Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 65 You Are A Genius

Chapter 65 (PK For Collection) You Are A Genius
When Lin Qing arrived at school the next day, she was invited to the office by the head teacher.

As soon as Fan Hongmei met, she was disappointed and said: "Lin Qing, I originally thought that you didn't ask for leave recently because you understood my good intentions and studied hard. I didn't expect you to engage in such crooked ways."

Lin Qing looked confused: "Teacher Fan, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Don't you understand now? Someone went to the dean to report you for plagiarism yesterday." Fan Hongmei said with a look of disappointment.

"Heh, Teacher Fan, is there any evidence for someone reporting my plagiarism?" Lin Qing sneered.

"When you took the exam, did you hand in the paper within an hour?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Lin Qing asked suspiciously.

"You still ask me what's wrong? Even if you got the test questions and answers in advance, you can't be so blatant! What were your previous grades, and now you are the first in the school, can you not attract suspicion?"

"Teacher Fan, what I'm asking is evidence?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

"Hehe, I improved my grades so fast, that's cheating. Who would dare to improve my grades after that. I quickly got the first place in the school. It's because I'm smart. I did the questions quickly because those questions were easy to me and there was no proof. No one should try to frame me. Teacher Fan, it's nothing, I'll go back first." Lin Qing said.

"Could it be that I really wronged Lin Qing? No, I want to ask the two invigilators in Lin Qing's examination room." Fan Hongmei thought secretly.

She quickly found the two invigilators, and the two invigilators were very sure that Lin Qing hadn't cheated in the examination room, because they paid close attention to Lin Qing.

"Could it be that the dean wronged her? Really, why did I say such things to the students in a ghostly manner? According to normal circumstances, it is indeed very likely that the dean said what the dean said. However, this is just a guess, no The real evidence, what if Lin Qing is really a genius?" Fan Hongmei couldn't help but reflect on herself.

After a while, the teaching director came to Fan Hongmei's office.

"Teacher Fan, did you expel that student?" Director Liu asked.

"Director Liu, I think your actions are too arbitrary. What you said can't be used as evidence, it can only be a personal guess. Even if Lin Qing plagiarized, it would be too serious to expel her, not to mention that it is not certain that she plagiarized." Fan Hongmei thought One wrong decision can ruin a woman's life, countered.

"Teacher Fan, what do you mean I can't command you anymore?"

"Director Liu, that's not what I mean. I think that as educators, we can't wrong students casually, otherwise we may ruin a student if we are not careful." Fan Hongmei said solemnly.

"Okay, okay, Teacher Fan, you are amazing, I'll go to the principal to reason." Director Liu sneered.

As soon as Director Liu left, Fan Hongmei sighed and said, "Lin Qing, don't let me down!"

After the first period, Lin Qing was called out by the worried head teacher.

As soon as Lin Qing went out, someone in the class asked, "What is the head teacher looking for with Lin Qing? Her face is so ugly, she won't offend the head teacher, right?"

Ye Yuechan said: "You don't know, Lin Qing's exam results this time were obtained by cheating, she probably will be expelled."

Zhu Jie said: "It's true, I just guessed that she cheated, but there is no definite evidence!"

"Of course it's true, otherwise, how could she improve so fast all of a sudden, and during the exam, she also solved the questions at an abnormally fast speed, all this makes sense only if she knows the answer in advance." Ye Yuechan said.

As soon as her words fell, the class began to discuss lively.At this time, only two people showed worried expressions.

One is Liu Yuanyuan, Lin Qing's deskmate. She was surprised that Lin Qing had improved so much, so she didn't know the truth, and could only pray that Lin Qing didn't cheat.

The other is Li Chengfeng. After he transferred to Qingshui High School, he was in the same class as Lin Qing.Although he felt that it was normal for the master to do so well in the exams, after all, the master was so good, how could he fail even one exam, what he was worried about was that the master might be wronged, and then he would be violent, so that other people in the school would be unlucky.

On the way, Fan Hongmei asked again: "Lin Qing, are you really not cheating?"

"Of course."

"Lin Qing, we will go to the principal in a while. As long as you don't cheat, no one can frame you. The teacher will decide for you. But if you cheated, you have to admit your mistake quickly, otherwise no one can save you." Fan Hongmei solemnly road.

"Don't worry, teacher, I really didn't cheat, even when I got to the Heavenly King, I still say the same thing." Lin Qing said confidently.

"Hahaha, that's good." Hearing Lin Qing's words, Fan Hongmei's worried expression slowly faded away.

When I arrived at the principal's office, I saw a gray-haired old man with a kind and kind face.

"You are Lin Qing?" Xiao Ruijin said.

"Yes, principal, I am Lin Qing." Lin Qing said calmly.

"Facing me, you can be calm and composed. It seems that you are not simple!" Xiao Ruijin said. Most children are a little timid when facing the head teacher, not to mention the principal.

"You are not a tiger, what am I afraid of you?" Lin Qing said with a smile, not to mention that she is not afraid of a tiger, she can kill it with one punch.

"What can you say to the dean who said you plagiarized?" Xiao Ruijin asked.

"I can only say that I didn't. Since he believes that I plagiarized, please show evidence. I don't accept slander." Lin Qing sneered.

"I have a way to remove your suspicion."

"What method?" Fan Hongmei asked anxiously before Lin Qing could speak.

"I'll call the teachers of each subject in a while and ask them to answer questions for you on the spot. If the error of your test scores in each subject is within 10 points, then we will assume that you have not plagiarized. Of course, the difficulty of the questions this time is different from before. Not big."


Then Xiao Ruijin called the teachers of the subjects who had no classes and asked them to write questions on the spot. After an hour, their questions were completed.

Lin Qing picked up a test paper and started to do it. She did the questions very fast, as if she didn't think about it.One test paper for half an hour, one test paper for half an hour, and after finishing the four test papers, it's time for get out of class to end.

The four test papers were Chinese, Mathematics, English, and Physics. When the teachers present found that Lin Qing's answers were all correct, the scene was boiling.

"What a genius!" All the teachers said with emotion.

"Do you want to continue? It is estimated that it is time for dinner. If you want to continue, you can continue in the afternoon!"

"No need, Lin Qing, I didn't expect you to be a genius, so why were your previous grades only average?" Xiao Ruijin asked puzzled.

"I didn't study hard before, can't I?" Lin Qing said willfully.

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(End of this chapter)

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