Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 128 The Death of Yang Chun

Chapter 128 The Death of Yang Chun (Part [-])
But Yang Chun was so angry that she hung up the phone. At this time, she deeply realized that borrowing money hurts feelings. Her two younger brothers are just white-eyed wolf. She regrets so much, regrets buying a house for them Buying a car to make more money has taken a wrong path.

Only at this time did she deeply realize the hatefulness of herself before, and only when she reached a desperate situation did she know how to reflect on herself, but it was too late.

When Yang Jianguo heard Liu Mei's words, his eyes widened in shock, and he dared not answer: "Is this true?"

"Of course, my friend saw it with his own eyes, can it be fake?" Liu Mei sneered.

"Who did my sister kill?" Yang Jianguo was puzzled.

"No, I have to tell our mother about this quickly. What if she tricks our parents into borrowing money? The money will be spent in vain. If the police find out again and say they helped her abscond, then we Parents have two mouths and can't tell clearly. What's more, she will go in soon, so why drag us down."

Yang Jianguo calculated, he remembered that his parents still had a little savings, which was given by Yang Chun before, and the other party was going to go in anyway, so why drag others down?
"Your wife, I'm smart!" Liu Mei said triumphantly.

"Yes, my wife, you are amazing." Yang Jianguo praised him and ran to his parents' house.

On Yang Chun's side, Lin Shangjin looked at Yang Chun's distressed appearance, and said cautiously, "I didn't get any money, did I?"

"Moving forward, don't worry, I'll think of a way, and I will definitely be able to borrow money." Yang Chun quickly comforted.

"I said before that the two uncles are nothing, and I didn't let you give them money. You still don't believe it, but do you believe it now?" Lin Shangjin said.

"I didn't expect them to be a white-eyed wolf. I thought that if we had a good relationship with them, they would help us in the future. Who would have thought that they would treat me like this?" Yang Chun was puzzled, she didn't understand why she treated them So nice, yet they were so indifferent to her.

"I want to ask Sister Lin Qing to help me." Lin Shangjin's eyes showed hope.

"What? You want to ask her for help? No way." Yang Chun said appraised.

"Why not?" Lin Shangjin said, he didn't know that his mother was the murderer who killed Lin Qing's mother. When he came back, Yang Chun had already fainted, and soon he followed Lin Aiguo to the hospital , just missed the timing of knowing the truth.

"It's too late for her to hate you, how could she help you?" Yang Chun said with eyes dodging left and right, she had already deeply realized Lin Qing's horror, and she didn't want her son to suffer any more.

"Sister, why does she hate me?" Lin Shangjin asked puzzled.

"Because... because I was the murderer of her mother." Yang Chun had to tell the truth because she was afraid that Lin Shang would go in and look for Lin Qing.

"What? Why did you kill my sister's mother?" Lin Shangjin looked at Yang Chundao with strange eyes.

"I...I..., Mom didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it, woo woo woo." Yang Chun cried bitterly. She hesitated for a long time but couldn't give any reason. What should she say?Could it be that she wants to tell her son that because your mother wanted to rob someone else's husband, she killed him.

Lin Shangjin looked at his mother, and he laughed loudly: "Hahaha, I know, this is retribution, it is retribution, as the saying goes, parents are in debt, and children and grandchildren pay for it. I lost an ear, and it is God's punishment for me."

Yang Chun cried bitterly: "What nonsense are you talking about? Retribution is also retribution on me, what does it have to do with you?"

"Why doesn't it matter? I'm the meat that fell from your body. Mom, I thought you were a mother who loved me even though you acted a little out of style. You're not that bad, but now I have to admit that I misjudged you It happened. Losing one ear is my punishment from heaven, anyway, I have no money, and it would be better not to need treatment.” Lin Shangjin was disappointed, and he ran away after speaking.

Yang Chun watched Lin Shangjin run away, and hurriedly chased after him: "Shangjin, son, come back with me, come back."

At this time, she was weak and accidentally fell to the ground.

But Lin Shangjin didn't look back, and soon disappeared.

Just when Yang Chun was immersed in sadness, the landline in the house rang.

She moved slowly to the phone and picked it up.

"You son of a bitch, money loser, do you want to kill your brother? You committed murder yourself, so you can't implicate your brother. It is impossible for us to lend you money." There came the old woman's angry scolding.

"Mom, I really wonder if I was born by you? Otherwise, how could you treat me and my two younger brothers so differently?" Yang Chun was like a lifeless puppet at this time, only his mouth was moving, all this Everything about her made her feel ashamed, and now no one really cared about her, so what's the point of her being alive.

"As long as there is something delicious at home since I was a child, it will definitely be given to my two younger brothers. As for me, I will always only have steamed buns in plain water. I have always done the heavy work at home, but they don't do anything. In school At the time, it was clear that my grades were the best, but you ordered me to drop out of school and go to work."

"At the beginning, I couldn't make any money. After I came back, you all beat and scolded me. Therefore, I embarked on that evil path. All of this, I will end up like this, because of you , You have done it badly. Hahaha, my life is so sad."

"Since you couldn't treat me well, why did you give birth to me in the first place? Why?" Yang Chun asked with tears streaming down his face.

"" The old lady on the other end was speechless.

"But don't worry, I won't hurt you. I hope I won't be your child again in my next life." She walked to the window of the room as she spoke.

The floor she was on at the time was the seventh floor, and it was winter, and the scenery outside the window was dim, just like her mood.

The son ran away, she couldn't find him, she couldn't borrow money, and he didn't want to do treatment. For her mother, he must be very disappointed.And her family members treated her like a plague and hid her, for fear that she might be infected a little bit and harm them.

"Hahaha, what's the point of my life, maybe I'm dead, and everyone applauds." Yang Chun laughed loudly, and she burst into tears right now.

"Zhang Yueping, I'm here to accompany you, please, let my son go, please."

Yang Chun jumped down from the 7th floor with no hesitation, and quickly stained the concrete floor red.

Soon Lin Qing received a call.

"Lin Qing, Yang Chun jumped from the seventh floor and committed suicide by jumping off the building."

(End of this chapter)

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