Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 159 She really likes me

Chapter 159 She Really Likes Me (Part [-])

Li Jiye, the second youngest of the Li family who once had fantasies about the Red Lotus Auction, also appeared at the banquet in Hongmen. When he saw Lin Qing talking happily with Wentian, the leader of Hongmen, he couldn't help it. Don't let yourself down.

Originally, he wanted to ask the mercenary organization for help, to capture Lin Qing, threaten her or kill her altogether, so that he could get the alchemy formula and the magic weapon, but now seeing how Hongmen treats Lin Qing, he is afraid The appearance of being offended, could it be that there is some big force behind Lin Qing?No wonder Qian Sen, the boss of Zhongzhou City, looked in awe of Lin Qing when he was in the mainland?

Li Jiye didn't know that Lin Qing relied not on others, but on herself.He is not a warrior, he does not know the strength of a warrior, nor the strength of a master.

The negotiation between Lin Qing and Hongmen went smoothly. At this juncture, Hongmen is unwilling to offend a potential powerhouse, and Lin Qing is also unwilling to spread the grievances with Sheng Haotian to too many people.

On the second day after the dinner party, Lin Qing and Jiang Beichen returned to Zhongzhou City, and they had to face another parting.

"Qingqing, I can't bear you, what should I do?" Jiang Beichen had a look of reluctance on his face, the deep affection these days made Jiang Beichen happy to think about leaving.

"Hey, you still have your affairs, and I have mine. I will contact you often." Lin Qing said helplessly.

"Then remember to call me!" Jiang Beichen said.

"En." Lin Qing nodded.

"Then remember to miss me!" Jiang Beichen said with burning eyes.

"Yeah." Lin Qing nodded again.

"Then don't be seduced away by other weeds and wild flowers." Jiang Beichen frowned slightly and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, no matter how beautiful the wild grass and wild flowers are, how can they compare with your truly national peony?" Lin Qing couldn't help teasing.

Jiang Beichen wanted to say something more, but Lin Qing blocked his mouth suddenly, and his eyes widened.

(As for what to use to block it, the censorship is relatively strict now, and writing is not allowed, otherwise it will be easily blocked and harmonized. I can only say that an indescribable scene was carried out.)
Two colored silks and satins are flying in the air, one blue and the other pink are chasing and entangled with each other, and soon it is unknown whether the blue or pink silk has the upper hand. Heart-shaped pink bubbles popped in the sky, adding an alternative style to the two dancing silks and satins.

Jiang Beichen was stunned for a moment at first, but men are studious animals, especially in some aspects, every man is very talented, and soon he was thrown into an indescribable scene.

Just when he wanted to further enjoy the boundless tenderness, Lin Qing had already drifted away.

Last year in this gate today, people's faces were red with peach blossoms.I don't know where the face is going, but the peach blossoms are still smiling in the spring breeze.

Jiang Beichen stared blankly at Lin Qing's back as he drifted away with a rosy face, and said in a low voice, "She really likes me, otherwise she wouldn't be able to treat me like this."

Lin Qing's leaving figure smiled like a fox that had stolen the fish, she had long coveted that vermilion for a long time.

After Lin Qing returned home, she didn't go back to school immediately. She continued to ask the teacher for leave because she felt that she was about to be promoted.

Coming to the cave in Lingwu Mountain again, Lin Qing took out the elixir needed to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill from the space ring, and prepared to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill. With the Foundation Establishment Pill, her foundation would be Hit harder.

After Lin Qing had finished adjusting her breath and took two Yuan Qi pills, she began to prepare for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill.

For three consecutive days, Lin Qing didn't eat or drink, and just used the vitality pill to maintain her energy supply. Finally, at noon on the third day, the pill furnace began to shake violently.

Suddenly, there was a "click", and the pill furnace tended to split.

"Not good, this Foundation Establishment Pill is still one step away."

However, the alchemy furnace didn't hear her heart at all. At this moment, Lin Qing made a decisive decision. She patted the alchemy furnace and immediately sent the established foundation pill into the air.And the alchemy furnace immediately turned into a pile of metal pieces at this moment, the alchemy furnace was not good at all, not to mention that Lin Qing slapped it.

Lin Qing immediately summoned the strange fire, and the red strange fire held the elixir in the air, continuously calcining it to remove impurities.

If anyone saw it, they would definitely think that it was a magic trick. The fiery red flame was burning like a red lotus, and a black elixir the size of a pigeon egg was constantly spinning above the flame.

It is true that medicine can be refined without a pill furnace, but the ability to control the flame is extremely high, because the medicine itself can balance the heat.

Lin Qing is now cautious and extremely concentrated. She is afraid that the elixir will be destroyed by accident, so she doesn't know how long it will take to build the foundation?

About half an hour later, Lin Qing's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and those little beads of sweat dripped down her neck and onto her clothes like cute little ones, and got wet. her clothes.

Others say that serious men are the most handsome, but this serious woman is equally beautiful.

Suddenly, this pretty face showed an astonishing smile, Lin Qing waved her hand, the flame disappeared, and the elixir lay quietly on the palm of her hand.

Lin Qing didn't stop, she adjusted her breath for a while, and then rushed to the deepest part of Lingwu Mountain, where the aura is the strongest and most suitable for breaking through, and most people can't enter Lingwu Mountain, so it also prevents outsiders from disturbing .

Before she decided to break through, she sent a text message to Jiang Beichen, Zhou Linger and others, in case everyone was worried about not being able to contact her, because she didn't know how many days it would take her to break through. It took about ten days to complete the breakthrough.

After finding a good place, she sat cross-legged and took the pill.The elixir looked huge, but it melted in the mouth. A powerful energy quickly poured into Lin Qing's body, impacting the meridians of Lin Qing's whole body.

For ten consecutive days, Lin Qing remained motionless, like a hibernating animal.

At noon one day, the sky was clear.Suddenly, a dark cloud gathered over Lingwu Mountain. The dark cloud gradually grew larger and finally turned purple-black, which looked extremely terrifying.

"Boom" sounded, and a thick purple lightning struck towards Lin Qing who was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Lin Qing opened her eyes suddenly, she used all her spiritual power to jump into the air, and faced the thunder and lightning. After the two powerful forces collided, Lin Qing fell from midair to the ground, her whole body was scorched black .

However, at the moment she fell to the ground, she showed a charming smile.

"Finally broke through to Foundation Establishment!" Lin Qing secretly thought.

(End of this chapter)

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