please stop making anime

Chapter 279 Why is the hair gone?

Chapter 279 Why is the hair gone?
"This child doesn't even know what trouble he got into. What should we do? Is it still too late?"

"This kid is too frustrated, and it's none of my business."

"Leave it alone."

"Yeah, what does this matter have to do with me!"

The man's tangled face finally showed a smile. He didn't need to pay for this naughty boy, and he had nothing to do with him. Besides, the crab man just let him go, and this kid should also do it for him Mistakes pay the price, right?

The man thought about it for a long time, and then decided to give up. It is not worth it to pay for an irrelevant person, and it may even cost him his life.

"found it!"

And at this moment, the crab man appeared, excited to see the little boy, and wanted to pinch the little boy to death with his own pincers.

The scene would be very bloody, and some people who couldn't bear to see the little boy's tragic death couldn't help turning their faces away from looking at the cruel scene. However, when they opened their eyes, they found that the little boy was standing there intact.

It turned out that the man could not persuade himself to remain indifferent in the end, and his eyes were still lifeless, but he followed his heart and decided to help the little boy.

This little boy is indeed too naughty, but no matter how naughty he is, this little boy is just a child, so kill him just because he drew circles on his upper body?This punishment is too heavy.

A man is still a good person in his heart. Even if he has no confidence in life, he is still kind in his heart and will help those in need.

"Although... I also think this little kid is very unpleasant, but just by drawing a few circles with a marker pen to kill his life? This is too much."

"Come on, follow your heart, now you are doing the right thing!"

"What you think in your heart is different from what you do in your hands, typical involuntary?"

The audience cheered for the man.

Although he successfully rescued the brat from the crab monster just now, his situation is not good now.

He was just an ordinary person, and he didn't even have a job. How could such an ordinary person beat a weirdo?This crab monster can kill him with a single pincer.

"Hey, hey, it's just a child's prank, do you need to kill him?"

The man tried to use words to persuade him, but there was no way, the strength was not enough, and the strength gap between the two sides was huge. If he could use words to persuade the crab monster to give up killing this brat, that would be the best solution.

What can be solved with mouth, absolutely does not need to be solved by force!
The man's thinking is still very clear at this time.

"I've seen a lot of people, and I can't leave anyone who dares to laugh at me!"

"This kid, draw circles on my body, what's more, it's an oil-based pen!"

"I can't even hold a towel with these pliers."

"If you dare to make trouble again, I will make it impossible for you to find a job for the rest of your life."

Listening to the man's words, the crab man was also very helpless and expressed his difficulties.

He also wanted to be a good crab, but the facts didn't allow it, this little bastard even used an oil-based pen to draw circles on his body, but he couldn't wipe them off!

"The whole audience is the worst! I feel sorry for the crab monster. This little boy really needs to be educated, but it would be too much to kill him. No matter how you say it, he is just a child."

"In this world, there are a lot of crimes committed by children, and some crimes are very excessive."

"That can't be killed. You can use other methods to educate. Besides, it's just drawing circles on your body. Isn't this just a little naughty?"

Although the audience didn't like the brat, they were all on the man's side. Although the brat made a mistake, he could be punished so that he wouldn't do similar things in the future, but he couldn't kill someone because of it!

It's just drawing a circle, it's not murder and arson.


The man laughed out loud, but his laughter sounded painful, as if his heart was suffering to the extreme, and then a qualitative change took place on this basis.

"I remembered, you are exactly like the villain in the book!"

Facing the man's ridicule, the crab man knocked the man away with one blow, and the strength of the two sides was not at the same level at all.

"Wait for me, a society with a declining birth rate cannot allow you to kill children indiscriminately!"

The man stood up from the ruins unsteadily.

"Falling birth rate hahaha, is birth reduction appearing in anime? Zhao Gou combined reality with the virtual world! Aging and birth reduction are also very serious in real life!"

"So, how to solve this situation now? The two sides are obviously not on the same level! The crab monster almost killed that man just now."

"It should explode."

As expected by the audience, the man exploded.

"That's right, my childhood dream was to become a hero, not some office worker, but a hero who can knock down you scum with one punch!"

"I'm not looking for a job anymore!"

"Let the horses come!"

The scene suddenly became heated, and the man began to face up to his heart after this incident. His dream is not an office worker!But a hero!

The audience also recalled it.

Is this guy with hair the guy with the bald head?

So, what has he experienced in the past three years? !

"Scared me. I don't dare to stay up late anymore. I changed from a handsome guy to that look in three years? The difference between having no hair and having hair is not so big."

"I was so scared that I quickly touched my dog's head. Fortunately, my hair was still there."

"Pay attention to your body. The body is the capital of the revolution. Take care of yourself while you are young."

"It's okay, Bawang for hair loss prevention! You deserve it!"

The audience is now almost stunned by the changes in the protagonist's bald head and once lush hair. What has he experienced?Only three years!Hairless in three years?

Even if you stay up all night with kidney deficiency and masturbation, and multiple bad habits of hair loss are superimposed, it is impossible to lose all your hair within three years!

At the very least, come to the Mediterranean.

However, One Strike Man's current task is to get rid of the crab monster at this time.

At this time, he was not as strong as after the bald head, and he could beat the monster to nothing. Now he is just an ordinary person, and the crab monster abused him just like playing.

When people encounter danger, they will either tremble nervously and have no combat effectiveness, or they will calm down and think of a way to break the situation.

And men belong to the latter.

The man seized the opportunity, covered the crab monster's exposed eyes with his own tie, and then pulled hard, the eyes were ripped out with all kinds of messy things by the man.

The scene was bloody.

And the crab monster was also wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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