Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 33 Wang Menger's Conspiracy

Chapter 33 Wang Menger's Conspiracy
Since Wang Menger didn't get Lin Qing last time, she has been looking for opportunities to frame her again, but in the past ten days, Lin Qing has either been on the two-point line at school and doesn't have much contact with people, or she has asked for leave, so she has never found a chance .

Finally, on Wednesday, Lin Qing appeared in the school again, and this time she completely threw away the big black-rimmed glasses, but she didn't show her true face, otherwise her appearance would be too eye-catching.

"Meng'er, that Lin Qing has returned to school. I heard that she became more beautiful after taking off her black-rimmed glasses. Of course, she is only a little prettier than before, and she is far behind you." Zhong Hui knew that Lin Qing had returned to school. After school, he immediately called Wang Menger.

"Zhong Hui, don't compare me with a bumpkin, you'll lose my identity." Wang Menger said arrogantly.

As soon as Zhong Hui hung up the phone, she complained: "What a bull, if it weren't for your family being better than mine, and your father happens to be my father's immediate boss, I wouldn't bother to talk to you! You are beautiful, have a good family background and What's the use, it's not that Young Master Xiao doesn't like you."

Zhong Hui's father, Zhong Yi, was the director of the Public Security Bureau of Pingshan County, while Wang Menger's father, Wang Meng, was the director of the Public Security Bureau of Zhongzhou City.

Wang Meng'er has known Xiao Muting since she was a child because of her grandfather's relationship. Her grandfather Wang Jianguo used to be a soldier of Mr. Xiao's, and during the war, he sacrificed his life to save Mr. Xiao's life, causing him to be shot himself.Since then, Mr. Xiao has been very grateful to Wang Jianguo and has been in close contact with him. Under Mr. Xiao's promotion, Mr. Wang Jianguo has also been promoted to the rank of Colonel.

As he grew older, Xiao Muting became more and more handsome. Coupled with Xiao Muting's family background, Wang Menger fell in love with him very early on.

Unexpectedly, half a year ago, Xiao Muting suddenly transferred from Zhongzhou City to Qingshui High School in Pingshan County to study, and Wang Menger followed him a few months later. His family knew Wang Menger's feelings for Xiao Muting. For this, Wang Menger's parents were supportive and wanted to Knowing that Xiao Muting's uncle is a high-ranking official of the Central Plains Province, and the boss of the Central Plains Province, if Wang Meng's official career wants to go further, he must be promoted from above.

After Zhong Hui hung up the phone, Wang Menger made a call: "Huang Mao, that Lin Qing is back, you can do it after school today. Remember to record the video during the work."

"Don't worry, Miss Meng'er, as long as the money is in place, we will take care of it for you."

"Could it be possible that I still depend on your money?" Wang Meng'er said angrily.

"Who is Miss Meng'er! I believe Miss Meng'er is not, I just remind Miss Meng'er."

"After you send me the card number, I'll transfer 5 yuan to you first, and then I'll give you the next [-] yuan." Wang Menger hung up the phone in distress. The [-] yuan was her living expenses for a year.

Although her family is good, she is an official after all, not as rich as a businessman. Even if her father is corrupt, she dare not spend it blatantly, otherwise she would have been reported long ago, so the living expenses given to her have always been very limited.

Since Wang Hui failed to do things last time, he said that he didn't want to help Wang Meng'er anymore. Wang Menger had no choice but to spend money to find some gangsters to deal with Lin Qing.

She couldn't understand why Wang Hui was so scared when he heard Lin Qing's name now, she thought Lin Qing was just taking advantage of Brother Xiao's influence.It just so happened that Brother Xiao was not in Pingshan County recently. He went back to Zhongzhou for something. When he came back, he found that Lin Qing had turned into a broken shoe. Let's see if he will talk to her again!
It was finally after school, and Zhou Linger had something to go home, so she didn't go with Lin Qing.

When Lin Qing walked to a secluded place, five or six people suddenly appeared and blocked Lin Qing's path. The leader was a man with yellow hair who looked only in his 20s.

I saw the yellow hair showing its yellow teeth, and said with an evil smile: "Oh, where is the little girl going? Come and play with us!"

Lin Qing looked at the people in front of her and said with a smile, "Oh? Are you sure you want me to play with you?"

Huang Mao didn't expect the other party to answer like this, he was stunned for a moment and said: "Oh, I didn't expect that the little girl is a fellow, don't worry, our brothers will be gentler and love you well."

As soon as the words were finished, Lin Qing rushed towards several people quickly, punched and kicked several people together, and all of them lay on the ground, wailing in pain.Although she didn't use much force, it wasn't something these mobs could resist.

"Oops, my leg is broken."

"Fuck, I have a broken rib."


Lin Qing didn't care what would happen to these people after they were injured, she left gracefully. Since she offended her, she must bear the punishment she deserved.

As soon as Lin Qing left, Huang Mao dialed Wang Menger's phone: "Miss Menger, are you cheating on us? Then Lin Qing is obviously a master of martial arts, and the six of us were beaten by her, either with broken legs or broken legs." If you hurt a rib, you not only have to pay for our medical expenses, but also give us another sum of money."

"What? How is it possible?" Wang Meng'er couldn't believe it.

"If you don't believe me, just come and see. We are next to the grove next to Dongping Road in Pingshan County." Huang Mao endured the pain and said.

After Wang Meng'er hung up the phone, she said angrily: "What a bunch of trash, six of them can't even beat a little girl. Even if that bitch has learned a few martial arts moves, how good is he going to be?"

She didn't want to care about them at first, but at this moment, a flash of light flashed in her mind, and she laughed horribly: "Hahaha, bitch, since the black ones can't cure you, then I'll play white with you."

After a while, Wang Menger rushed to the place where Huang Mao was, and found several people lying on the ground, and several doctors next to them were preparing to put them into the ambulance.

They followed Huang Mao to the hospital, but the doctor diagnosed that six of them had either broken legs or broken ribs, and those with broken ribs could not do strenuous exercise after being connected, and those with broken legs would have problems walking even after being connected.

Hearing this diagnosis, Huang Mao and the others were stunned. They didn't expect a little girl to be so ruthless.

But they didn't think differently. If Lin Qing wasn't so strong, after being insulted, it can be said that her whole life was ruined, and those who had a bad attitude might commit suicide directly.

Seeing this situation, Wang Menger said when no one else was around, "Do you want revenge?"

Everyone said one after another: "Of course I want to, but we can't beat that stinky bitch, you have seen that."

Wang Meng'er smiled and said: "If you want to take revenge, do as I say. Not only will I help you pay your medical expenses, but I will also give you another sum of money."

Although Huang Mao and the others also resented Wang Menger for not telling the truth, they hated Lin Qing even more. When the facts could not be changed, they could only do what Wang Menger said.

As a representative of several people, Huang Mao said, "What do you want us to do?"

"Report to warn Lin Qing and sue her for intentional injury."

(End of this chapter)

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