Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 187 Humans and ghosts take different paths

Chapter 187 Humans and ghosts take different paths (Part [-])
Hu Er hadn't walked out of the door when he heard footsteps outside. He quickly made a silent movement, and said with his mouth: "Everyone, be careful, there is movement outside."

The crowd suddenly became tense, and everyone silently picked up the weapons in their hands, ready to fight at any time. Even if they faced a powerful monster, they would not be able to catch it without a fight.

"Bang bang bang."

There was a knock on the door, which made everyone more nervous. They were afraid that it was the monster.

"It's me, Lin Qing, open the door, that monster has been killed by me."

Lin Qing's words were like the sounds of nature to everyone, and they silently breathed a sigh of relief.

Hu Er hurriedly opened the door, and when he saw that Lin Qing had no scars on his body, he couldn't help but have a higher opinion of Lin Qing's strength.When the two of them were fighting just now, although he didn't watch the scene and momentum closely, he could still imagine it.

"Sister Lin, you're fine. That's great. I'm so worried." When Hongye saw Lin Qing, her tense state relaxed.

"Are you all right?" Lin Qing asked.

"We have nothing to do." Hu Er said.

"Sister Lin, where is the beauty in white? Wasn't she with you when we left? Could it be that she..." Li Xiaole showed a worried look.

"Don't worry, she's fine, she's hiding like you guys." Lin Qing said.

"That's good, that's good." Li Xiaole showed his sunny smile at this time.

"Yo? Xiao Le, you care so much about that beautiful woman in white, don't you have a crush on her?" The bald head teased.

"How can there be? Don't talk nonsense, how could such a perfect goddess like her fall in love with me?"

Li Xiaole couldn't help revealing a look of inferiority. In his eyes, such a perfect goddess must have many suitors around him, including all kinds of rich and handsome. How could a poor boy like him who has neither education nor money be worthy of her? Woolen cloth?I just don't know why she came here?
"How is it impossible? Didn't it say that love has no distinction between high and low, age, nationality or even gender?" Hongye showed a charming smile, but her words also had a teasing tone.

From Li Xiaole's demeanor, Lin Qing could see that Li Xiaole liked the beauty in white very much, but it was a pity that there must be no possibility for the two of them.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing said, "You are not suitable."

Li Xiaole showed a surprised look: "Sister Lin also thinks that I am not good enough for her, does she?"

"It's not a matter of being worthy or not, but that the two of you are doomed and cannot get together." Lin Qing said flatly.

"Could it be that there is no possibility of destiny?" Li Xiaole's face turned pale immediately, he thought of a certain possibility, the other party appeared in the portrait, could it be that the other party is not human?At first he thought that the beautiful woman in white just happened to look like the portrait, maybe it was other explorers who strayed into the disappeared village like them, but after hearing what Lin Qing said, he thought it was another possibility, and he couldn't help showing sadness look, asked unwillingly.

"En." Lin Qing nodded, and made a heavy voice.

Hearing this, Li Xiaole's fair face turned even paler, and he became more convinced of the guess in his heart.

"Sister Lin, what you said is too absolute. In today's society, even if the family status is poor, it is still possible for lovers to get married." The bald head said, unable to bear to see Li Xiaole like this.

Obviously, he regarded the woman in white as a wealthy woman who came out to explore like Lin Qing. He guessed that she had come to this disappearing village before them, and at night, she fell into the ground like them.At this moment, he completely forgot that he had seen the beautiful woman in white in the portrait, but it was too dark at that time, coupled with his nervousness, he didn't pay much attention to what the beautiful woman in the portrait looked like.

"It's not about family background, it's about the different paths between people and ghosts." Lin Qing said calmly.

Although Lin Qing's words were light, they made everyone almost unsteady. Only Hu Er was calmer. When he saw the appearance of the beautiful woman in white, he thought of a certain possibility. He is not as careless as the bald head , and it's too coincidental, how could it be so similar to the portrait?Even so, his eyes widened in shock.

"What? You mean that beautiful woman in white is a ghost? How can there be such a beautiful ghost?" The bald head suddenly felt his scalp go numb, as if the other party was like an evil ghost in a beauty's skin.

"Didn't you say that ghosts are energy matter? Humans can't see or touch them. Aren't all ghosts in legends ugly? She's so beautiful, like a fairy, how could she be a ghost?" Li Xiaole confirmed After guessing in his own heart, he asked in confusion.

"To be precise, she is a spirit of resentment. Ordinary ghosts are indeed invisible and intangible, but there are exceptions. Some ghosts are extremely resentful and have unfulfilled wishes. She is unwilling to enter the underworld and stays in the human world. If she waits The place is also conducive to her cultivation, so over the years, she can gradually show her figure. And that beauty in white is like this." Lin Qing explained.

At this moment, the beautiful woman in white appeared in front of the door, and she rushed towards Lin Qing.

The bald men took several steps back in fright, only Li Xiaole remained motionless.

It seems that the power of love is really great!It will make people forget their fear. No wonder people say that love does not distinguish between family status, age, race, country, or even men and women? Now you can also add that it does not distinguish between humans and ghosts. Since ancient times, there have been various love stories about humans and ghosts. Although the ending It's not that pretty, but at least it does exist.

"You don't have to be afraid, she won't hurt you." Lin Qing comforted everyone.

"You're fine, that's great. There was no movement for a while just now. I went out to check, and I didn't see the corpse of the demon in the place where you fought. Did the demon escape?" the beautiful woman in white asked doubtfully.

"The demon is dead, I burned it to death, leaving only a pile of ashes." Lin Qing said.

"Hahahahahaha, Father, Brother Wang, your great revenge has finally been avenged. Although I did not personally kill that monster, I think you will forgive me, and you can rest in peace." The beauty in white laughed. Dao, she laughed a little crazy, as if she wanted to laugh out all the grievances of many years, she couldn't help but shed tears when she smiled.

When Hu Er and the others heard the words of the beauty in white, they were a little confused. They all speculated that the beauty in white was the princess of a certain country in ancient times?Otherwise, how could he call father, brother?

It has to be said that Hu Er and the others have indeed revealed the truth. The beauty in white is the princess of the disappeared ancient Jing Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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