Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 29 Traces of Immortal Cultivators

Chapter 29 Traces of Immortal Cultivators
"Grandpa, isn't Ma Liang's magical brush a fairy tale?" Kong Zihao asked doubtfully.

"I always thought it was a fairy tale before, but how can I explain the miraculous scene just now? And look at the luster of this brush, both on the barrel and the bristles, which even those famous pens can't compare to. In addition, my grandfather has also met some metaphysicians in these years, and I learned that the world is far from being as simple as we see. Some of those ascetics can drive away gods and ghosts, and some can make fire out of thin air. Those who touch stones can even turn stones into gold, and Ma Liang may indeed exist, but he is just a powerful ascetic." Kong Feng explained.

"Who is Ma Liang?" Lin Qing asked doubtfully.

"It's the magical brush Ma Liang in the fairy tales, haven't you heard of it?" Xiao Muting asked.

Seeing Lin Qing nodding, he began to tell this fairy tale.

"Once upon a time, there was a poor boy named Ma Liang. He was born smart and loved painting since he was a child. But because his family was poor, he didn't even have the money to buy a pen. When I went to the river to mow grass, I dipped the grass roots into the river water to draw on the river; when I got home, I took a piece of charcoal to draw in the yard.

Ma Liang paints unremittingly and never stops for a day.But he often thought, how wonderful it would be if he could have a paintbrush. One night, Ma Liang felt a burst of colorful light in the cave dwelling in a trance. At this time, an old man with white beard appeared and gave him a golden paintbrush. Shiny magic pen.Ma Liang woke up happily, it turned out to be a dream!

But he looked at his hand, it was incredible that he did have a pen in his hand.He immediately drew a bird with a pen, and the bird came to life, spread its wings and flew up, and he drew a fish, and the fish also came to life, jumping around.With this magical brush, Ma Liang drew pictures for the poor and kind-hearted people in the village every day, and Ma Liang would draw for them what they lacked.

When a greedy and unkind rich man in a neighboring village heard about this incident, he immediately sent someone to arrest Ma Liang and force him to paint for himself.No matter how the rich man coaxed and frightened him, he just refused to paint.The rich man shut him up in a stable and gave him no food.

It snowed heavily in the evening.The rich man saw red light coming from the crack of the door of the stable and smelled a fragrant smell, so he looked in the door, and Ma Liang lit a big stove inside, and he was eating hot pancakes while roasting the fire.The stove and pancakes were all drawn by Ma Liang with a magic brush.

The rich man suddenly became angry and planned to kill Ma Liang and take away his magic brush.At this time, Ma Liang climbed up a ladder, climbed over the wall and left.The rich man hurriedly climbed up the ladder to chase after him, but he fell down after climbing two steps.It turned out that this ladder was also drawn by Ma Liang with a magic brush.Before the rich man got up, Ma Liang galloped away on a horse drawn with a magic brush.

The rich man chased after him on horseback with his men.Seeing that he was about to chase, Ma Liang drew a bow and an arrow with a magic brush.Ma Liang shot an arrow with a bow, and an arrow hit the rich man's throat, and the rich man died suddenly.

When the emperor found out, he sent someone to arrest Ma Liang.The emperor threatened Ma Liang to draw a money tree for him, otherwise, Ma Liang would be killed.Ma Liang waved his magic pen, and there was a small island in the middle of a boundless sea, and there was a tall and big money tree on the island.Ma Liang drew another huge wooden boat, and the emperor took people on the wooden boat.Ma Liang drew a few more wind strokes, and the big wooden boat sailed with the wind.Ma Liang continued to paint the wind, and the sea breeze rolled up layers of huge waves. The boat was overturned by the huge waves, and the emperor sank to the bottom of the sea.

It is not known where Ma Liang went in the end.Some people say that he returned to his hometown and was with those farming partners.It is also said that he wandered around and painted pictures for poor people. "

After hearing Ma Liang's story, Lin Qing guessed that Ma Liang might be a cultivator with profound magic power. Some of the plots in the story could be transformed by spiritual energy, and the stories are often exaggerated and exaggerated.

When they knew that Lin Qing's pen was probably a magic pen, they all showed envious expressions.

"Can this pen really turn the things in the painting into reality?" Kong Zihao asked curiously.

"The story is just an exaggeration, but this pen is likely to be a magic weapon." Kong Feng guessed, as a famous antique appraiser, he had contact with some metaphysicians, so of course he also knew the magic weapon.

"Isn't metaphysics just a lie?" Kong Zihao asked.

"Bastard, what are you talking about? Metaphysics is the crystallization of the wisdom of Taoism in our country. Even some famous professors recognize the scientific nature of Zhouyi. Why do you not recognize the things of your ancestors after accepting a little bit of foreign culture!" Kong Feng taught. .

"Okay, Grandpa, I know I was wrong." Kong Zihao hurriedly said in order to save his ears from being bombarded.

Hearing that his grandson admitted his mistake, Kong Feng no longer taught him a lesson, and his attention was on that magic brush of Ma Liang.

"Girl, can you sell me this magic pen of Ma Liang? I'll offer 100 million." He knew that 100 million was not much for buying a magic weapon, but it was all the money in the card he was carrying. Yes, he thought that such a young girl would definitely not be able to withstand the temptation of 100 million.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kong, I don't intend to sell this magic brush of Ma Liang." Lin Qing flatly refused, as if this matter didn't even need to be considered.

"Can you tell me why?" Kong Feng asked still unwillingly.

"Because I am also a monk, this pen is useful to me." Lin Qing explained.

"Grandpa Kong, we are here this time to buy a pill furnace, do you have any for sale here?" Xiao Muting asked.

"Dan furnace, this is a strange thing, I'll look for it." Kong Feng said and walked to the collection room of Jianbao Pavilion.

And the four of them drank tea in the reception room of Jianbao Pavilion. Kong Zihao's tea ceremony skills were good, and he could reach the level of flowing water.

Zhou Ling'er said: "I think this brother Kong makes people feel very comfortable when making tea. It turns out that making tea can be so beautiful!"

"Miss Zhou, you have a good eye, but I'm not as good as Young Master Xiao." Kong Zihao said, he wasn't self-effacing, he was telling the truth.

After the four of them drank a few cups of tea, Mr. Kong finally came out of the collection room. As soon as he came out, he smiled and said: "Don't tell me, I really have a pill furnace here. It is said that this is the alchemy furnace of Qin Shihuang's period. After all, Qin Shihuang was obsessed with immortality at that time, and the alchemy industry developed relatively well at that time."

Lin Qing took it over and took a look, and found that although there was a bit of ancient charm on it, which could prove that it was an antique, it was not the alchemy furnace she wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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