Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 130 Mysterious Society Crisis

Chapter 130 The Mysterious Society Crisis (Part [-])

"Oh, no wonder. That sinister and vicious person you mentioned, what strength is he?" Lin Qing asked.

"His name is Chen Hong. He is already at the peak of Daoism in his 40s. He is a famous master of metaphysics in Hong Kong Island. He is the son of Chen Bochuan. The Chen family belongs to a family of metaphysics. Chen Bochuan is called the number one master of metaphysics by Hong Kong Island." Liu Changsheng explained.

"I'm afraid you invited me here. It's not Chen Hong who is afraid, but his father Chen Bochuan." Lin Qing laughed.

"Exactly, Master Lin, thanks to your elixir, I have finally broken through the realm and reached the level of Daoist Daoist." Liu Changsheng thanked Lin Qing from the bottom of his heart. This kindness is really too great, it is really a kindness of regeneration .

"However, Chen Bochuan is also a Daoist Daoist. He has reached the level of a Daoist Daoist for many years. He can be called the number one master in the metaphysics world. His strength must not be underestimated. I don't have much confidence that I can win against him. But the two of us teamed up , may not be able to defeat him." Liu Changsheng said.

"Forget it, I just took this opportunity to meet the ascetics of this world and see what's unique about them." Lin Qing secretly thought.

After Lin Qing chatted with Liu Changsheng, what he faced were the admiring eyes of three middle-aged men. The three middle-aged men were leaders of the Inland Mystical Society, but the most powerful of them was only the strength of the late stage of Taoism , and the other is the strength in the middle stage of Taoism. No wonder Liu Changsheng is so worried. If they meet that Chen Hong, they may be wiped out.

The three of them had seen Lin Qing's power before, and they admired her extremely. Those three pairs of eyes looked at her, their eyes were burning, very fiery, as if seeing an idol.

And right now on the plane, the few of them were sitting in first class.Across the aisle from them was a very fashionable young woman in her twenties.

She has clear and bright pupils, curved willow-leaf eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, like a dragonfly standing on a pointed lotus, her fair and flawless skin is light pink, and her thin lips are like roses The petals are delicate and dripping.She has a slender and fit figure, and she is wearing a light blue slim dress, which shows her perfect figure.A head of black and beautiful, long satin-like hair made her look very attractive.

This woman's name is Sheng Xia, and she is a direct descendant of the Sheng family, a well-known wealthy family on Hong Kong Island. She was born in Xia Xia, so she is called Sheng Xia.She is not only a rich lady, but also Shani, a well-known jewelry designer in the fashion circle, and a famous international supermodel in the model circle.

She is like a darling favored by heaven, not only has a perfect family background, beautiful appearance, but also outstanding talent.Once the jewelry she designed was sold, it was quickly sold out. She mainly made limited edition and high-end jewelry.

Wherever she went, she was always admired by everyone, and she was used to all of this.

However, since she got on the plane, the four men and one woman who were next to her in the aisle haven't even looked at her.That girl, she could understand that she was jealous of her, but what about the four middle-aged and elderly men?
As the saying goes, what you can't get is always in turmoil, the less others care about her, the more she will unconsciously observe those people.

Just after the little girl finished chatting with the old man, she found three other middle-aged men looking at the little girl with fiery eyes.At this moment, something unhealthy came to her mind.

"Huh, what a scum, these days, the little girl is too unselfish." Sheng Xia sarcastically said in a low voice.

Although she was very quiet, Lin Qing and the others were not ordinary people, and her words reached their ears verbatim.

At first, they didn't know that the other party was talking about them, but later, when they saw the disgusting eyes of the other party, they realized that the other party was talking about them.

The middle-aged uncle Liu Rushi next to Lin Qing was the first to quit. They have always been respected in Sucheng, why are they being ridiculed so much now?And listening to the accent of the other party, it is obvious that they are from Hong Kong Island.

Not to mention their grievances with the Hong Kong Island Metaphysics Society, even Daoist Lin was ridiculed by her, what's so great about it?His idol was ridiculed, of course he had to act.

Liu Rushi opened the mouth and said, "Madam, why are you hurting others? Judging by your clothes, you don't come from a remote village. Are you people from Hong Kong Island as unqualified as you?"

"You say I'm not qualified?" Sheng Xia immediately blew up when she heard this, it was the first time she was said that by others, which man she met before would not flatter her and praise her!

"You hurt people for no reason. Could it be that you still want others to say nice things to you?" Liu Rushi sneered.

"Did I say something wrong? You three old men looked at that little girl with nasty eyes. Who would believe you if you said that you are not tricky?" a level.

Hearing this, Liu Rushi became even more angry. He said coldly: "I didn't expect you to be so young and have such a dirty mind. My dirty eyes are not so dirty. I am obviously adoring you, okay? It's you, a little girl. , Did you do too many nasty things to see that everything is problematic?"

If Lin Qing wasn't involved, he might not care as much as the little girl in front of him, but that person actually slandered Master Lin, so don't blame him for his poisonous tongue.

"you you……"

Sheng Xia stayed with you for a long time, but didn't say anything. Her good family background allowed her to get in touch with gentlemen. Although she only cursed a few people, she obviously couldn't win against Liu Rushi in terms of bickering.A metaphysics person like Liu Rushi, in the final analysis, is a mixed world, and he has contacted all kinds of people, and his professional needs have also allowed him to develop good eloquence.

Obviously she is also aware of this, so she doesn't want to engage in unnecessary disputes anymore.But judging from the angry look on her face, she was very restless.How could someone who had never been wronged since childhood endure such irony?
"When it comes to my territory, you will suffer." Sheng Xia thought to herself, her eyes were shining coldly at this time, and when she said her territory, of course she was referring to Hong Kong Island.

The other two people who were with Liu Ruo secretly gave Liu Ruo a thumbs up when they saw the scene at this time.

Soon the plane landed on Hong Kong Island, Sheng Xia gave Liu Rushi a hard look, and then walked away.

Ouyang Feng who was traveling with him patted Liu Rushi on the shoulder and said with a smile, "It seems that we offended a beautiful woman just after we came to Hong Kong Island."

"What kind of beauty is she? Beauty on the outside is not real beauty, beauty on the inside is real beauty." Liu Rushi said lightly.

"Brother Liu is right, this level of thought is higher than ours, no wonder it ranks among the best in our Metaphysics Society!" Ouyang Feng laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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