Chapter 60

"What? I'm also famous in your dynasty?" Wei Jie asked.

His master once told him that when he wakes up, many years may have passed, and even the dynasty has changed.He looked at Lin Qing's strange clothes, and he must be in that era.

Lin Qing nodded and said, "Yes, you are quite famous, you have appeared in history books."

"What? My achievements in metaphysics are recorded in the history books?" Wei Jie said happily.

"You are famous not for your achievements in metaphysics, but for your appearance." Lin Qing said involuntarily.

"What? What dynasty is it now, and what year?" Wei Jie couldn't help but disappointed.

"It's Huaguo now, in 2005."

"In 2005, I have been dead for more than 1000 years?" Wei Jie was surprised.

"Okay, I'm making a blood contract now, you relax and don't resist."

Speaking of which, Lin Qing forced out a drop of blood from her fingertips, and shot it lightly at the center of Wei Jie's eyebrows. She silently recited the formula of the blood contract, and the connection between their spiritual worlds was immediately established.

At this time, Wei Jie found that he unconsciously developed a sense of intimacy and respect for Lin Qing, and the previous arrogance disappeared in front of her.

But he didn't know that the blood contract was more than that, and he couldn't have evil thoughts towards Lin Qing, otherwise he would have a splitting headache and be in excruciating pain.And his death has no effect on Lin Qing, but if Lin Qing dies, he will die with him.Lin Qing can still become a ghost after death. If he dies, his real body and soul will be destroyed, and he will completely disappear from this world.

"Master, I'm going to get some things, let's get out of here." Wei Jie said.

"My name is Lin Qing. You don't need to call me master, just call me by my name. I have already put away all your things." Lin Qing said with a smile.

It was really helpless for her to make a blood contract with Wei Jie. After all, he is a dead man. Once something goes wrong, it will do great harm to the society.So she made an extremely domineering blood contract with him, but only made an ordinary spiritual contract with Xiaoyin.In fact, she prefers to treat people around her with an equal attitude, which may be influenced by Xiao Linqing's memory.

"Put it away? Lin Qing, those metaphysics books and that jade flute are my favorite things, can you return them to me?" Wei Jie said helplessly.

Although Lin Qing was very sad that the spirit weapon he had just obtained would soon be gone, but thinking that Wei Jie was one of his own, he felt relieved.

She took out the jade flute from the storage space, and said, "Put the metaphysics books with me first, and I'll give them to you when I get home."

With another wave of Lin Qing's hand, the jade coffin was immediately put into the storage space.

Wei Jie saw the jade flute that suddenly appeared in Lin Qing's hand, and then looked at the jade coffin that suddenly disappeared, and secretly said in surprise: "This is a storage space. This is something that only a legendary fairy has. No wonder she can change me. My fate, Master will not deceive me."

Then the two left the ancient tomb, and when they returned to the ground, Wei Jie was a little unaccustomed to seeing the sunlight coming in through the leaves.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"Let's not leave in a hurry, I'm going to search in the mountains to see if there are any useful medicinal materials."

"Let me help you. My master's alchemy is very good. I also learned alchemy from him, and I also know some pharmacology."

Lin Qing nodded, and then the two started a frantic search for medicine.

With the efforts of the two, they really found a elixir and a few semi-elixir.

And this elixir is called Aescin. It is not only the main medicinal material of many elixirs, but it can also detoxify, and it can not only detoxify ordinary poisons, but also detoxify Gu poison.Otherwise, nature is amazing. In Xiangxi, where poisonous insects are everywhere, medicinal materials for detoxification grow, and the biological world has always been mutually exclusive.

Seeing that it was already dark, the two walked out of the mountain. When they were on the outskirts of the mountain, suddenly, there was a thunderbolt not far away.

Wei Jie was startled. His current body is originally a sinister thing, so he has an instinctive fear of thunder and lightning.

Seeing the thunder and lightning, Lin Qing thought of that kind little Taoist priest, and said to himself: "Isn't that the five thunder talisman I gave the little Taoist priest? Could it be that he was in danger?" She said and rushed towards the thunderbolt.

Although Wei Jie was a little afraid of thunder and lightning, but seeing Lin Qing rushing forward, he had to follow.

Soon Lin Qing and Wei Jie arrived at the little Taoist priest. As soon as Lin Qing arrived, he found that the little Taoist priest was in danger and a zombie was about to grab him.

Lin Qing quickly came to the little Taoist priest, and kicked the zombie. The zombie was kicked upside down for tens of meters, and hit the ground heavily, leaving a big hole in the ground.

The little Taoist looked at the old Taoist who was fighting another zombie, and said anxiously, "Save me, master."

Lin Qing looked at the old Taoist who was tired of dealing with the zombies, and said loudly, "Stay away."

Then she kicked the zombie again to the place where the previous zombie hit. The previous zombie just stood up and immediately fell down again.

Lin Qing took out a five-thunder talisman and shouted: "Five thunders strike the top."

Immediately afterwards, a lightning bolt struck the location of the zombies. After the lightning passed, the two zombies stopped moving, and they were too dead to die.

Seeing Lin Qing's supernatural power, the old Taoist was very surprised, and quickly stepped forward and said, "Thank you, master, for saving me, may I ask the name of the master?"

"My name is Lin Qing. I have a predestined relationship with this little Taoist priest of yours. I gave him a Five Thunder Talisman, but I didn't expect to save his life." Lin Qing looked at another zombie in another place, and judged that it was the little one from before. The Taoist priest killed her with her Five Thunder Talisman.

"You are the expert who gave the enlightenment talisman? I didn't expect Master Lin to be so young and so powerful. He turned out to be a dual practitioner of martial arts. Judging from the hair growing on the bodies of these zombies, these zombies have become hairy and stiff." , and Mao Zang is a famous copper-skinned and iron-framed man with a high cultivation base. If Master Lin were not here, our fate might be here. Enlightenment, hurry up and thank Master Lin." The old Taoist hurriedly said.

The little Taoist said shyly, "Thank you, Master Lin."

"It's so late at night, why did you come here? You should know that there are zombies here." Lin Qing asked.

The old Taoist sighed and said, "We know it, but we didn't expect these zombies to be so stiff. We were entrusted by the villagers to come here to kill the zombies. According to the villagers who entered the mountain, they encountered zombies. , Many people died.

Originally, there was another fellow daoist who came with me, and that fellow daoist's cultivation was a little higher than mine. Unexpectedly, we encountered four hair stiffs all at once. All the zombies died together.

And we were chased by the zombies and fled here. If our skills could not speed up, we would have been killed by these three zombies long ago. "

(End of this chapter)

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