yukino or Tuanzi, they are all very good, very good girls, and it is a blessing in life for any boy to be their boyfriend.

And the big teacher was able to win the love of both of them at the same time, and was finally confessed by Yukinoshita Yukino.

How can it be repaired!
And when the stock fan finally ends, there will always be a group of people crying and howling, saying that the ending is not in line with their own wishes, how could their favorite character become a loser in the end, etc. This is also the charm of the stock fan.

Some viewers will send blades to the author because they are not satisfied with the ending, such as the author of "My Sister", the audience wanted to hit someone after watching the ending!

Zhao Ran is very sympathetic to those viewers who choose Tuanzigu, and hopes that they will not explode in their hearts when they see the final ending of Chunwu.

(End of this chapter)

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