Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 134 Who Killed You?

Chapter 134 Who Killed You? (one more)
At this time, a gray-haired doctor walked in.

Chen Hong hurriedly asked: "Doctor, how is his health?"

"There's nothing wrong with his body. I don't know why. He's just unconscious. The CT result hasn't come out yet. I'll let you know when it comes out." Said the experienced doctor.

After the doctor checked the patient, he left.

Chen Hong stared at Sheng Xia coldly like a nighthawk, and asked, "How did they fight? Describe the scene to me."

He already felt that Sheng Xia's expression was wrong, and he probably had something to do with Chen Yi's injury, but the other party was someone his son liked, and the Sheng family was quite prestigious in Hong Kong Island, so he couldn't act rashly.

"That's right... At that time, Chen Yi suddenly pinched his fingers, and the opponent's clothes rose up without any wind, and he immediately counterattacked. After that, the man strode up to Chen Yi, looked straight at Chen Yi, and Chen Yi began to fight back. His face was pale, his head was sweating, and he seemed to be enduring it very hard." Sheng Xia narrated tremblingly.

For Chen Yi's father, Chen Hong, she was very afraid. She heard that the other party had a vengeful character and could kill people without making a fuss, just like a devil.In Hong Kong Island, most people have heard of the Chen family, Chen Bochuan's name as the number one master of metaphysics, and Chen Hong's ruthless character, so that everyone is in awe of the Chen family and dare not offend.

"Huh? You continue." Chen Hong frowned.

When Sheng Xia heard the other party's words, her body trembled even more. She hurriedly continued: "Later, Chen Yi reported your name. I didn't expect that the other party not only didn't stop, but even worse, and then Chen Yi vomited blood and fainted. gone."

"What? Who are those people?" Chen Hong glared angrily, and the aggressive aura subconsciously spread out.

"The accent is from the mainland." Sheng Xia was forced to take a few steps back by Chen Hong's momentum, and said with a pale face.

"I understand." Chen Hong suddenly realized that he guessed that he was a member of the Inland Metaphysics Society, and he had offended the other party and offended the Mainland Metaphysics Society quite seriously.

"Okay, you go back! I'll take care of Yi'er here." After Chen Hong confirmed the murderer, he stopped showing cold air to Sheng Xia. After all, the other party might become his daughter-in-law.

Sheng Xia breathed a sigh of relief, and left quickly, as if there was a vicious dog chasing after him.

As soon as Sheng Xia left, Chen Hong called Chen Bochuan.

The phone rang for a while before it got through.

"Hong'er, what's the matter? Didn't I say that if there is nothing important, don't disturb my cultivation?" Chen Bochuan said lightly. He is known as the number one master of metaphysics on Hong Kong Island, which has a lot to do with his diligent cultivation. relation.

"Father, it's not good. Yi'er is unconscious, and his consciousness must have been injured." Chen Hong immediately said.

"What? Who is so bold in Hong Kong Island? How dare you provoke our Chen family." Chen Bochuan said coldly, even though he was very angry, he still looked calm.

Chen Yi is a very good seed in the Chen family's inheritance of metaphysics, but now his consciousness has been injured by someone, what's wrong with it.We must know that the strength of spiritual power determines how high a person's future achievements are. After being injured, the original genius will become mediocre.Who the hell did this?It is simply cutting off the power of the younger generations.

"It's probably a member of the Inland Metaphysics Association." Chen Hong said coldly.

"I've said it before, I told you to cultivate your personality more and not to be so irritable. If you insist on refusing to listen, I'm afraid you caused the disaster!" Chen Bochuan scolded.

Although Chen Hong was sinister and vicious, he was in awe of his father and did not dare to refute.

"Father, it's useless to teach me now. This Yi'er is unconscious, what should I do?" Chen Hong said, although he is very powerful in martial arts, he is not proficient in other aspects of metaphysics, so regarding his son's coma, There was nothing he could do.

"Forget it, I'll rush over to have a look right away." Chen Bochuan said.

While waiting, the gray-haired doctor came again, and he said to himself as he walked, "This is really strange."

"Doctor, what's the matter with Chen Yi?" Chen Hong asked. As a metaphysician, he kept pace with the times and believed in the power of science.

"Your son's brain has not been substantially damaged, but his brain wave fluctuations are very unusual, which is really strange." The doctor explained.

"Doctor, I understand, you don't have to worry about it here, we will figure out a way by ourselves." Chen Hong said.

The hospital here is the largest private hospital on Hong Kong Island, so the various services are more user-friendly.

"You don't have to be too pessimistic. I'll check the relevant information and try my best to save him." The gray-haired doctor said. He thought that the patient's family members had no hope for the patient, so he said Such words.

After a while, an old man dressed in white and practicing Kungfu and Daogu came in a hurry. He is actually over 80 this year, but his hair is not completely white, but there are a few strands of gray hair on the temples, and his skin is ruddy and shiny. Walking like flying, those who didn't know thought he was a middle-aged man in his 50s or [-]s.

"Father, you are here." Chen Hong said.

Chen Bochuan nodded, touched Chen Yi's forehead with his hand, and began to inject vitality, and soon Chen Yi's originally pale face began to turn rosy.

Chen Bochuan tapped Chen Yi's forehead lightly, and he woke up with a "huh".

"Grandpa, why are you here?" Chen Yi sat up as soon as he opened his eyes. Everyone in the Chen family respected Chen Bochuan because this was the movable type signboard of the Chen family.

"Hmph, when you fight with others, don't you know that the other party is stronger than you? Now you have hurt your spiritual consciousness. Unless you find the elixir to restore your spiritual consciousness, it will be difficult for you to achieve high achievements in the future." Chen Bochuan reprimanded road.

"What? So serious." Chen Yi's expression also darkened.

"Stinky boy, what the hell happened? You didn't invite it." The hot-tempered Chen Hong immediately said.

"This morning, I went to the airport to pick up Shengxia. I didn't expect Shengxia to tell me that several men on the plane spoke rudely to her and insulted her. She is the woman I like. How can I stand idly by when my own woman is insulted? Then I attracted a bit of evil spirit and prepared to teach them a lesson. Unexpectedly, the other party broke my spell and walked towards me." Chen Yi narrated.

"The other party attacked you after that?" Chen Bochuan asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, the other party didn't use all their strength at first, but then I mentioned my father's name, but who knew that the other party said, if I wasn't your son, he would let me go. Now that he said it, he must teach me a lesson " Chen Yi nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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