Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 108 Body Forging Techniques

Chapter 108 Body Exercise Techniques (Part [-])
Jiang Beichen looked at Lin Qing affectionately and said, "Qingqing, since you have come to Xincheng, please stay here for a while, and let me do my best as a landlord."

Lin Qing watched his extremely attractive deep eyes staring at herself, and accidentally fell into his gentle eyes again. She looked at his sexy lips, and her heart beat unconsciously.

Lin Qing cursed secretly: "I'm really worthless, when did I become a nymphomaniac?"

She used to despise nympho people, thinking that these people are superficial and only value appearance, she thinks everything on the surface is false.But I didn't expect that now she would be infatuated with the handsome man at every turn, her heart beating uncontrollably.

She didn't know that she was not a nympho, but a heartbeat. She had never been in love before, so she mistakenly thought it was a nympho.

Lin Qing couldn't help muttering: "Jiang Beichen, why do you have to be so handsome, it makes me crazy."

"What? You mean you like my looks very much, so I'm really glad I look like this." Jiang Beichen said complacently.

"Let's go, I'm starving to death, I've been busy for a long time, and I haven't had lunch yet?" Lin Qing pouted.

After finishing speaking, Lin Qing regretted it. Why did she act coquettishly to Jiang Beichen? This was something she hadn't done in many years. She remembered being coquettish when she was very young, when her parents were still around.

Jiang Beichen's heart was suddenly melted. He unconsciously reached out and touched Lin Qing's head, and said with a smile, "Wait a minute, Qingqing, I'll take you to eat delicious food right away."

Then Jiang Beichen drove an off-road vehicle and took Lin Qing to Yuelai Restaurant, a well-known restaurant in Xincheng.

As soon as Jiang Beichen entered the restaurant, the owner of the restaurant immediately found out, and he hurried forward and said, "Chief Jiang, why are you here?"

"I'm bringing friends to dinner, so you can serve us some special dishes, more dishes. Also, don't call me chief outside." Jiang Beichen said lightly.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang...Mr. Jiang, wait a moment, I will arrange a box for you right away." The boss said courteously.

After the two came to the box, Lin Qing joked, "Chief, it seems that your rank in the army is not low!"

Jiang Beichen smiled lightly and said, "If you come to the army, you probably won't have lower achievements than me."

Lin Qing quickly waved her hand and said, "Forget it, I can't stand any restraints. By the way, are you familiar with this store? I think the boss seems to know you very well."

Jiang Beichen nodded and said: "The boss here is a soldier I led before. Later, when he was performing a mission, he was seriously injured. After healed, he could no longer do high-intensity exercise. Then he retired from the army and used Pensions opened such a restaurant."

After a while, eight dishes and one soup were served, such as braised mutton, fat sausage in dry pot, mutton fried with onions, Sima Huaifu chicken and other local snacks.

Jiang Beichen introduced: "These are local snacks in Xincheng. They taste very good. Try it."

Lin Qing picked up the chopsticks and said with a smile, "Then I won't be polite."

As she spoke, her fingers fluttered, once again showing that she eats quickly but not messily, although she eats in a turbulent manner, she still has an elegant style.

Jiang Beichen had already seen how she ate, and he didn't understand how such a small person, such a small stomach, could hold such a large amount of food.But he didn't know that Lin Qing's stomach was not an ordinary person's stomach, she could use her spiritual power to quickly digest and decompose food.

"Eat slowly, no one will compete with you." While staring at Lin Qing's meal, he helped her pick up the food, but he himself ate very little.

After Lin Qing finished eating, she stroked her belly, like a lazy cat, Jiang Beichen was once again turned into a bud.

He smiled sweetly, this daughter-in-law is so nice, sometimes like a noble phoenix, powerful, sometimes like a flying nightingale, mysterious, sometimes like a lazy cat, cute, sometimes like a bird that fell into the world Genie, moving.

At this moment, the phone rang, breaking the quiet time between the two of them.

"Hello, who is it?"

Jiang Beichen returned to his cold look in a blink of an eye, as if the previous smile was an illusion, but Lin Qing knew that it was not an illusion. Sure enough, the cold handsome guy's heart was full of fire. The deeper he suppressed, the stronger the explosion.

"I'm Qiu Shi."

"Commander Qiu called me, is there something wrong?" Jiang Beichen's voice was as cold as ever.

"The time for the special forces finals has been confirmed. We only have about half a year. In the past, our Dragon Tooth team was always ranked first and second. If we still rank like this this time, then we will not be able to explain to the chief of our theater, especially It is our individual combat capability, which needs to be strengthened most." Qiu Shi said.

"I'll find a way." Jiang Beichen said.

"It's not about finding a way, but this time the Special Forces Finals must get a high ranking." Qiu Shi ordered.

"Yes." After Jiang Beichen said this word, the phone was hung up.

"What's the matter? Are you in any trouble?" Lin Qing asked, she heard some clues from the phone just now.

"It's about the troops. As you know, I'm the coach of Longya, a special forces unit in the central theater. In about half a year, the special forces in the five major theaters will have a competition. When I took over Longya, its strength was the highest among the five major military regions. Worst of all, teamwork and some other skills can be improved, but it is extremely difficult to improve individual combat ability, just like our martial arts. But this time, my superior officer requested that the advanced If the ranking is still poor, I guess I, the instructor, have made it to the top." Jiang Beichen smiled helplessly.

Lin Qing knew from his smile that he didn't care about the position of the instructor, but whether he could train the soldiers well.

"What do I care about? It turns out it's such a trivial matter." Lin Qing said with a smile.

"Small matter? Qingqing, do you have a better way?" Jiang Beichen said with a bright eye.

"Of course, I have a body training method here. Combined with herbs, it can greatly improve their individual combat capabilities." Lin Qing said. Even so, it is very precious to the people on earth.

"Approximately how much combat power can be improved?" Jiang Beichen asked.

"What is the most powerful person in your special forces unit?" Lin Qing asked instead without answering.

"Ming Jin's late stage cultivation."

"That should allow him to improve his dark energy cultivation base. As for how much he can improve, it depends on their perseverance. But this method is a quick one, and it will be difficult to break through to a higher level in the future." Lin Qing explained.

"That's enough. There are very few masters in this world, and there are not many masters of dark energy. Being able to use this method can be regarded as giving them preferential treatment." Jiang Beichen said after thinking for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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