Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 192 Sweet Kiss

Chapter 192 Sweet Kiss (Part [-])
"It's really not enough to succeed, but more to fail." Mr. Jiang cursed secretly. He was thinking about how to match the two, but he didn't expect his sloppy wife to be behind the scenes. But from what she said, it seemed that Jiang Beichen and Lin Qing were married. What a good boy, let him worry for nothing, and don't tell him about the happy event.

Jiang Beichen walked out of the house and called Lin Qing.

"Qingqing, where are you? The old woman didn't bully you, right?" Jiang Beichen showed a worried look. If he was facing other people, he wouldn't worry about Lin Qing being bullied, but when facing people related to him, he would I was afraid that Lin Qing would wrong him.

"I'm eating dessert in a dessert shop called LOVE ME near your house. Are you talking about your grandma? How could she bully me? I'm a witch." Lin Qing held the cake in her mouth, His eyes were narrowed, and he seemed to be in a very good mood. It was true that delicious food made people feel better.

"The old woman is only related to me in terms of blood relationship, but I never consider her my grandmother in my heart. If she targets you, you don't have to give her face." Jiang Beichen felt a little depressed when he thought of his dead mother.

"Chen, are you in a bad mood? Hurry up and find me at LOVE ME. There are a lot of delicious desserts here. Sweet food can make people forget their troubles." Lin Qing's voice became soft, no The usual coldness was like a delicious ice cream that had just melted, but this gentle voice healed Jiang Beichen all of a sudden, and his originally sad heart immediately became warm.

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Jiang Beichen hung up the phone and walked towards the location Lin Qing said.

Soon Jiang Beichen came to the dessert shop that Lin Qing mentioned. The warm yellow lights enveloped the whole shop, making it very warm.In front of the tall floor-to-ceiling windows, there are several pots of green plants, but it feels fresh.Warm-colored wallpapers are pasted on the wall, three-dimensional colorful hot air balloons are pasted on the wall, and cats with different expressions lie quietly on the wall, waiting for people to wake them up.There was a sweet aroma in the air, and Jiang Beichen saw Lin Qing fighting with all kinds of delicious desserts at the table at a glance.

There are a variety of delicious desserts on the table, such as mango mousse cake, which is fragrant and delicious, with a soft taste; a layer of silky pumpkin whipped cream is sandwiched between crispy oatmeal biscuits, which is full of flavor; traditional cherry pie, with a crispy skin, The inside is sweet and sour, and the taste and texture are superb; the golden egg tart shell is crispy and delicious, and the filling is tender and delicate, which makes people linger; The bittersweetness complements the freshness and pleasantness of the mango puree.


When Jiang Beichen walked in front of Lin Qing, Lin Qing's extremely pink lips were covered with a lot of strawberry jam, and the gorgeous color made Lin Qing's lips look like a delicious dessert. Taste it.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Beichen's originally deep eyes became darker and more mysterious. It seemed that something was brewing inside, which was really hard to see through.

"You're here." Lin Qing raised her crystal clear face and smiled at Jiang Beichen.

Jiang Beichen swallowed unconsciously, as if he was attracted by the food on the table. In fact, it was not the food that attracted him, but the beauty.

"Are you hungry, the desserts here are very good, and you will feel great after eating."

As Lin Qing said, he took a piece of delicious and beautiful strawberry flavored cake and stuffed it into Jiang Beichen's mouth. Jiang Beichen felt the silky smoothness at that moment, which made him dizzy, as if floating in the clouds .

'Qingqing, she is feeding me dessert, and her jade-like fingertips touched my lips, so excited! There was a faint light in Jiang Beichen's eyes, his ears turned red unconsciously, and his heart started its excited rhythm uncontrollably.

At this time, the smog in Jiang Beichen's heart had long been blown away by the warm wind, leaving only waves of indescribable warmth and sweetness.

Lin Qing watched Jiang Beichen sit down blankly, chewing the delicacy in his mouth mechanically, frowned slightly and asked in doubt: "Isn't it delicious? I think it tastes good!"

Jiang Beichen shook his head, raised the corner of his mouth and said, "No, it tastes delicious."

In fact, although Jiang Beichen swallowed the delicious cake, he didn't savor the taste of the dessert carefully. At this time, his heart was already sweetened by Lin Qing's actions. Even if he was eating bitter melon, he probably could eat it out of sweetness.

Lin Qing dug out a spoonful of ice cream from her small bowl and fed it to Jiang Beichen's mouth. The icy and sweet taste, in such a summer day, not only did not set fire to Jiang Beichen, but made Jiang Beichen The fire in his heart burned even brighter.

"Qingqing used that spoon just now, and she fed me with the spoon again, wouldn't we kiss indirectly?" Jiang Beichen thought to himself, his heart was so sweet that pink bubbles burst out.

In this sweet atmosphere, after the two finished their desserts together, they came to another restaurant. It is said that the food in this restaurant is also excellent, especially in terms of cooking Beijing dishes. He knew that she liked food, so Jiang Beichen brought her to this Ziyue Garden specially.

After the two came to Ziyue Garden, they ordered a lot of dishes. If ordinary people would probably have something wrong with their stomachs, fortunately, both of them are practitioners, which consume a lot of energy, so the appetite is several times that of ordinary people.

When the two of them had finished their meal, Jiang Beichen drove Lin Qing back to the hotel where she was staying. Since Mrs. Jiang, a provocative person, was in Jiang's old house, Jiang Beichen didn't invite Lin Qing to be annoyed. Qing went to live with him.

The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, and Jiang Beichen pretended to help Lin Qing unbuckle his seat belt.

Just as Lin Qing was about to say that I could come by myself, Jiang Beichen's sexy red lips tasted the strawberry-flavored rose red, and suddenly a hundred flowers bloomed, and two butterflies were fluttering their wings and flying among the flowers. Baihua has become more beautiful and brighter, so they are competing to see who can add more scenery to this summer?

After a while, the two butterflies were finally tired from the flying contest, and they gasped and stopped their steps.There are pink hearts floating in the air, and only the two parties can feel this sweet scene, because the car window is translucent, you can see the scenery outside from the inside, but you can't see what happened inside from the outside what.

'Why are you kissing me? '

Lin Qing just wanted to ask this question, but seeing Jiang Beichen's darker eyes, she swallowed her words.Thinking of the incomparably sweet scene just now, she couldn't calm down for a long time.

"This feeling is not bad." Lin Qing secretly thought.

(End of this chapter)

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