Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 120 Pang Qing Was Beaten

Chapter 120 Pang Qing Was Beaten (Part [-])
At noon, an unexpected visitor came to the door of Class [-], Grade [-] of Qingshui Middle School.

After class at noon, he stood at the door and said, "Call Qing Lin for me."

He asked the classmates at the door of the class for help.

"Lin Qing, someone is looking for you." The students in the class shouted.

Lin Qing put down the book in her hand and walked towards the door.

Lin Qing looked at the stranger in front of her and said, "Who are you?"

"I'm your fiancé, Pang Qing." Pang Qing's voice was loud, and the students in the class were stunned by the news.

"Lin Qing is actually engaged, it's unbelievable." Everyone thought to themselves.

Lin Qing looked at the ugly cripple in front of her, and said with a sneer, "I have a fiance? Why don't I know?"

Pang Qing also showed a surprised expression and said, "Didn't your father and stepmother tell you?"

Lin Qing sneered and said, "I have already severed ties with them, so they can't decide on my affairs, you'd better leave quickly."

After Pang Qing saw Lin Qing, she was very satisfied with Lin Qing. How could those dark and strong village girls be able to compare with her skin that can pinch water and her clear and pleasant appearance.Few people born in rural areas look so supple like Lin Qing. Most of them have wheat-colored skin and strong bodies, because they have to withstand the wind and sun for long-term farm work.

"How is this possible? Since ancient times, marriage is the order of parents and the words of matchmakers. Since your parents promised you to me, then you are my fiancee." Pang Qing refused to give up.

"Fuck your mother's parents' orders and the matchmaker's words. I just said that I have severed ties with them. Are you deaf or mentally disabled?" Lin Qing was so angry that she burst out with foul language.

"You... why are you swearing at people? Speak well if you have something to say." Pang Qing didn't expect that this pretty and thin girl in front of her was so bold and unrestrained.

"Don't you want to have a good chat? Let's go out and talk." Lin Qing smiled evilly.

Pang Qing was immediately fascinated by Lin Qing's beautiful smile, and his heart felt like being scratched by a cat. He unconsciously said, "Okay."

Soon the two came to a secluded place outside the school, Lin Qing hooked her fingers and said, "Come here!"

Pang Qing's heart itched even worse, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Could it be that Lin Qing was too shy before, and wanted to find a place where no one was around to make out with him?"

It has to be said that he thought too simply, didn't he see that there were two dark storms approaching in Lin Qing's eyes at this time?

As soon as Pang Qing walked to Lin Qing's side, a white and tender fist hit him.

After dozens of punches in succession, she didn't stop.

"Oh, it hurts me to death." "I was wrong, stop stop."

Lin Qing didn't use any spiritual power, she just used her body's own power to vent it. Even so, Pang Qing was beaten to the point where her whole body was bruised and several ribs were broken.


Seeing such a beautiful smile again at this time, Pang Qing was no longer as surprised as before. He was very frightened. In his eyes, the woman in front of him was a poisonous snake in the skin of a beauty. Being bitten by the opponent, he lost his life.

After finishing all this, Lin Qing left.

Pang Qing immediately called the emergency number and the home number.

In the ward of the hospital, Pang Qing had already been given emergency treatment. A middle-aged aunt who was in good condition cried loudly, "My son, who beat you like this? You are not looking for that little girl from the Lin family." Have you cultivated your relationship?"

"Mom, it was Lin Qing who beat me. She is extremely cruel. I can't marry her. If I marry her, I will die and be beaten to death by her." Pang Qing cried bitterly.

"What? It turned out to be that little hoof, why did she hit you?" Pang Qing's mother, Zhang Fang, was surprised.

"She probably doesn't want to marry me. She said she has severed ties with her father and stepmother." Pang Qing said.

"Hmph, that little bastard is so cruel. She dared to do such a cruel thing. We are lucky to see her. I didn't expect her to be so ignorant." Zhang Fang's well-maintained face showed a ferocious look. .

"Mom, I think it was Lin Qing's stepmother, Yang Chun, who cheated us. They never told Lin Qing that they were engaged to her, probably because they were afraid that Lin Qing would not like it. They took our money and took our money. Let's have fun!"

Pang Qing had to admit that he felt a frightening aura from Lin Qing, which made him dare not easily trouble her again. He had already developed a subconscious fear of her.

Most people in this world are bullying and afraid of hard things. For those who are not easy to mess with, most people dare not easily make mistakes.

"Yang Chun, that bastard, she probably took a fancy to our family's gift money. But I not only want her to spit out the money, but also make her pay for our medical expenses." Zhang Fang said angrily. The woman's bent mind can be clearly seen.

"Yang Chun wants to teach me a lesson, but I won't let that little bastard Lin Qing go. She dared to hurt my son. I really think our Pang family is easy to bully!" Zhang Fang secretly said.

Lin Aiguo's family had a happy life these past few days. Yang Chun looked at the 10 yuan in the family and was so happy from ear to ear.

And Lin Aiguo also planned to stay at home for a few more days, and then go out to work to earn money after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

On the morning of the second day after Pang Qing was beaten, Yang Chunzheng was about to go shopping and buy something. Zhang Fang led a group of people and knocked on the door of Yang's house.

"Ouch, mother-in-law, why are you here?" Yang Chun opened the door and saw Zhang Fang, and said with a smile.

"What mother-in-law? Who is your mother-in-law? Don't mess with us." Zhang Fang said angrily.

Looking at Zhang Fang's suddenly changed face, Yang Chun wondered, "Didn't we just get engaged to Pang Qing and Lin Qing? But it's true, after all, I'm not married yet, and I called my mother-in-law a little too early."

"Hmph, I'm here to retire this time. Who would dare to be in-laws with someone like you?" Zhang Fang opened her mouth and said sarcastically.

"Sister Zhang, what did you say?" Yang Chun was puzzled, why did the other party suddenly change his mind?
"Look at your family's good work. My son is engaged to that little bitch Lin Qing of yours, but you didn't tell each other. Yesterday, my family, Pang Qing, went to school to find Lin Qing, intending to develop a relationship. I didn't expect that Lin Qing Without further ado, the little bastard hooves beat Pang Qing up. His whole body was covered in bruises, and even a few ribs were broken. My son, why is life so hard? Meeting such a cruel and merciless woman , who dares to have such a woman, who dares to marry? I am afraid I will lose my life if I am not careful." Zhang Fang yelled loudly.

At this time, the neighbors around were attracted by their quarrels, and Zhang Fang's goal was to ruin Lin Qing's reputation and make her unable to marry for the rest of her life.

(End of this chapter)

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