Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 197 The Good Luck of Dragon Tooth Team

Chapter 197 The Good Luck of Dragon Tooth Team

Before the battle started, the members of the Longya team were still very lazy. Didn't Instructor Jiang say that they were going to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, and they would surprise everyone after a while.

With the ringing of the battle bell, the members of Dragon Tooth Squad, who looked thin at first, immediately became different. Each of them seemed to be a different person, and their whole bodies were full of energy. This kind of imperceptibly increased Everyone felt the spirit and spirit, but in the eyes of everyone, the Longya team still looked weak.

As soon as the battle started, the Dragon Tooth team formed their formation. Their formation was like a soaring eagle, wanting to rush into the snake-shaped formation ahead.

As soon as the two sides fought, the soldiers of the preparation team formed their best snake formation. This formation is easier to control and more flexible, so it is easy to catch the opponent in one go.

At this time, every member of the reserve team was full of confidence and energy, and they took the lead in attacking the Dragon Tooth team.

"Wow, the show is about to start. How much do you think the members of Dragon Tooth Team can support?"

"I guess at most 10 minutes, who let the Dragon Tooth team underestimate the enemy because they are one of the top five teams? Just look at their size and you will know that they are much weaker than the reserve team."


There was a lot of discussion among the audience. From the appearance, the Dragon Tooth team is indeed not as brave as the people in the reserve team, but the real strength does not depend on who has a strong appearance. The members of the Dragon Tooth team have all trained Lin Qing. Their physical training skills, even if their strength is not as good as Stone Fox and others, they are not worse than those of other teams. Although they look thin and thin, they are actually practicing physical training in the past six months Fa was tortured like this.

At the beginning, the members of the Longya team did not use their full strength. If they had used their full strength from the beginning, the opponent would definitely not be able to last for 5 minutes. They were constantly dodging and consuming the opponent's physical strength. It's too embarrassing, remembering what the instructor said to keep a low profile, they adopted such a tactic.

After watching for more than ten minutes, the audience below began to be dissatisfied.

"Why do the members of the Dragon Tooth team keep hiding? You are such a coward. Even if you are weak, you must have the courage to fight!"

"Yeah, there's nothing interesting about hiding here, hurry up and fight!"

They spoke loudly, apparently impatiently watching.

Everyone in the Longya team saw that the time was about to pass, and they immediately burst out their true strength. They were all called cowards by others, and they were unwilling to swallow their anger.They rushed into the opponent's team like a tiger, each of them aimed at an opponent, and immediately attacked their opponent as the leader gave an order.

Soon, in less than a minute, everyone in the preparation team fell on the competition stage. They yelled, apparently they had just been beaten very painfully.

"What happened? Why did the preparation team collapse all of a sudden?"

"Aren't the members of the Dragon Tooth team playing a conspiracy just now? First consume the opponent's physical strength, and then when the opponent relaxes and thinks that they will definitely win, they immediately explode their strength."

"Hearing what you said, the members of the Longya team are very smart, they know how to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers!"

"Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is only suitable for teams that are not much different in strength. If they encounter a team that is much stronger than them, they will give up. In the face of all conspiracies and tricks, strength is the last word."


"This match, the Dragon Tooth team won."

With the referee's words, this first round is over.

In the second round of the competition, lots will also be drawn to determine the opponent's opponent.

The three winning teams in the first round will draw lots. Whoever draws an empty lot will directly advance to the third round, and the other two teams will compete in the second round.The two special forces teams that failed in the first round competed again to compete for the fourth and fifth nouns.

And when the lottery was drawn, people hoped that the Feilong team could draw an empty lottery, because it was the strongest team that deserved its name.But what everyone didn't expect was that the Longya team actually got an empty lottery.

"I'll go, the dragon tooth team's luck is too good!"

"This is not only great, it's really lucky. This time, the Dragon Tooth team is estimated to be ranked second among the top five teams. They really should buy lottery tickets."


The members of the Longya team didn't take the discussion seriously. Not only did they not feel lucky, but they felt aggrieved.They participated in the competition this time, hoping to be able to raise their eyebrows and fight against the majesty, but they actually got a weak chicken in the first round, and they had a bye in the second round, so there was only the third round. There can be 30 players, so many players are destined to be unable to participate in the competition, and those fighters who have worked hard for more than half a year and want to show their strength to everyone will naturally feel aggrieved in their hearts.

Jiang Beichen felt the emotions of some team members and said, "Are you training just to show off?"

"No." Everyone said one after another.

"No? No, it's fine, no, you don't need to feel aggrieved. The improvement of your strength is not only to save face for yourself, but also to survive better. The professions you are engaged in are very special and dangerous. If you are careful, you will lose your life, and the improvement of your strength will greatly increase your chances of survival." Jiang Beichen said indifferently as always.

But as soon as his words fell, everyone's aggrieved emotions subsided a lot.

"In addition, your Longya team is a collective. The members representing you won, and you also have face, so you don't have to worry about whether you can play. From today onwards, our Longya team will definitely be famous all over the world." Jiang Beichen continued.

At this moment, Xiao Mu, the trainer of the Flying Dragon team, happened to pass by. He sneered and said, "Hehe, do you think that if you get No.2, you will become famous all over the world? It's ridiculous. Has anyone heard of No.2? All you know is No.1, not to mention that your No.2 is entirely based on luck. After a while, our Flying Dragon team will definitely defeat your Dragon Tooth team as quickly as possible, so that you can understand the gap between the two. Those who are qualified to have a dragon in their name, you are more or less snakes or reptiles, and you still call yourself the Dragon Tooth Team, it’s really funny.”

"You..." the members of the Dragon Tooth team said angrily.

Jiang Beichen stopped the team members from fighting against Xiao Mu, and snorted coldly: "You are right, you have to fight to know whether it is a dragon or a snake or a reptile, but I think your Feilong team is more like a snake or a reptile, so why not change your name?" Call the Flying Snakes and Flying Reptiles, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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