Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 189 Jiang Beichen's Strange Granny

Chapter 189 Jiang Beichen's Strange Granny (Part [-])
In the blink of an eye, a month has passed, and the Huaguo special forces team competition is about to start, and the venue for their competition is in the imperial capital. Lin Qing came to the imperial capital three days before the competition, of course, part of the reason is that Mr. Ying Jiang invite.

He said that he missed Lin Qing, and invited Lin Qing to come as a guest. It happened that Jiang Beichen returned to the imperial capital these days and said that he would stay in the imperial capital for a while. He thought that Lin Qing should also take a vacation. After all, after the high school entrance examination, there is still time to leave school a period of time.He thought that the two of them would get in touch more, maybe they would see each other and get together.

Mr. Jiang liked Lin Qing very much. He didn't know if his grandson had caught up with Lin Qing. Thinking of his grandson's cold and sullen appearance, he had to use his god assist mode.He didn't want this miraculous doctor's daughter-in-law to run away, otherwise, where would he find someone Jiang Beichen liked and who could prolong his life!

Especially after he took the Qibuqi pills given by Lin Qing, his waist no longer hurts, his legs no longer sore, and even diseases such as high blood pressure and high blood fat are gone, and he feels that his whole body is in a state of Back when I was young, there was a large piece of white hair, but now there are a lot of black hair faintly emerging.He felt that it was a miracle even more, and his desire to abduct Lin Qing home was even stronger.

What Mr. Jiang didn't know was that the two of them had already been secretly plotting against each other.

But this time, Lin Qing brought Zhou Linger, Li Chengfeng, Wei Jie, Li Xuanzheng and two beasts to the imperial capital, especially when they heard that there was a special forces competition, they were very interested and expressed their desire to see it.

After setting up the other four people, Lin Qing came to Jiang's house to visit Mr. Jiang in the evening.

And Jiang Beichen is busy these days, formulating various tactics for the upcoming competition. After all, this special forces competition not only has individual competitions, but also team competitions. lost.

As the evening approached, Jiang Beichen finally finished his work, and the rest required the members of the Longya team to get in touch with each other.

Not long ago, he had been busy, so he didn't feel it, but now that he was free, his mind was full of that crystal clear sweetheart.

Since Lin Qing came out of the desert last time and spent a week with him day and night, they haven't seen each other for a week. It's really like three autumns without seeing each other. How many autumns has it been?Although they have contact every night, how can just contact compare to actually meeting people?
As his heart moved, he immediately dialed Lin Qing's phone number.

"Qingqing, when did you come to the imperial capital? I miss you." Jiang Beichen clearly expressed his thoughts as soon as he got on the phone.

"I miss you too." Lin Qing smiled with a happy smile on her face.

"But you don't even come to see me, haven't you started school yet?" Jiang Beichen's tone showed disappointment.

"Then where do you think I am?" Lin Qing said with a smile.

"You're not in the imperial capital, are you?" Jiang Beichen frowned.

"Bingo, the answer is correct, but there is no prize." Lin Qing teased.

"Didn't you say that you only came the day before the game? Why didn't you tell me when you came, let me pick you up?" Jiang Beichen seemed to have a frost on his face.

"The main reason is that there are several people who came together. I thought I would contact you when I got there. I was afraid that you were busy during the day, so I didn't call you. I wanted to call you at night to surprise you. Who would want to call you?" Just coming?" Lin Qing's soft voice hit Jiang Beichen's heart.

Lin Qing's explanation made Jiang Beichen's expressionless face glow with a light.

"Where are you now? I'll go find you right away." Jiang Beichen asked.

"Oh, I'm at the door of your Jiang family's old house, waiting for someone to inform Grandpa Jiang. I'll come and see him." Lin Qing said.

"What? My grandfather doesn't live in Jiang's old house right now. Wait a minute, I'll go back right away. If that old woman makes things difficult for you, you don't have to be polite to her." Jiang Beichen hung up the phone after finishing speaking, and hurried towards Jiang's old house Come.

Where he is now is the military training base on the outskirts of the imperial capital. Even if there is no traffic jam, it is estimated that it will take more than an hour to get to Jiang's old house.

Lin Qing was very surprised by Jiang Beichen's nonsensical words: "Who is the old woman? But no matter who she is, she wants to bully me, and she is a little tender. Am I the kind of person who allows others to bully me? "

At this moment, a middle-aged woman came out of the Jiang family's old house. The woman said arrogantly: "This Miss Lin, Mrs. Jiang is here to invite you."

Since Mr. Jiang is not here, it is okay to meet Mrs. Jiang, but she is very strange, why was Mrs. Jiang not there when she was treating Mr. Jiang last time?But this is someone else's family background, she can't control anything, so this doubt flashed in her mind.

Soon Lin Qing came to the living room of the Jiang family's old house, and saw an old lady with black hair and gray sideburns sitting in the main seat. Her face was rosy and shiny, and there were not many wrinkles. Come to think of it, she was definitely a beauty when she was young.She was wearing a dark red Tang suit top with a pair of black loose pants of good texture underneath, and a blood-red jadeite bracelet on her wrist. Judging from the water, it was definitely worth a fortune.

Her eyes are a bit cloudy, not as bright as a child's, but when she squints her eyes, she still looks very majestic. After all, she has been in a high position for many years, and this invisible aura should not be underestimated.

She squinted her eyes and looked at Lin Qing carefully and said, "Little girl, who are you? Why did you come to see my old man?"

The other party's eyes made Lin Qing very uncomfortable, Lin Qing asked back: "May I ask who you are?"

The middle-aged woman next to the old lady snapped, "This is my old lady, Mr. Jiang's wife."

"Oh, so it's Mrs. Jiang. My name is Lin Qing, and I'm Jiang Beichen's girlfriend. This time, I'm here to meet Mr. Jiang at his invitation." Lin Qing said calmly.

"What? Are you Beichen's girlfriend? Where are you from? Which family's girl?" Upon hearing this, Mrs. Jiang looked at Lin Qing critically and said.

"Me? I'm from Linjia Village, Pingshan County, Zhongzhou City."

Of course, Lin Qing saw that this old lady Jiang was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and she was full of power, but she didn't care. The only thing she cared about in the whole Jiang family was Jiang Beichen. She cared about Jiang Beichen because she liked it, but for Jiang Beichen The old man is good because the other party is good to her, and also to Jiang Beichen.She has always been a person, if others treat her well, she will treat others well, and if others treat her badly, she will immediately be ruthless to others.

(End of this chapter)

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