Chapter 206 Strange Girl
In the laboratory where the Goddess of Death is behind her, the purple Cabernet breath is getting stronger and stronger, which is the deepening of the Goddess of Death's understanding of the concept of death.

And the red mist outside Hell's Kitchen gradually became obscuring, and all kinds of monsters attacked Hell's Kitchen from all directions.

Silton recalled in his previous life that he had watched a movie called "Avengers III", in which Thanos led an army to attack Wakanda where the superheroes gathered. Wakanda was surrounded by force fields, and the alien army came from all directions. attack.

At that time, the righteous version of Captain America ordered to open a hole in the defensive force field, so that all the monsters could come in from one point, which was convenient for defense.

Silton thinks that the current situation is the same as when Thanos attacked Wakanda, just like Jin suggested:
"In addition, we can arrange the Cabernet atmosphere below the kitchen in an uneven way——

We are the defenders, and the monsters on the opposite side are the attackers. They can attack from any angle, but we can't cover everything.

Therefore, I suggest that the Cabernet breath at the south gate be slightly lowered, and the Cabernet breath at other positions be slightly increased, so as to gather all the attacking monsters at the south gate. Wouldn't it be wonderful? "

Jin Bing said: "I've already thought of this. The current Cabernet breath is arranged as you said, but the calculation of Taylor and Layton's mathematical model concluded that even if we can use the Cabernet breath The strength of the monster affects the attacking position of the monster, but this effect cannot deviate from a certain angle.

For example, a monster attacking from the north cannot use this method to guide it to the south to attack; it can only be guided from the north to the northeast or northwest.

Three guiding attack points have been set up around Hell's Kitchen, namely the South Gate, East Gate and West Gate. Now the strength of the monsters at the entrance of the South Gate has been greatly enhanced. It is estimated that the East Gate and West Gate are about the same, and the guards there should be fast. I can't stand it anymore. "

As soon as Jin Bing finished speaking, he heard a report from the earphone:
"Boss Jin! The situation is not good! There is a big, short and fat monster coming to the east gate, and it is very difficult to deal with!"

"Boss Jin! The situation is wrong! There is a tall and thin monster coming from Ximen! We can't hold on any longer!"

Silton said: "I will guard the south gate, Jin Bing will go to the east gate, and Spider Woman will go to the west gate. You all have the Cabernet breath blessed by me, and you will definitely be able to deal with them!"

Jin Bing and Jenny nodded, and Silton let himself have another consideration in the middle, which is to support both sides.

Three flowers bloomed, one for each branch, the other two said nothing, let's talk about the bald and strong man Jin Bing first.

Bin Bin came to the east gate for support, and sure enough, he saw a short, short and fat man. He was said to be short, but compared to his body, if he compared his size, the short and fat man was even taller than Jin Bin!
A guard shot at the bloody Ai Pang Pang, but Pang Pang Pang has been pickled by the red mist to a certain degree of saltiness, and the things in the Cabernet alloy bullets alone have no way to cause fatal damage to him. It can't effectively restrain his recovery ability.

Those Cabernet bullets shot at his flesh and blood, blooming blood-colored flesh flowers, like delicate roses dripping with red dew, and the chunky and fat recovery ability is so strong that it instantly shatters the cracked flesh and blood. Closed again, so the Cabernet bullet seemed to hit the water surface, knocked open a water pocket, and was filled again by the surrounding water.

As the saying goes, if you cut off the water with a knife, the water will flow again, and the short and fat man will not worry about being beaten, only to see that the short and fat man is following the same steps, staggering, and walking slowly and firmly towards the east gate like a drunkard.

The guards put on a big grenade launcher. The difference between the grenade and the bullet is that the bullet will not explode when it hits the target. At most, it will use the angular momentum of rapid rotation to smash the flesh and blood of the person, just like Naruto. same face.

The grenade is different. The grenade has built-in gunpowder. When it touches the target, it will explode. It is more powerful, and of course the volume is also larger.

A grenade bullet made of Cabernet, which is filled with metal powder with a Cabernet scent. These powders are mixed with gunpowder and can cause damage to enemies in a wide range.

The guard aimed at the chunky forehead, "Boom!" A shot was fired, and the grenade hit the bull's-eye, piercing a hole in the center of the chunky forehead, and then exploded!

The chunky brain is like a bowl of tofu brain with firecrackers in the middle, and the white wisdom is splashed everywhere, and it is almost impossible to look at it.

Jin Bing swears that starting today, he will never drink bean curd for breakfast again!

The short and fat head was directly blown away. This kind of newly formed flesh and blood has low defense and attack power, but it is big and soft and useless.

But the splashed brains and flesh and blood are extremely dangerous. When this disgusting thing splashed on the head of a guard, the unlucky guy was killed.

Originally, there was a neutralized buffer zone between the Goddess of Death's laboratory and the red mist outside, and Jin Bin and the guards were defending in this buffer zone.

It stands to reason that the guard at this position would not be affected by the red mist, but his body was splashed with flesh and blood soaked by the red mist, so he also mutated——

The guard's body began to split, and the macroscopic mitosis was a figurative human body splitting into abstract red slimes.

Because these red slimes were not in the atmosphere of the red mist, they didn't appear to be very energetic, they just wriggled slowly, trying to find food.

But I saw a big foot stepping on it right above——



"Puff Chi Chi!"

Jin Bin crushed the flesh and blood several times, and commanded the guards:

"All of you stay back and cover me. The monsters that will attack next may not be dealt with by ordinary Cabernet bullets."

Just as he was talking, a few legs jumped up and down outside the east gate.

These legs are different from other blood-colored lumps of flesh or blood men. They are not bare muscles, but covered with flesh-colored skin, and even fine hair.

These legs are extremely fast, bending and straightening, like springs that can balance themselves, rushing towards the gold!

Jin Bing blocked with his arms upright, blocking the kick towards the door, but the other legs were extremely fast, and kicked Jin Bing's body one after another.

The legs themselves are the driving device for people to move. Usually, when the legs are moving, they also carry the buttocks, lower abdomen, stomach, arms, neck and head.

Now these legs have been liberated, like an athlete who usually trains with weights, at this time he has finally unloaded all kinds of burdens and can flex his muscles!

So, they are extremely fast!

Therefore, Jin is at a disadvantage!
In fact, Jin Bin is not at a disadvantage, this level of attack can only cause skin trauma to Jin Bin, but someone always kicks him, which is very annoying!

Jin didn't want to explode his muscles prematurely, so he could only wrestle with these legs.

The few guards with guns behind them didn't dare to shoot rashly. What they never expected was that one day they could see with their own eyes that their boss was fighting with five legs, and they couldn't do much to help them. busy.

Jin Bin, who was being kicked in the face by a stinky foot, frowned, and realized that something was wrong——

There's something wrong with those legs!
If they had only legs, they couldn't think, and they couldn't even keep their balance!

How did they sit so vigorously!
There must be something wrong!

Jin and began to look for where the brains of these legs were.

Eh?what is that!
Jin Bin suddenly discovered that there was a translucent thin line at the base of the thighs of these legs. There were five legs. These five legs were connected together by this extremely long and thin line, and the position where these five lines meet , is a small white meat ball the size of a fingernail——

This should be the brain of these five legs!

Jin reiterated this creature again, only to realize that it is not exactly five separated legs, but more like a huge five-legged spider. The small white meat ball is the spider's body, and the five human legs connected with silk threads are the spider's body. Spider's legs--

This little guy looks quite unique!
Jin and understood the number of the five legs, and knew how to deal with them——

Seeing the right moment, he grabbed the five-legged brain and crushed it, oh well.

Jin Bing just breathed a sigh of relief when he saw another big guy coming from the opposite side.

Put down Jin and don't show it here, let's talk about the situation on Jenny's side——

Jenny came to the west gate and saw that the guards were struggling to deal with a tall and thin blood man.

This blood man is taller than Yao Ming, he is not a little giant, but a giant.

The blood man is three or four meters tall, with slender legs, slender arms, slender neck, and slender hair (nonsense).

The Cabernet bullet hit him, and it was the same as Chunky Plump, and it was useless.

Jenny said: "You guys cover me from the back, and I'll be in charge of dealing with him!"

Jenny is best at dealing with this kind of thin and tall people, but those short and fat people are not easy to deal with.

Because it is thin and tall, with a high center of gravity and light weight, it can be easily moved by the spider silk——

Jenny used extremely fast bodywork to circle around the tall and thin man a few times, and the spider silk entangled his feet, tightening——

Tall and thin, his balance was unstable, and he fell down all at once.

Jenny stepped forward and punched him in the head, smashing his normal skull.

Just here, the sound of "Hula Hula" was worn in the sky.

Jenny looked up and wondered who is hula hooping in the sky?
The sound of "hula" was getting closer, and Jenny realized that it was a group of red blood swallows!
Just like Fitz demonstrated to everyone!
This group of blood swallows was extremely fast, as if rushing to reincarnate, they attacked from the west side of Hell's Kitchen!

Jenny secretly rejoiced that she was defending Dongfang, otherwise it would have been difficult to deal with Jin Binbing's bald head.

Jenny danced ten times, weaving three-dimensional spider webs in the air——

Planar spider webs are easy to weave, as long as you weave a few axes, and then set up spider threads between the axes to form several concentric polygons.

But the three-dimensional spider web is not so simple. Jenny also realized it for a long time before she waited for Silton to tell her how to weave a three-dimensional spider web.

Gossip less, Jenny wove a dense three-dimensional spider web on the way of the blood swallow at an extremely fast speed. The spider web was extremely thin and dense, like a thick white mist.

The blood swallows slammed into each other, their fragile bodies were cut off by the hard and sharp spider silk, and instantly became meat. Jenny wove a few more airtight and water-tight spider webs to block the guards so that they would not be caught. The red mist was infected into a slime.

As soon as Jenny collected the spider web and collected all the minced meat, right here, she heard a scream——


The scream was very high-pitched, like it was emitted by a girl. What made Jenny feel weird was that the sound came from outside——

During this period of time, all the monsters Jenny encountered were unable to speak. They had only been soaked in the red mist for less than two hours, and they hadn't had time to evolve a complete language system and vocal organs.

Even if it evolves, if you can't have both at the same time, you can't make a sound.

This made Jenny doubt whether this call for help came from a normal human being.

But Jenny immediately denied herself. Everyone who came into contact with the red mist turned into blood clots. How could there be normal people?

Even if Captain America has the strongest transformation memory of human beings, he cannot avoid becoming a slime!
But the exclamation was getting closer and closer, but it stopped outside not far from the west gate of Hell's Kitchen. She seemed to have been attacked.

Jenny told the guards behind her: "You guys are defending here now, and if you have something to do, call me loudly, I can hear you."

Jenny thought, find the source of the sound by herself. Since she can hear the source of the sound here, then she should be able to hear the guard's cry for help from the position of the source of the sound.

After arranging the guards, Jenny followed the voice and went out.

The voice Jenny sounded very familiar, as if she was an acquaintance, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Visibility in the red mist was very low, and Jenny followed the direction of the sound, leaped forward a few times, and saw a black girl surrounded by several blood-colored slimes. The little monsters were deadlocked.

"You, don't come here!" The black girl swung a wooden stick and slammed a slime on the head. The red slime was hit head-on, flattened, and collapsed like a camel's hump.

But at the collapsed position, a mouth grew out, "click, eat, eat", and gnawed the wooden stick out of a crescent-shaped depression.

Jenny wondered why this girl was able to stay in the red mist without being eroded?
Jenny didn't think about it anymore, she fired a few spider webs, covering the red tumors on the ground, and then shot a spider thread, grabbed the girl's waist, and pulled her over in the air.

Jenny hugged the girl, and felt that this person looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she saw it for a while, and she had a lot of questions in her heart, and she didn't know where to ask.

Forget it, let's talk about leaving this place of right and wrong first!
Jenny gave the girl a princess hug, hugged her in front of her, jumped up and down a few times, and returned to the west gate of Hell's Kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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