Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 126 Stepmother's Regret

Chapter 126 Stepmother's Regret (Part [-])

Hearing Yang Chun's cry, Lin Shangjin hurriedly opened the door and entered. What he saw was that her mother was strangling her own neck, and two policemen were helping to hold her arms to prevent her from choking. strangled himself.

Even if Yang Chun is guilty, she should be dealt with according to the laws of the country, instead of letting her kill herself. If she doesn't commit suicide in front of them, they can't control her.But she committed suicide in front of them, and they couldn't ignore it.

Yang Chun's strength became so great at this time that the two policemen almost couldn't break her hand.

In fact, in Yang Chun's consciousness, the scene in front of her was like this. Zhang Yueping was strangling her neck, trying to strangle her to death. The harder she tried, the more difficult it was for her to breathe.

Lin Shangjin looked at his mother who was getting more and more difficult to breathe and her face was turning blue, so he hurried forward to help.

What Yang Chun saw was that Zhang Yueping opened her mouth full of blood and bit her. When the other's face approached, she bit her ear and pulled it off forcefully.

"Ah, ah, mom, what are you doing?" Lin Shangjin was in pain, he didn't expect his mother to step up and give him a bite, and bit off his ear forcefully. .

When Yang Chun heard Lin Shangjin's voice, she was shocked, and the strong power drove her to wake up from the chaotic state just now.

"Shangjin, Shangjin, you're here, you... What's wrong with your ears? Who did this? How can you bear to attack a child? Huh, huh, huh" Yang Chun looked at Lin Shangjin's side with no ears, blood flowing , the pain is unbearable.

"Didn't you bite this?" Lin Shangjin roared angrily.

"How could it be that I bit it? I bit Zhang Yueping." Yang Chun quickly shook her head and said, her tears kept streaming down, and only then did she feel the pain, the kind of heart-piercing pain.

"Mom, what happened? Why doesn't my dad recognize me? He still wants to go for a paternity test with me." Lin Shangjin was puzzled.

"Son, go and treat the injury quickly, I will explain this to you later." Yang Chun quickly comforted him.

The nurse was stunned by everything in front of her eyes and forgot to react for a while. At this moment, she looked at Lin Shangjin whose face was covered with blood, and said quickly: "Come on, let's find a doctor and do the operation for you. Maybe your Can the ears still be connected?"

In this way, the nurse took away Lin Shangjin and his ears.

But Yang Chun looked at the air blankly and said: "Is Zhang Yueping you? Are you going to kill my child? My child is innocent, why are you killing him? You want revenge, you come to me, I'm not afraid of you, Don't go to my child."

The two policemen looked at each other helplessly, and said to themselves, "Is this Yang Chun crazy?"

Then they left the hospital and rushed to the Public Security Bureau. After all, they had a lot of work as police officers. They planned to wait for Yang Chun to recover before arresting her.

But Lin Qing saw the police leave the hospital, walked secretly to the door of Yang Chun's ward, and took the evil spirit back,
At this moment, Yang Chun, although she no longer saw Zhang Yueping in the hallucination, she was still suspicious.In the ward, she waved her hands and cried for a while to strangle people.

"Zhang Yueping, come out for me, you are not allowed to hide, are you hiding and trying to harm my child, I will strangle you, strangle you to death."

She was very frightened for a while, and shrunk herself into a small ball.

"Zhang Yueping, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to harm you, so don't come and harm us."

And the other people in the same ward moved to other wards long ago when Yang Chun went crazy, fearing that they would receive unwarranted disasters. After all, in their view, this Yang Chun was just like a mental illness.

After a while, Lin Shangjin pushed the door open and walked in.

When Yang Chun saw his son, he was completely awake.

"Where are your ears? Why didn't they connect them for you?" Yang Chun asked with tears in his eyes when he saw that there was nothing on the side of Lin Shangjin's face except for some gauze.


"Your father? Isn't that your biological father? I'm afraid he hates me now. When I was pregnant with you, I married Lin Aiguo." Yang Chun said helplessly.

At this time, her tears kept streaming down. Although she was in a chaotic state before, she also knew that she had admitted her murder in front of the police. It is estimated that she will be sentenced in a short time. What about my son?
"What? Then who is my father?" Lin Shangjin asked.

"I don't know either." Yang Chun shook his head and said.

"Ha, you don't know, you don't know, why did you give birth to me in the first place? Why didn't you kill me?" Lin Shangjin roared at Yang Chun.

"I'm sorry, Momo, Mom, I'm sorry." Yang Chun also shed tears of regret at this time.

"Then what if I don't have ears? I will become a disabled man in the future, a man without ears." Lin Shangjin said angrily.

"Mom will definitely find a way. I'll call Lin Aiguo right now. Whether I want to borrow money from him or act like an ox, I will ask him to save you with money."

Yang Chun hurriedly picked up the hospital's landline and dialed Lin Aiguo's number. Her phone was left at home when she fainted.

"Hello, who is it?" Lin Aiguo's tone was not very good, obviously in a bad mood.

"Patriotic, I'm Yang Chun. I lost my motivated ears. I beg you to save him. Is this money I borrowed from you?" Yang Chun said in a low voice.

"Heh, don't you despise my uselessness? How can you borrow money like a useless person like me? Besides, you will be imprisoned soon. What do you give me back?" Lin Aiguo sarcastically said.

"I... before I was imprisoned, I was yours, so you can do whatever you want?" Yang Chun thought of the only way to repay at this time.

"Yang Chun, Yang Chun, you really can't change eating shit, even if you want to, I still don't want to, I think it's dirty." Lin Aiguo said coldly, without a trace of emotion.

As the saying goes, a good word makes three winters warm, and a bad word hurts a person's six months.

But Lin Aiguo's words made Yang Chun feel like falling into an ice cave. Lin Aiguo had never said harsh words to Yang Chun before, let alone the bad words now.

However, for the sake of his son, Yang Chun had to say in a low voice: "Patriotic, I know I'm sorry for you, I don't ask you to forgive me, I just ask you to look at the relationship between you and your father and son who have been motivated for many years, you save him, if you If you don't save him, his life will be ruined."

"Doesn't he still have a biological father? Do I need to save him?" Lin Aiguo sarcastically said.

"I can't get in touch with his own father, please save him." Yang Chun continued to plead in a low voice.

"Oh, it's not that you can't get in touch with his real father, but you don't know who his real father is! You are such a bitch!" Lin Aiguo hung up the phone after cursing.

(End of this chapter)

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