please stop making anime

Chapter 277 A Hero With Relieved Interests

Chapter 277 A Hero With Relieved Interest
"Everyone, please look at this huge explosion and the destructive power of this monster. Now the situation is getting worse. Therefore, the next time the association evaluates this disaster as..."

Fearless war reporters wearing yellow hard hats are telling everyone about the disaster situation, and at the moment they are in a bad situation.

As a war correspondent, it's easy to die.

Before the war reporter finished playing, people who were watching the news saw a black and white screen appear on the screen.
War correspondent. Lost contact.

And then, a gleaming bald man appeared on the audience's screen, and he wanted to swim against the current!

"lets go."

The bald man looked at the blacked out TV screen and said so.

In the black passage, only the entrance of the passage in the distance showed light, and the bald man familiar to the audience reappeared in the light, but this time he put on a cloak.

"Protagonist! Wow! Such a handsome outfit! The yellow tights and cape, but his gloves are really ugly."

"I suddenly want to buy this bald man's equipment, where can I buy it?"

"I saw a pair of dishwashing gloves on a certain treasure that are exactly the same as the bald man's. Of course, the bald man's gloves are definitely not the kind of waterproof gloves for washing dishes, but if you want to imitate the bald man, you can buy a pair. "

"Let's not talk about the equipment, what's the matter with the bald head? I have no sense of substitution! Can Mr. Zhao change it in the future? I really can't substitute a bald man!"

"It should grow hair in the later stage. In the novels I read before, the main character was a eunuch at the beginning, but in the end, he was pulled out as a little dick?"

Because of the bald head of the one-shot man, many viewers made complaints about it, and some viewers even boldly speculated that the bald man's hair would be very lush in the future.

However, the audience is still looking forward to the next plot, the monster is too arrogant, it has been pretending for so long, it is time to punish it!
Just looking at the word "one punch" in the title of this anime "One Punch Man", the audience has already guessed that the protagonist will be very powerful, and any monster can be killed with one punch.

If this kind of invincible animation has a reasonable plot arrangement, it is more interesting than those animations that upgrade and fight monsters. For example, Bone King is also invincible at the beginning, and the audience will watch it with gusto.

"Dad, Mom!"

In the ruins, a little girl covered her eyes and shed tears. She was afraid and looked for her parents in a panic, hoping that her parents could rescue her.

However, there were ruins all around her at this time, and her voice could no longer call her parents, but instead attracted the monster's attention.

The huge purple-skinned monster slowly walked in from behind. It looked excitedly at the little girl who was crying in the ruins, and it showed its happiness based on the pain of others.

Amidst the wild laughter of the monster, it decided to give the little girl a final blow and end her life with its own hands. The monster's hand stretched out towards the little girl, and it wanted to crush her to death!

It's as simple as pinching an ant to death at will.

The bloody smell would pervade, and the stumps would pile up into works of art. When the monster crushed the little girl to death, it didn't feel the pleasure of crushing an ant from its hands.

In astonishment, the monster looked not far away.

There, a bald man like him was wearing a cloak, gently putting the little girl down.

Just at that moment, the protagonist arrives and saves the poor little girl from the hands of the monster.

"who are you?"

The monster is in a very bad mood at the moment, someone has taken away from you what you thought was your own, and even if you are in a personal mood, you will not be in a good mood.

Moreover, this monster has been domineering for a long time, invincible and lonely, and the heroes who came to attack him have been punished by him, but at this time, a person sprang out from nowhere and snatched his prey.

"A Hero with a Relief of Interest"

Someone who takes being a hero as a hobby?
After hearing the one-hit man's answer, the monster couldn't help but want to complain.

To be a hero is to be a good person, if not to be a normal person, do you take being a hero as a hobby?Don't you think that being a hero is a very casual job?

Didn't you see those two people over there still lying down?
"Ahaha! With this setting, the bald man has the feeling of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

"Bald vs. bald, who will win? The title of this anime is "One Punch Man", so the protagonist can't deal with monsters and really only needs one punch?"

"Both heads are hairless, but one is purple-skinned, and the other is shiny."

The audience watched the two bald heads confront each other on the ruins, and they were still looking forward to the next battle scene in this anime.

If the super-burning scene can be accompanied by an exclusive BGM, it will be even more wonderful.

"I am a vaccine man produced in the environment that humans are constantly polluting!"

"Shuilanxing is a complete life, Shuilanxing people, you are the pathogenic bacteria that corrode the life of Shuilanxing!"

"In order to eliminate human beings, or the harmful civilization created by human beings, I was born here with the will of Water Blue Planet."

"How dare you say you're interested! Interested? With such a ridiculous reason, you dare to deal with the apostle of Water Blue Star?"

"Humans really are."

The more the monster thinks about it, the more he gets angry, and he no longer maintains his original appearance, but has become his strongest state. He wants to punish the one-hit man, and the audience is also looking forward to it. Will the battle between the one-hit man and the vaccine man be very smooth? Burning, will it be very hot-blooded?

However, the next scene made the audience a little dumbfounded. Faced with the vaccine man's complaints and the terrifying strongest state, the one-hit man only punched so lightly, and the vaccine man's huge body was punctured like a balloon. Then disappear in an instant.

The bald man was very strong, one could even say, ridiculously strong.

The destructive power of the vaccine man was still vivid when he appeared, but the moment the bald man appeared, he killed the vaccine man in seconds.

"Hey, hey, hey! This bald man is a bit scary! Can he kill such a strong monster with just one punch?"

"Vaccine Man: Can you wait until people finish complaining about you before you punch? You killed me before you even started pretending to be aggressive?"

"It was so easy to win. Originally, I wanted to see if there would be a super-burning scene in Zhao Gou's battle. Looking at it now, I will start to taste the plot of this anime."

"Zhao Gou doesn't understand martial arts at all. It's very difficult for him to make martial arts dramas that show his fists and legs. His animations usually follow the plot line, or the animations revolve around a theme or core."

"So, what is the core value of this anime? What does Zhao Gou want to tell us through this anime?"

The audience enthusiastically posted barrage, chatting about the contents of this anime.

(End of this chapter)

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