Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 138 I am not an ordinary person

Chapter 138 I am not an ordinary person (Part [-])
After Lin Qing returned to the hotel room, she immediately crossed her legs to flirt. She used the blood demon hand before. This was a trick she used when she was practicing the magic way, but now it is too reluctant to use it. At this time, her body is still churning with blood. .

Early the next morning, Lin Qing fully recovered.

"Renren Lin, what are your plans today?" Liu Rushi asked as soon as they met.

"I don't have any plans, do you have any good recommendations?" Lin Qing asked.

"I heard that there is a huge cruise ship called Angel in the bay near Hong Kong Island. This cruise ship has various entertainment activities during the day and an auction at night. It is said that there will be a lot of weird things in the auction. Why don't we go there? How about playing there?" Liu Rushi suggested.

"Oh? Are there any weird things?" Lin Qing asked.

"It is said that there will be things that us ascetics need. It just so happens that a friend invited me this time. Why don't we go and have a look together." Liu Rushi replied.

"Okay, let's go and have a look together!" Lin Qing said.

After breakfast, several people took the yacht to the direction of the Princess.

At this moment, the blue sea and blue sky, the wind messed up Lin Qing's hair, making her look a little cute.

"Ding." A text message came over.

"What are you doing? I miss you." Jiang Beichen said.

"I'm in Hong Kong Island." Lin Qing typed a few words quickly with her fingers beating.

"Why did you go there? I have a mission these days, so I haven't kept in touch with you." Jiang Beichen said, he didn't know that Lin Qing was going to fight Sheng Haotian, otherwise he would definitely rush over immediately.

"Come here to participate in a metaphysics exchange meeting." Lin Qing didn't know why she didn't tell him the truth. Could it be that she was afraid that he would worry?Then she shook her head, shaking off the tangled thought.

"Well, then you have fun, I will go to you when I finish this task." Jiang Beichen typed.

"Hmm." Lin Qing smiled unconsciously.

Soon they saw the Angel. This cruise ship was very huge, as high as a dozen floors. The hull was mainly painted white and decorated with various lights. It was estimated that it would be brightly lit at night.

Soon Lin Qing and the others boarded this huge cruise ship. The "Princess" really deserves to be called the "Princess". As soon as they boarded it, people were amazed. The majestic structure, magnificent colors, each floor has a hall, and each has its own purpose.

Cafeterias, swimming pools, clubs... everything is there. Standing on the deck on the top of the ship, all the beautiful scenery appears in front of your eyes like a landscape painting.

The afternoon sun is very good, the blue sky, the green sea, the sea breeze is blowing gently, I feel very comfortable, the cruise ship is driving forward slowly, and there are many seagulls behind the cruise ship, and the seagulls fly more briskly with the help of the cruise ship .

The five of them quickly came to the banquet hall. At this moment, Lin Qing heard the sound of arguing, which sounded familiar to her.

"Why didn't you let us in? We paid before the cruise."

Lin Qing looked at it, no wonder it sounded familiar, she had just met two days ago, and it was Wang Chen and Wang Chen's mother who caught her eyes.

"Sorry, lady, only invited guests can enter here, and you are no longer invited, so you cannot enter." The service staff at the door said very politely.

"What? Isn't it possible to visit all the places here after paying the boarding fee?" the Queen Mother said angrily, as if she had been cheated.

"After paying the boarding fee, only the public area can be entered, and some specific areas can only be entered by invitation." The service staff explained patiently.

Wang Chen pulled his mother's sleeve helplessly, and said in a low voice, "Mom, let's go, don't embarrass yourself here."

At this moment, the Queen Mother saw Lin Qing and snorted coldly, "Hmph, none of us could get in, and your bad-quality classmates probably won't."

Wang Chen also saw Lin Qing at this time, and he quickly said, "Lin Qing, ordinary people are not allowed to enter here."

Lin Qing sneered, "Really? But I'm not an ordinary person."

As soon as Lin Qing finished speaking, Liu Rushi took out an invitation letter, and Lin Qing and the others were invited out respectfully.

But Wang Chen and the others were immediately given strange looks by the other passengers around.

"I just said that this girl is not a good thing, you still don't believe it, how about it? Now you see, she is a little girl with no power and influence, how could she get in here? What is it if it is not a man?" Queen Mother said sarcastically.

After she rushed back that night, she asked someone to investigate Lin Qing's identity, and found that she was just a village girl born in the countryside, and her family relationship was very complicated. The other party's father had cheated on his stepmother, and her mother was killed by her stepmother. Not long ago, her stepmother was taken away by the police, and later I heard that her stepmother committed suicide in fear of crime. No wonder such a family would raise such a daughter.

"Mom, don't talk nonsense without evidence, maybe there is something hidden?" Wang Chen's tone was also not firm.

As soon as Lin Qing and the others entered, they heard pleasant singing.

I saw a beautiful woman in a pure white dress standing in the middle of the stage, singing a beautiful song, and her voice was very distinctive, ethereal and pure, making people unconsciously enjoy the feast of the ears.

I saw that beautiful woman with wavy hair fluttering in the wind, moon-like phoenix eyebrows, a pair of beautiful eyes full of affection, a straight Qiong nose, slightly dizzy cheeks, cherry lips exhaling like orchids, and oval cheeks are very glamorous, The skin that can be broken by blowing bombs is as frosty as snow, and the figure is slender, just like the Luoshen emerging from the water.

"Isn't that the famous Tianhou Concubine Lu in Hong Kong Island's entertainment industry? It is said that she is of mixed Chinese and English. She not only has a beautiful face, but also has a good voice. The songs she sings are very ethereal and make people feel like spring breeze. How many people are there? The goddess in my heart!" A young man next to him said.

"That's right, didn't you say that she is very noble? I didn't expect her to come here to sing. The energy of this Angel is really great!" Another middle-aged man sighed.

"That's right, behind the Angel is the Zheng family, the richest man in Hong Kong Island. The Zheng family's company has the support of country Y. Can this power not be great? Half of the entertainment companies on Hong Kong Island are in the hands of the Zheng family. Unless some star doesn't want to hang out in the entertainment circle, who would dare to offend the giant Zheng family." The young man continued, as if he didn't even know this about the middle-aged man, and he seemed a little disdainful.

After Lin Qing finished listening to the song, she watched it for a while and knew that there were many celebrities and wealthy people socializing, but she was not interested in these. You must know that these so-called socializings are completely different from her ability to control life and death. worth mentioning.

(End of this chapter)

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