Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 149 Dogs see people as inferior

Chapter 149 Dogs see people as inferior (Part [-])

Guo Rui saw Lin Qing shut them out in a blink of an eye, and said, "Haha, this sister-in-law has quite a personality!"

Jiang Beichen looked dignified, and his whole body was covered with air-conditioning, curled his lips and said, "I'm disgusted, and it's all your fault."

Guo Rui laughed and said, "Brother Chen, how can you blame me?"

"Qingqing has never disliked me before, this is the first time she has turned me away." Jiang Beichen fixed his eyes on the door, as if he was about to stare at the door for a hole.

"I think my sister-in-law might not be able to accept the way you pursue. After all, you don't do anything like this. Girls generally don't accept being my girlfriend." Guo Rui analyzed.

"Really?" Jiang Beichen asked doubtfully.

"Of course, based on my experience in dating, girls generally like romantic pursuits, such as roses, sports cars, etc., especially this kind of little girl. By the way, what does sister-in-law like?" Guo Rui asked road.

"She likes high-year medicinal materials and fights." Jiang Beichen said, he remembered that she was more interested in these, and he had never seen her interested in other things.

"Are you sure?" Guo Rui asked suspiciously. He felt that Jiang Beichen really didn't understand girls' hearts. He probably liked it, so he thought others would like it too.

"Of course." Jiang Beichen said.

"Why don't I teach you some methods, try it and see the other party's reaction." Guo Rui suggested.

"That's the only way to go." Jiang Beichen nodded.

Guo Rui looked Jiang Beichen up and down, shook his head, and said, "You don't know how to use your body and looks. You're so reckless! Come on, brother Chen, I'll take you to transform it."

Jiang Beichen just came back from his mission, and for the convenience of doing the mission, he dressed very plainly. Because he had been busy for two days, he didn't even have time to wash his hair, so it looked a little greasy and felt dusty all over his body.

After a while, the two came to a large shopping mall on Hong Kong Island, which had all kinds of international brands of clothes and shoes.

As soon as the manager of the shopping mall saw Guo Rui, he warmly greeted him. The biggest shareholder of this shopping mall is the Guo family, and Guo Rui, as the third generation of the Guo family, of course he knew him.

"Guo Shao, why are you here?" Manager Liu said with a smile on his face.

"Manager Liu, you are busy with your work. I will help my brother choose some clothes." Guo Rui also didn't like that there were always some people behind him complimenting him.

After dismissing the manager, Guo Rui took Jiang Beichen to a Versace store.

Versace is a famous Italian brand. Its design style is distinctive, and it is a symbol of avant-garde art with strong unique beauty.Among them, the most attractive ones are those gorgeous and imaginative styles that display the characteristics of the Renaissance.The clothes it designs not only have realistic gorgeousness, but also fully consider the comfort of wearing and show the body shape properly.

When Guo Rui and the two came in, the waiter took the lead in focusing on serving Guo Rui, a potential customer, because Guo Rui was covered with famous brands all over his body. He was wearing the latest collection of Armani clothes, and he looked handsome and full of extravagance.

You must know that the latest clothes of this brand cost hundreds of thousands a set. If they sell a set, they will get a lot of bonuses. Thinking of this, several waiters stared at Guo Rui with bright eyes, like hungry wolves Staring at a piece of delicious meat.

Although Jiang Beichen was handsome, he was covered in street goods, and he was looked down upon by the waiters as soon as he came in.

Hong Kong Island is a real society. It is a paradise for the rich and a hell for the poor. You will live a very comfortable life here because there are all kinds of delicious and fun things from all over the world.

And poor you will have a hard life and no dignity.Some poor people live their entire lives in coffin-like bird cages. In this kind of cage surrounded by barbed wire, a bed is a home, which can be locked and even cook on the toilet.

Some people live in such "cages" for decades.The existence of cage houses on Hong Kong Island is in stark contrast to the bustling scene of Hong Kong Island and is regarded as a shame.

However, on Hong Kong Island, the poor cannot get over by working hard at all, because the house prices here are too expensive, the richer the richer the richer, and the poorer the poorer.Some people say: Being poor on Hong Kong Island is more terrifying than dying!
Therefore, the people here are very realistic. If you are poor, you will be looked down upon by others, no matter how handsome you are, because being handsome can't be eaten.

Guo Rui saw that several waitresses were walking around him, selling him all kinds of latest clothes, and he couldn't help but said: "I'm here to buy clothes with my brother, please help him recommend some suitable ones! "

The waitress reluctantly came to Jiang Beichen's side and recommended him the cheapest set of outdated clothes with a price of only more than 1. She was still thinking to herself, "I don't know if this poor man can afford it." ?”

It's not that Jiang Beichen has no aesthetics, he was also born in a wealthy family since he was a child, so his fashion aesthetics are quite good.

He took a fancy to a set of clothes at a glance, and he pointed to the most prominent set of clothes and said coldly: "Bring me that suit, I'll try it on."

The round-faced waitress heard Jiang Beichen's mainland accent, and said disdainfully: "Sir, I didn't say you, can you afford it? If you can't afford it, don't try it. This is the latest style of clothes. You need a set." Hundreds of thousands."

Seeing this scene, Guo Rui said angrily: "Why are you talking? Dogs look down on people, do you know who I am? Who is my brother?"

"Sir, I know you can afford it, but that gentleman may not be able to sell it. I'm telling the truth. If he accidentally breaks his clothes, he won't be able to pay for it. It will be our waiter who will be unlucky." .” The round-faced waitress said disapprovingly.

"Okay, you cow, you don't want to be unlucky, I will let you be unlucky now." Guo Rui said angrily.

"Heh, who do you think you are? Could it be that you are the boss of this shopping mall?" The round-faced waitress also got a little angry at being scolded, and said sarcastically, even if the other party has money to afford the clothes here, He also has no right to interfere with his own work. How to treat other people who can't afford clothes is her business.

Guo Rui laughed angrily when he heard this: "Hehehe, you have the guts, wait for you to be fired in a while!"

Then he immediately called the store manager.

"Young Master Guo, what are your orders?" Manager Liu said respectfully.

"There is a Versace store in the mall, and there is a waitress here, who looks down on people with a dog's eyes, you fire her immediately, if such a person stays in the mall, she will only offend people without knowing it." Guo Rui said coldly said.

(End of this chapter)

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