Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 18 Rumors 4

Chapter 18 Rumors Spread
In the blink of an eye, it was Monday again, and as soon as Lin Qing entered the classroom, she heard others talking about her.Seeing her coming in, the people who were discussing loudly immediately turned their voices down. Even if it was a low voice, Lin Qing could hear it clearly.

"Do you know? That Lin Qing turned out to be a liar. She went to the Antique Street to buy amulets last Saturday. She cheated others of more than 3 yuan by engaging in feudal superstition."

"How did you know this?"

"There is no impenetrable wall in this world. When she was lying to others, Wang Chen and Wang Meng'er happened to bump into her."

"I heard that Lin Qing's family conditions are not good, and her father cheated on a young lady, which made her mother mad, and that young lady became her stepmother."

"Then Lin Qing is very pitiful."

"poor person must have something mean."

Lin Qing now knows where these rumors came from. It is probably either Wang Chen or Wang Meng'er. Anyway, she does not like these two people.

And Lin Qing's tablemate Liu Yuanyuan also heard rumors about Lin Qing from other people.

Liu Yuanyuan looked at Lin Qing and hesitated to speak: "Lin Qing, there is something I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"If you want to say it, then say it."

"Did you know there are rumors circulating about you?"

"Well, I just found out." Lin Qing just found out when she entered the classroom.

"Are those rumors true?"

"Some are true and some are false, the statements about my family are true, and the lies about me are false."

"I knew you were not such a person. I was afraid that if it was true, what would you do if someone accused you of fraud? I would feel at ease knowing that you were not deceiving." Liu Yuanyuan said sincerely.

Lin Qing felt the long-lost warmth from Liu Yuanyuan, her deskmate. This was the first time since she came to Earth.

"Thank you, Yuanyuan." Lin Qing said.

"Thank you? Which of the two of us is with whom!"

Today's first class is math class. The math teacher is Wang Lihua. As soon as she walked in, she said, "Recently, there are some rumors circulating in our school, saying that some students don't know self-love, fall in love early, and go to curry favor with powerful classmates. , and engage in feudal superstition and deception. I hope that some students will respect themselves and put their studies first, otherwise don’t blame the school for expulsing you, I don’t want to spoil a pot of soup because of a rat droppings.”

Apparently the math teacher Wang Lihua was referring to Lin Qing, but Lin Qing believes that the clear is self-clear, so why bother with these mortals too much.

When the math teacher said this, the eyes of the students looked at Lin Qing from time to time.

"Did you know? It is said that the math teacher is related to Wang Chen's family. I guess he told the math teacher." Liu Yuanyuan whispered in Lin Qing's ear.

In fact, it was Wang Menger who spread these rumors behind his back. Wang Menger asked people to spread these rumors in the school. One was to destroy Lin Qing, and the other was to let Xiao Muting hear it, so that Xiao Muting could see clearly what kind of person Lin Qing was.

But obviously Xiao Muting could see people more clearly than Wang Menger, he heard the rumor early in the morning, but he didn't care, what he cared about was Lin Qing, and it was Lin Qing who he wanted to make friends with, it had nothing to do with her family.And he didn't believe that Lin Qing would cheat people for tens of thousands of dollars, otherwise she could ask his grandfather for the consultation fee, let alone tens of thousands, even if it was several million, grandpa would still give it.

When get out of class was about to finish in the morning, Liu Yuanyuan asked: "Lin Qing, today is my birthday. After school, I invite everyone to sing at Queen's KTV. You can go too!"

"Sorry, I didn't know today is your birthday, don't worry, I will definitely be there." Lin Qing agreed.

At the end of the last class in the morning, Xiao Muting was still waiting in front of the door of Class [-], Grade [-]. He was going to invite Lin Qing to treat his grandfather at home today. How could he not invite her to dinner at noon?
When the students in Class [-], Grade [-] saw Xiao Muting still waiting at the door, they wondered in their hearts, "Is it because you are looking for Lin Qing again?"

As soon as this idea came up, the familiar voice sounded again: "Lin Qing, let's have lunch together."

Just after Lin Qing and Xiao Muting left, the classroom exploded again.

"What is the charm of this Lin Qing? Her reputation is like this, Xiao Muting still has no change in her."

"This is probably true love!"

"What true love? I think it's more like a scheming bitch."

"Maybe Xiao Muting and Lin Qing are just ordinary friends, otherwise it is impossible for Xiao Muting to not react to the rumors."


As soon as Xiao Muting and Lin Qing went to eat together, the news reached Wang Menger's ears.

Wang Meng'er heard the news and said angrily: "Lin Qing, this bitch, what kind of magic did she cast on brother Xiao? Otherwise, brother Xiao couldn't have had no reaction at all and still invited her to dinner. Are you sure brother Xiao really heard those rumors? ?”

The man in front of her nodded and said: "I'm sure, when others were talking about these rumors, I was by the side, and I even joked, Xiao Muting, what do you think?"

"How did he say?"

"He said that rumors stop with the wise and that these unfounded rumors cannot be trusted."

"What? He just believed in that Lin Qing."

Wang Meng'er suddenly had an idea in her mind, and she smiled evilly: "Okay, you go back, you don't have to worry about this matter."

The man couldn't help shivering, he didn't know what bad idea Wang Menger had come up with, but as long as he wasn't allowed to do it.His name is Sun Zhi, and he was placed by Wang Menger in Xiao Muting's class at school. Sun Zhi was successfully lured by Wang Menger because his family was relatively poor. He often passed some information about Xiao Muting to Wang Menger.

As soon as Sun Zhi left, she called Wang Hui. Wang Hui was a distant relative of hers.

"Brother Wang, may I ask you to do something?"

"Oh? Sister Meng'er, just tell me if you have anything to do. Cousin who can do it will definitely help you." Wang Hui said with a smile. He was looked down upon by many people in the family before, saying that he didn't learn well. In his head, a sense of satisfaction rose in his heart.

"It's the Lin Qing that I asked you to check for me before. Now I want someone to rape her, dirty her body, and turn her into a broken shoe." Wang Menger said bitterly.

"We'll see if brother Xiao will talk to you then?" She thought to herself, jealousy turned the lovely girl into an ugly person.

"Sister Meng'er, why did the other party offend you? They attacked her so hard."

"Don't worry about it, can you help me with this?"

"Help, help, sister Meng'er's affairs are my affairs, if this little matter can't be done, how can I, Wang Hui, spend my time in Pingshan County?"

As soon as Wang Hui hung up the phone, he ordered the people below to pay attention to this Lin Qing, and find a chance to bring her to Queen's KTV, and Queen's KTV is his base camp.

(End of this chapter)

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