please stop making anime

Chapter 273 The Great Teacher Is the Immortal Charge

Chapter 273 The Great Teacher Is the Immortal Charge

Youth is a lie and a crime.

People who sing the praises of youth are always deceiving themselves and others.

They actively use all the resources of their environment.

Even if it fails miserably, it will be regarded as a proof of youth, and a beautiful page will be carved in memory.

Let me give you an example.When these people commit crimes such as stealing or gang fights, they will call it "youthful".

They hold up the guise of "youth", and they can misinterpret it to you regardless of basic common sense or social ethics.In their eyes, lies, secrets.Mistakes and failures are just the spice of youth.

Not only that, but they can also find a distinctive "personality" in sin and failure.

One's own failure is a normal part of youth, and the failure of others is not youth, but simple failure.In their view, only they are the real winners in life.

If failure is the proof of youth, wouldn't those who can't make friends stand at the pinnacle of youth?Presumably those people will not agree with this statement.

IMHO, they are just a bunch of egoists.

Therefore, everything they do is deception.And deceit, fraud, lies and secrecy are all to be condemned.

These people are evil personified.

Conversely, those who never sing of youth are the true messengers of justice.

That's where I came to the conclusion.

Charge me now and explode! ——Teacher
There are quite a few posts on the Internet about the various quotations of the great teacher in the first season of this anime, and under these quotations, there are at least tens of thousands of netizens who commented.

The work is too popular, no, it should be said that in today's fast-paced society, there are too many audiences who are in the same situation as the teacher. They are as lonely as the teacher and feel that their youth is a failure, but , they didn't have Yukino and Tuanzi around them, nor did they have the seemingly ordinary but very human service department.

In the last life, the anime became a mess, which is also related to the psychology of young people and the environment they live in. They can easily enter the role of the great teacher and experience the mood of the great teacher. The way things are handled also makes them think deeply.

"Actually, watching this anime gave me the biggest insight into my understanding of youth, especially the situation of the teacher, and his interpretation of youth, so that I am no longer confused about my youth. Some people think that this anime is just It’s a very ordinary youth campus show, how could it be possible? Ordinary anime can make people have such a deep feeling after watching it?”

"Isn't it normal for Zhao Gou to produce a masterpiece? I think if this animation work is classified as a youth campus, it will be difficult for other animation production companies to surpass it. It is now at the rubbish level of other animation production companies in China, and it will last for a lifetime. It can't be surpassed."

"The great teacher is very good and gentle, but he is too gentle. This kind of personality can only exist in two-dimensional. In the dirty world of three dimensions, it is impossible for such a person to exist. The society will hit him to the dust."

"I can't bear to hurt anyone. That's why the big teacher blew himself up. He is so gentle. Yukino is the same. He is obviously a poisonous tongue, but his heart is very gentle. The same is true for Tuanzi. He can't bear to hurt anyone. This anime All the characters in it are angels!"

"The great teacher is very good, but please don't imitate it, because the three-dimensional is different from the two-dimensional. In the two-dimensional, there are Yukino and dumplings. They will accompany the great teacher, but you in the three-dimensional are only yourself. You are much more lonely than the big teacher."

As for the big teacher who said that the current charge is going to explode, in the three dimensions, the audience never felt that the big teacher was the death charge that everyone envied. He was accompanied by two little angels, Yukino and Tuanzi, There is also Jing Keai, a life mentor who imparts his own life experience to the great teacher, and the audience living in the three-dimensional world, in addition to watching their favorite animation works, how many true friends do they have in their own lives?

Some people don’t have a single friend in their life, some people only have one or two friends, some people may say that they have many friends, but when something really happens, there are only one or two friends who can help you, or even, No one will help you.

The three-dimensional society is filthy, selfish, and profit-seeking, while the "big teacher" in the three-dimensional world is a fool, an idiot, and a psychopath that some people can't understand.

If there are people like Yukino and Tuanzi in the three-dimensional dimension to accompany the "big teacher" in the three-dimensional dimension, then he may be able to survive, but unfortunately, it is impossible for "Yue Nai" and "Tuanzi" to exist in the three-dimensional dimension .

The great teacher is the kind of person who would rather hurt himself than hurt others. In real life, this kind of person has long been cheated to death by others. You can be kind, but others will not show mercy to you. You choose to be gentle, but others Choose the law of the jungle, your tenderness will only make others feel that you are weak, and your kindness will become an excuse for others to bully you. You can learn to think with the thinking of a great teacher before doing things, but you cannot use the way of a great teacher.

Three-dimensional, after all, is different from Two-dimensional.

That's why those viewers love Two-dimensional so much.

The three-dimensional troubles will be forgotten in the beautiful Two-dimensional, where there are only what everyone likes to see, those gentle people, and those beautiful things.

Of course, these major premises are under the condition that Zhao Ran chooses to create a beautiful world for the audience.

"Thanks to the Festival Club, thank you to Zhao Ran, I finally let my grandfather watch an anime that I like. If possible, I want to enter this world, so I will be satisfied just playing tennis with Xue Nai."

"Play tennis with Xue Nai? Are you not afraid of being abused by her and then taunted by Xue Nai's vicious tongue? Xue Nai's mouth will not show mercy."

"I'm willing to be scolded, this damn real world, let's explode! I just want to go to Two-dimensional!"


"Clearly talking about the current charge to explode, but I am a dead charge. Great teacher Versailles."

"It's true, flirting with the beautiful female teacher, flirting with the most beautiful girl in the school, and there is a cute girl beside me giving cookies. When I am interested, I will talk about my virtuous sister."

The more the audience analyzed, the more they felt that Mr. Da was not the failed youth he said!On the contrary, he should be the most successful one!Compared with Da Sensei's youth, what are they who are watching anime around the screen?
Slowly, a sour taste began to fill the mouths of the audience.

So, shouldn't it be said that the big teacher is going to explode?

(End of this chapter)

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