Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 163 Class Party

Chapter 163 Class Party
The class reunion was at night, and the teacher didn't come. After all, the teacher was there, and the students couldn't let go.

Some students in the class have a good family background, such as Ye Yuechan, students like this are always surrounded by a lot of compliments.

After the classmates arrived, Ye Yuechan stood up and said, "Since we can become classmates, it is also a kind of fate. This time, I invited the classmate reunion. I hope everyone will eat, drink and have fun."

"Wow, what a rich study committee member! Thank you, Meimei Ye." Everyone sighed.

There was nothing new in this class reunion, it was just some talented students complimenting each other, Ye Yuechan was the most complimented in the class, after all, among these students, her family background was the best.

"Miss Ye, did you do well in the exam this time?" asked Xiao Pengfei, a slightly chubby boy. The boy's parents were civil servants, and his family background in Pingshan County was average. Staring at Ye Yuechan intently.

He has been secretly in love with Ye Yuechan for a long time. Ye Yuechan is not only beautiful, but also has a rich family. Many men hope to marry a beautiful Bai Fumei with a good family background, so that they can save many years of struggle.And he also has such thoughts, although his parents are both civil servants, but the family is relatively poor, he can't afford to be extravagant.And he thinks that his parents are in the system and superior to others, so he feels good about himself.

"I didn't do well in the exam this time, but I still have a good chance of getting into Zhongzhou No. [-] High School." Ye Yuechan showed a confident smile.

And when she smiled, she was a little more gentle than usual, and in an instant, Xiao Pengfei almost drooled.

"Miss Ye, that's amazing. This time, I'm going to sign up for a high school. Maybe we'll continue to be classmates in the future?" Xiao Pengfei complimented.

With Xiao Pengfei's usual grades, he would not be admitted to Zhongzhou No. [-] High School, but he has a relative who is the director of the admissions department at No. [-] High School. After he returns home, he will ask his parents to help him find connections so that he can get into No. [-] High School.

When he thought of continuing to be classmates with Ye Yuechan in the future, gaining the moon first, and then gradually conquering her heart, he was so happy that his mouth went to the corners of his eyes.

Xiao Pengfei didn't notice that Ye Yuechan looked at him with a disgusted and sarcastic smile, but this look had a long meaning, and most people would not notice it.

"Lin Qing, which high school are you going to apply for?" Ye Yuechan asked cautiously.

Since the last time, Ye Yuechan knew that Lin Qing was Master Lin, an important figure in Zhongzhou City, she had let go of her thoughts on Wei Jie. Still more eager for wealth.Isn't it because Lin Qing is richer and more connected than herself that she can get Wei Jie's followers.

"As long as you have enough wealth, what kind of handsome man can't you get?" Ye Yuechan thought to herself, she was full of ambition at this time, how could she fall in love with a man like Xiao Pengfei?
"I'm going to apply for a high school in Zhongzhou City." Lin Qing said lightly.

Ever since Lin Qing revealed her identity last time, Ye Yuechan hadn't looked for trouble again. Lin Qing couldn't help feeling that power and money are really good things.

At this time, Ye Yuechan was talking to her sincerely, but she couldn't ignore it, after all, other students were watching, but her attitude was a little cold.

Ye Yuechan didn't care, after all, where was Lin Qing's identity? Didn't the former real estate agent in Zhongzhou treat her very respectfully? This indifference was nothing, after all, she had offended the other party, and now she only wanted to To repair the relationship with Lin Qing, I hope Lin Qing will not bear a grudge against her.

To a certain extent, Ye Yuechan is a smart person, but also a rational person. Although she will fall in love with someone, once the liking causes her a crisis, she immediately chooses the one that is more beneficial to herself.

And Ye Yuechan doesn't care, it doesn't mean that other people don't care, especially Xiao Pengfei, he saw Lin Qing's indifference towards Ye Yuechan, and he was dissatisfied: "Lin Qing, what are you so good about? Isn't it because of your good academic performance? It's a good thing, when you are in the society, you will know that no matter how good your academic performance is, you may not be able to reach Meimei Ye's level after working hard for the rest of your life. Lin Qing, please apologize to Meimei Ye immediately."

Lin Qing looked at Xiao Pengfei coldly and said, "Oh? What if I don't?"

Ye Yuechan heard Xiao Pengfei's words, and hurriedly said: "No need, Lin Qing, you don't need to apologize to me, you didn't do anything wrong."

Xiao Pengfei said: "No, Lin Qing, you have to apologize. Who is your superior attitude for? Ye Meimei talked to you, but you were cold and indifferent. You should learn That’s great, isn’t it? She’s just a mountain girl from the countryside.”

Xiao Pengfei thought to himself: "The girl I like is watching from the side, how can I not find a place for her? This makes me seem too incompetent!"

He did this because he didn't want Ye Yuechan to suffer any grievances, and let Ye Yuechan see that he was willing to stand up for her so as to leave a good impression.But he didn't know that what he did made Ye Yuechan feel even more disgusted with him.


Lin Qing snorted coldly, and ignored him, she didn't want to be fussy like a bastard, she was just a fat pig with a tadpole and a brain.

At this moment, Ye Yuechan was extremely embarrassed. She didn't expect Xiao Pengfei to be such a bastard. The other party was trying to make trouble for her. The reason she offered her courtesies to Lin Qing was to turn the fight into friendship with Lin Qing. Who would have thought that Xiao Pengfei would make trouble? Such a thing?Did Lin Qing think that she was taking the opportunity to find trouble?

Immediately, Ye Yuechan became angry, and she said coldly, "Xiao Pengfei, shut up, if you don't want to attend the class reunion, you should go back quickly and don't cause trouble here."

"What?" Xiao Pengfei didn't expect Ye Yuechan to get angry. Could it be because Lin Qing didn't want to apologize because she got out of hand, so Ye Yuechan thought he was incompetent, so she was so angry?
Xiao Pengfei looked at Lin Qing coldly and said, "Okay, Lin Qing, you have the guts."

After speaking, he left angrily. He didn't expect that Lin Qing, a little girl from the countryside, would have such a tough personality.

Lin Qing smiled helplessly at this time, she really suffered an indiscriminate disaster!

As soon as Xiao Pengfei left, Ye Yuechan quickly brought a cup of tea and walked up to Lin Qing, and said, "Lin Qing, I'm sorry, what Xiao Pengfei did has nothing to do with me, and I don't know why he is such a second goods."

Lin Qing calmly took a cup of tea and drank it down, nodded and said: "Well, I know Xiao Pengfei's behavior has nothing to do with you, don't worry, I won't blame you."

The classmates in the class looked at Ye Yuechan's behavior and were puzzled. They secretly speculated, what is the origin of this Lin Qing?Could it be that it was false to say that she came from the countryside?

(End of this chapter)

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