please stop making anime

Chapter 282 One-Punch Superman's Fire, Many Factors Are Indispensable

Chapter 282 One-Punch Man's Fire, Multiple Factors Are Indispensable
"This time Zhao Gou didn't lie to us, it was really just a simple battle. Why do I feel like weeping with joy?"

"You, maybe Zhao Gou pitted us too many times, but to be honest, the animation of One Punch Man is really good. The battle scenes in it are very exciting. I can't help but want to follow Saitama That's the way to exercise your body."

"Don't, be careful of baldness. You don't feel anything if you exercise for a day. If you exercise for three years in a row, you can try what it feels like."

One Punch Man was once an exercise for the original author to practice the web comic editing software ComicStudio.

Later, because it was serialized on the Internet, it unexpectedly got a high hit rate. Due to the rave reviews, the author drew up a plot and started the serialization. This version is called the "original online version".

Then in another world, Murata Yusuke created "One Punch Man - Remake" based on the original, which was translated into English as ONE PUNCH MAN re-make, and was serialized in Shueisha's online comic magazine "Young jump next door", 12 Issued monthly.

And the protagonist Saitama in it was originally an ordinary person who was busy looking for jobs all day long. After saving the boy who the mutant crabman wanted to kill due to accidental reasons, he regained his childhood ambitions. Out of interest, he decided to do a hero.

After three years of "purgatory" training, he finally became an invincible bald (fog) one-hit man (fog).

The excellent painting and storyboarding at the beginning of the One Punch Man animation quickly unfolded the structure of the world view. This is an overhead world where weirdos and heroes run rampant.

Evacuation alerts and the like are commonplace, and the setting of the protagonist is all explained within the short opening 3 minutes, invincible for no reason.

After that, I specially set up a memory kill to tell you that being a hero is just a matter of interest.

When the giant came, Refuge disappeared within a few seconds. On the one hand, it told the audience that this is a humorous comedy, science and science should not be considered by the audience at all. On the other hand, it told the audience that the people here The destruction of the cities in which they lived was commonplace, and the masses took refuge without even being alerted by the alarm.

And under such a world view of a wonderful environment, the creator constructed a rich story with a very unscientific world. The 360° dynamic picture expresses animation-like feelings, hearty fighting, and page spreads, which can fully capture the audience. heart of.

At the same time, the topic of the first episode is also very fast. After killing monsters easily twice in a row, the protagonist lamented why he killed his opponent with another punch. What is so interesting about the protagonist who kills with one blow?The protagonist himself hates his own strength?For the author, this setting is undoubtedly the difficulty of hell level, the realm of invincibility is very boring.

Audiences prefer to watch the characters with the "protagonist face" rely on untold hardships and growth to cultivate their unique skills and finally fight the legendary final boss. After thousands of rounds, they still have to rely on their mouths, teammates. Halo, courage, spirit of Xiaoqiang, nirvana, etc. The main character halo made the last big move, and the BOSS was in seconds. Before the BOSS died, he still screamed why he was not the protagonist. Such a plot.

The above are the inspirational scripts that I usually come into contact with the most. However, Mr. Saitama solved it with an ordinary fist. It is such an absurd setting, but this anime did not disappoint the audience. The next two episodes use Genos as a foreshadowing Quickly expanded the world view - Heroes Association.

"Teacher, haven't you registered in the roster of heroes?"

"...Tsk, I don't even know."

This plot is very joyful, and the development of the Hero Association has made the plot take a serious direction. The hero exam is just like the exam in reality. It seems that silently protecting the earth is useless. "Jenos can gain the world's recognition by relying on his background, and by the way, he can get an S rating by hugging the teacher's thigh and destroying the Evolution House, and Qi, who was bought by the protagonist before he even had time to finish his self-introduction. Teacher Yu only had a C rating, and Teacher Qitama cried loudly.

And this anime also explains what justice is, whether it is the game of the Hero Association for fame and fortune, or Mr. Saitama who only protects the earth for the sake of protecting the earth. Perhaps the audience in reality has already forgotten the original intention on the way to pursue their dreams. Is it to gain social recognition or to fulfill one's own dreams? This may be a question that this animation leaves to the audience to think about.

The world of heroes also makes a certain judgment on geniuses. High-ranking heroes are all possessing unique skills and have countless reputations. The attack of the King of the Deep Sea further clarifies this point of view. As a C-level knight, an undocumented knight can be said to be an ordinary person, but I still stand up as a hero and tell everyone with actions that in the face of despair, those who dare to face are heroes.

"Every fallen hero present is just buying time for Saitama's arrival. With his awesome existence, the fallen heroes present don't seem to shine so brightly!?" People like this questioned, this Isn't it just a kind of social reaction, helpless but have to say.

However, Mr. Saitama once again used his own justice to tell everyone that he was just picking up cheap ones and taking good care of the fallen heroes. Such self-deprecating words allow these heroes who implement their own justice to get the respect they deserve.

Saiyu-kun, there is no doubt that you saved this town, but people reacted like this. This is the reality. You are the strongest person I have ever met, so I didn't intervene on purpose. I don't want to see you in With the corrupted appearance of this industry, resignation might not be an option. - Banggu

Teacher, I have never seen such an outstanding person as Teacher Saitama. I will not be recognized by the society, so I will follow the teacher. — Genos
Saitama has won the recognition of others with his own quality, and this anime has no sense of direction compared to the general hot-blooded manga. Compared with the manga with clear goals like Naruto Pirates, One Punch looks older , but overall it is a masterpiece.

One Punch Man is not an ordinary bloody funny work, but also adds a lot of criticism and helplessness to the dark side of modern society. Teacher ONE used a theme close to purgatory to wake up the audience who are still chasing their dreams. Gentlemen, who set the limit? Have you really worked hard, who has not become stronger so far?Many viewers can't help but have such doubts in their hearts.

Regarding the work of One Punch Man, when watching it, it brings to people the excellent painting style, perfect dubbing, superb plot, and funny jokes. All these have made him such a high score on Douban.

Saitama-sensei is a hero out of interest!Because I saved a child, I started on the road of a hero!But on this road, too many problems have been reflected!
The appearance of the vast majority of villains is due to the destruction of the environment in reality and the indifference of people's lives, such as: vaccine people, etc.!Human beings destroy the environment and are attacked by monsters, and the monster itself is caused by the harsh environment.The emergence of all kinds of things is caused by the failure to handle the relationship between human beings and nature, and human beings and human beings!
The Deep Sea King Chapter and the Meteorite Chapter can best reflect this point!In the story, disasters always follow. When a crisis comes, these people will only pray for others to save them, but they can't do anything themselves. At this time, a hero descends from the sky to help you solve the crisis!But when the crisis is over, he has the luxury of not having any losses at all!In this way, the same hatred against the enemy will be blamed by thousands of people!It is also because the hero arrived late, and all the responsibilities were pushed to "the theory that heroes are useless"!Perhaps this is the despicableness of human nature~
Saitama-sensei, it's not just the body that's strong!It is his heart!He always knew his original intention!Why do you want to be a hero? There are still endless crimes in the world. Does being a hero contribute to society?He doesn't care about other people's eyes, but he cares about his own heart.

He hopes that he can make the world a better place, even if only a little bit!Single-handedly drinking with the world, going through hardships and not forgetting the original intention, this is Saitama!

In the current hot-blooded comics and battle comics that have been developed for so many years, is the routine of the hot-blooded and domineering young man who counterattacks from the tail of the crane really very popular?Many such kingly and hot-blooded comics just keep fighting, keep fighting!It turns out that the stronger, the stronger the better!Hit the earth, hit the universe!But then what?The blood turned into emptiness, and later I might not even know why I fought or why I shot!And Mr. Saitama is the strongest when he appears on the stage, and he knows why every time he makes a move!But instead, he wants to find the "high fighting spirit" that everyone in Wang Daoman has!
There are actually three main reasons why One Punch Man became popular: the absence of a harem, Saitama’s character setting, and the high cost of the plot.With these three points, One Punch Man is enough to become a very popular anime.

The first is that there is no harem.The audience has long hated the harem, the unreasonable plot, the unreasonable setting, the pitiful few excellent harem fans, coupled with the high pressure of life, and the low willingness of people to have children, the audience naturally rejects this kind of drama from the bottom of their hearts. type of anime.

As for Date A Live, it's purely because the content of this anime is too good. If the content is rubbish, this anime will definitely be criticized by the audience.

Invincibility plus no harem, One Punch Man can be seen from this, we can see that no harem occupies these two advantages.Therefore, the reason why One Punch Man is popular is also related to these two factors.

The audience actually likes to watch Invincible's works, the key still depends on how to set it up, and this animation mainly revolves around the character of the protagonist, and attracts the audience through the protagonist's personality charm.

The audience can see that although Saitama is very strong.However, he was a very poor man.Every time he sees a big discount in the supermarket, Qiyu is very excited.At the beginning, in the battle between Saitama and Asura Unicorn, because of one move, the supermarket discount punched the plot of Asura Unicorn in seconds.

It's a close-up of Saitama's character.Secondly, it is Saitama's invisible pretense.Regardless, Saitama doesn't seem to be ostentatious, otherwise he wouldn't be an A-level hero now.Become the strongest hero directly.However, Saitama has a particularly pretentious catchphrase.

Another punch!Compared with this sentence, everyone is familiar with it.Because although Qiyu has great strength, he is also very distressed.Because Saitama is already invincible.And after being invincible for a long time, I long for a powerful enemy to fight with my blood once.

It's a pity that every time a strange person appears, he is instantly killed by Saitama's punch.Even Poros appeared.It also couldn't make Saitama fight with passion.Therefore, it is also because of Saitama's setting that the animation of One Punch Man became popular, as well as the fighting process in the plot.

In the battle between Genos and Saitama, Genos also became a financial fighter.When it came to the battle between Poros and Saitama, it was also very intense.

Therefore, although the name of One Punch Man is simple, the plot is not simple.

The audience was satisfied after watching this anime, and the Jie Cao Society also counted money because of the good performance of this anime.

The president is really amazing!

The employees looked at Zhao Ran who was dozing off at the office desk with admiration.

One after another, each one is hot!

Especially this anime work, because it is a fighting series, has a large audience. Now that the first season of One Punch Man is not over yet, the number of hits has already exceeded [-] million!

Who else? !

Excuse me, who else in China can hang like this?
Except Zhao Ran!

"President, do you want to have a celebration banquet?" Li Xuan asked Zhao Ran who was sleepy and woke him up.

"Celebration banquet? Isn't the work unfinished?" Zhao Ran rubbed his eyes.

"According to the current momentum, the final result of this animation will far exceed our expectations, and the results are really great." Li Xuan said with a smile.

"Li Xuan, pride is unacceptable." Zhao Ran looked at the employees who were chatting enthusiastically outside and said.

How can I follow this? After following myself for such a long time, is this achievement so exciting?
"President, in the future, why don't we focus on the battle series as the main production direction, and it's better to make less Yu Yu and tear-jerking series. Although those works are quite good, they are far behind the battle series." Li Seeing that Zhao Ran was in a good mood, Xuan suggested in a timely manner.

Do less depressing episodes and tear-jerking episodes?
how can that be!

If the anime works lack these anime works that make the audience feel emotional after watching them, how much rich spiritual food will the audience have in their lives?

Zhao Ran also knows that the battle series has a larger audience, and if you come to any excellent battle series, the hits of the work can exceed [-] million. However, you can't say that this kind of work is not good enough just because the hits of Zhi Yu's series are not as good as the battle series.

Almost all of the more valuable awards are those animation works that reflect real life and have a somewhat depressing plot.

If you want to earn money, the Fighting Fan is the best. If you want to win prizes, the Yu Fan is easier.

(End of this chapter)

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