Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 4 A motherless child is like a grass

Chapter 4 A motherless child is like a grass
On the day Zhang Yueping died, Lin Qing was playing with some children in Linjia Village. Because Lin Qing was very cute, and Zhang Yueping dressed her up very cleanly, unlike some dirty children in the countryside, so many Children like to play with her.

Some children are older and more mature than her. One of them is Lin Ayue, who is almost six years old. Seeing that Lin Qing is so popular, she is very jealous, and her jealousy makes Lin Ayue become A little devil.

She overheard her parents talking about Lin Qing's parents, so she said, "You all don't know, Lin Qing's parents are getting divorced soon, and her father has a mistress, so she doesn't want her mother anymore."

Although Lin Ayue didn't know what a mistress was, she could tell from the adult's tone that it was not a good word.

When Lin Qing heard this, she said angrily, "You're talking nonsense, my father didn't want my mother."

Lin Ayue said triumphantly: "I'm not talking nonsense, many people in our village know about it."

Lin Qing had no intention of playing at all at this time. She cried and went home to find her mother, but found that her mother was not at home. She waited until dark and her mother had not come back. She came to grandma's house anxiously.

When she saw grandma, she cried and shouted, "Grandma, my mother is gone."

Lin Aiguo's mother, Li Suying, heard Lin Qing's crying, and hurriedly asked, "What's going on? Why did your mother disappear?"

Lin Qing cried while wiping her tears: "In the morning, my mother said that she had something to go out and asked me to go play with my friends, but I waited until it was dark, and my mother hadn't come back yet."

Li Suying wiped away Lin Qing's tears and muttered: "This Yueping is really serious. She hasn't come back after going out for so long. Don't you know if there is a child at home? What can be more important than a child?"

They waited until late at night, but no one saw Zhang Yueping, so Li Suying had to call Lin Aiguo and ask him to come back and look for it.

When Zhang Yueping was found, it was already the next morning, and she had been out of breath for a long time.She was discovered by Lin Sheng, a village doctor who went up to the mountain to collect herbs at the east end of the village. When Lin Sheng found her, he found that she had been out of breath for a long time, and immediately hurried back to the village to inform her family.

Knowing that Zhang Yueping died, Lin Aiguo also panicked. He just wanted to divorce her and didn't want her to die. Obviously he thought Zhang Yueping committed suicide, otherwise why would he go to such a secluded place.

And most of the other people in the village thought so too, and they all thought that it was because Lin Aiguo wanted to divorce her and she committed suicide because she was unwilling.After all, they all knew Zhang Yueping's character. She was honest and kind to others, and she had never had any enmity with others, so she should not have been killed by others.

So no one thought of reporting the case, and even if they did, they might not be able to find anything. After all, Yang Chun did not leave any clues at the time, and the place was extremely remote, with few people passing by and no cameras.

After hearing the news, Zhang Yueping's family made a fuss. They believed that Lin Aiguo cheated on Zhang Yueping and killed Zhang Yueping. Since then, the two families have turned against each other.

When Zhang Yueping just died, Lin Qing asked her father to ask for her mother. She remembered what Lin Ayue said, saying that her father didn't want her mother anymore. Unexpectedly, her father slapped her and said that her mother would not come back.Later, she heard from others that her mother was dead. Although she didn't quite understand the meaning of death at the time, she knew that she would never see her mother's smiling face or hear her mother's voice again.Since then, Lin Qing has changed from a lively and cheerful girl to a taciturn and inferior girl.

But Yang Chun spent a few days in panic. A few days later, she began to inquire about the news. When she learned from Lin Aiguo that Zhang Yueping had died and everyone suspected that Zhang Yueping committed suicide, she was relieved.

A few months later, Lin Aiguo married Yang Chun in a low-key manner. After all, Yang Chun's belly was getting bigger at that time, and he really couldn't afford to delay.And Yang Chun's family also wanted a bride price of [-] yuan, which meant choosing one out of ten thousand. At that time, it was considered a lion's mouth. After all, there were still very few ten thousand households at that time.

At first, Lin Aiguo's parents were reluctant, because it meant that if they married Yang Chun, they would have to be in debt for thousands of dollars. These years, Lin Aiguo worked outside the home and they only saved a few thousand dollars.

Later, Yang Chun learned about Lin Aiguo's parents' wish for a grandson, so he secretly went to a private clinic for a B-ultrasound, and was very happy to learn that it was probably a son.When she told the old couple about this, the old couple loosened their tone and agreed to their marriage.

This is the tragedy of girls born in rural areas, because most families in rural areas are a bit patriarchal, but the degree is different, and there are very few families that completely achieve equality between men and women.

Since Yang Chun married, Lin Qing started her miserable life.

Yang Chun has one thing on the outside and another on the back. He always pretends to be a good stepmother in front of people, but he has a completely different face after people.

For example, she never lets Lin Qing do any work in front of others, but behind others she lets Lin Qing do everything. If Lin Qing doesn't do it, she will suffer a severe beating immediately. Her beatings are very concealed, for example She would stick needles in inconspicuous places on Lin Qing's body. Firstly, others would not check it, and even if they did, they would not be able to see anything. Second, it was really painful, and it tortured people without being noticed.

When Lin Aiguo was at home, Lin Qing had normal food and clothing. When he was not at home, Lin Qing was often short of food and clothing.Since Yang Chun entered the house when she was five years old, she began to learn to do all kinds of housework, washing and cooking are common, and her hands were calloused at a young age.

Despite this, Lin Qing's academic performance has always been very good. Since her mother died, she can only find a sliver of comfort and hope in books.

Why did Yang Chun let Lin Qing go to school, not because she was noble, but because she wanted to sell Lin Qing for a good price.Moreover, the country has long promulgated the regulations on nine-year compulsory education, and she dare not blatantly violate them. After all, she still has to do enough superficial work to maintain her reputation as a good stepmother.

So she decided not to let Lin Qing go after she graduated from junior high school, and hurriedly helped her get engaged and received a bride price in order to prepare for her son to find a wife.

Yang Chun knew that her own son was not a student at all, and he was often the last one in the class, so what would he do in the future? If he didn't plan for him, he probably wouldn't even be able to marry a wife in the future.

Yang Chun's son is named Lin Shangjin, and he has been doted on by his family since he was born. After Yang Chun gave birth to this son, he has never been pregnant again, so for the only seedling in this family, both grandparents and parents are very doting , so he developed a lawless, lazy and lazy face.

Judging from his name, it can be seen that his family expects him, and hopes that he will make progress in the future. Unfortunately, a spoiled child is like a flower in a greenhouse. It cannot withstand a little wind and rain, so how can it grow into a strong tree? , Become the pillar of the country?
(End of this chapter)

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