please stop making anime

Chapter 275 I became stronger and bald

Chapter 275 I became stronger and bald

What is a hero?

Audiences who have passed the so-called heroic movies in the United States may speak out the so-called heroes in their hearts, like Iron Man, who can stand shoulder to shoulder with a mortal body like a god?

And the anime One Punch Man tells that the so-called heroes are not like Iron Man, they are two different styles and realms.

As One Punch Man said: "So, as long as I feel satisfied, that's fine."

Before becoming a superhero, One Punch Man had no nympho fans, no media, or even a decent income.

Still living in the abandoned building, he eats, sleeps, buys vegetables, and fights monsters as usual. It's very ordinary.

Being a hero used to be his hobby, but now, being a hero has become a part of his life.

There is nothing noble about protecting the earth, it is just like everyday life, like eating and sleeping.

Unlike the core of a superhero like Iron Man, the core of a traditional hero has been wiped out, leaving only the cactus on the balcony of One Striker.

The one-shot man is bald and super strong, and he has also worn out his blood in the three years of struggle. These three years of struggle have also made him understand that the evil in this world can never be dealt with cleanly, regardless of How passionate he is and how he fights, this society is still the same as before, and after those evils are dealt with, another kind of evil will be born, and the one-shot man is not depressed or sad because of this.

Is it insensitive?Is it a loss of emotion?

In the previous life, some viewers watched the anime of One Punch Man and said that Saitama had lost his emotions.

However, is this the case?

He saw it, and he saw everything.

As long as you are satisfied, this is Saitama's mentality. Even if you encounter a situation where you feel very depressed sometimes, the one-shot man is indifferent.

It's like One Punch Man is eager to have a fan, or shake hands with crazy female fans, but he doesn't have any of these.

He doesn't even have the qualifications to be recognized by others. The evaluation of him by others is nothing more than "bald", "slutty man" and "no one will recognize you".
Very sad response.

If it was a normal person, it would probably be very frustrating and sad.

The one-hit man responded, "These people are really idle."

He was not angry, perhaps, he knew it in his heart.

He has indeed become stronger, but he is also bald!He was bald at a young age, how could a girl look at him more?In this face-controlled world, ordinary people can't afford to be hurt!

In fact, the audience thinks he is quite handsome, especially when he is serious, but in normal times, he is like a big goose egg on his neck
Female fans prefer that kind of handsome hero, even if he is not very good
Qiyu is not depressed, he still wants to do what he usually does, when he needs to buy groceries, he goes to fight monsters when he needs to.

After watching this anime, viewers will praise Saitama, saying that if Saitama's power is placed in Hokage or Pirates, what level will Saitama reach, whether he can wrestle with Naruto or become a four emperors.

This is not what the author of the anime One Punch Man wants to tell the audience. What the author really wants to say is: as wide as your heart is, you will have as much power!

As a hot-blooded anime, One Punch Man has really attracted countless fans recently. Many people are impressed by his power. When Saitama appears in front of all kinds of tricky monsters, people always see the light of the savior, especially His hearty punch vented out the deep resentment and depression at the same time. The author used this technique to let the audience feel this kind of pleasure. It has been tried and tested, and even reached the point of addiction.

Saitama's charm has a lot to do with the power of his punch. Many people are fascinated by it. No matter what kind of dragon-level disaster, in front of him, just a serious punch can solve the problem.

In the anime, Saitama's power is inversely proportional to his appearance. He used to have a sunny and handsome appearance and thick hair, which can't be considered absolutely handsome, but it is also possible. When he becomes invincible and omnipotent, his hair is unexpectedly It's all gone, that is, the less hair you have, the stronger your strength!
In fact, Saitama's strength is not due to his efforts, because Saitama's efforts are too ordinary, just the basic training level of ordinary people, and the strength of Saitama is actually determined by his inner state. The higher his realm, the more powerful his abilities become. In the end, when Qiyu lost his inner feelings such as fear, tension, and stimulation, he became extremely powerful. Qiyu's blurred eyes can explain everything.

And Qitama's inner strength is reflected in several aspects. First of all, his appearance. For a young and bald person, he has to bear a lot of external ridicule, and Saitama has long been used to this kind of ridicule.

On the second aspect, Qiyu is really calm about other people's misunderstandings, and even pushes the boat along the way, and even uses other people's slander and misunderstanding to "beauty as an adult", which shows his inner strength. Noisy like ants.

The third aspect is to help others. When Saitama knew that the S-level hero king was a counterfeit parallel importer, he did not expose this person, and even chose tolerance, which reflected the tolerance of the strong to the weak.

In the fourth aspect, Saitama doesn't care about personal credit at all. When disasters of various levels come, Saitama will not hesitate to take action "out of interest", helping mankind to overcome difficulties time and time again, even in the face of human beings. He doesn't care about slander and incomprehension.

Saitama's true strength lies in his inner self-cultivation. If he really becomes chasing fame and fortune and only has money in his eyes, then Saitama will be no different from ordinary people, and Saitama's strength cannot be said to be related to his state of mind. It is related, but his strong heart is the real soul of this work, and it is Saitama's real strength.

The opening setting of this anime is also very interesting. The protagonist is invincible at the beginning. After watching the first episode, there is even a feeling that this anime will be cold. The protagonist is already invincible. So how should the plot continue?With such a mentality, when the audience watches a few more episodes, they can't help but want to stand on the side of the villain. The one-shot man is too strong, and the audience feels sorry for the villain!

Compared with One Punch Man, the villains are pitiful. If one punch can't solve it, then just two punches. Some villains can't even support the normal one punch of One Punch Man, so they burp.

Zhao Ran chose to make this animation. Apart from the passionate fighting plot in this animation, the core concept of this animation is what Zhao Ran wants to express to the audience.

In the face of injustice and setbacks in the world, learn to face them with a smile like a one-shot man.

A strong will is enough for us to face this complicated and muddy world.

(End of this chapter)

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