Chapter 72
Seeing that Lin Qing's clothes were blown up without any wind, she seemed to slap her lightly, and Fan Chun was immediately sent flying from the ring by her. He rolled on the ground a few times before stopping. Standing up, I suddenly couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"You are not a master of spells, you are a master of Huajin!" Fan Chun said in horror.

He didn't expect that Master Lin in front of him was so powerful. Judging from her attitude of lifting weights lightly, the opponent didn't use much strength at all. If the master came, he might be her opponent, but he had no chance of winning.


At this time, only this word remained in Fan Chun's mind, and he fled to the distance like a wild horse running away.

"Did I tell you to go? Suyun's hand is second."

As Lin Qing hugged her arms around her body, a milky white ball appeared between her two hands. She pushed lightly, and the ball chased in the direction where Fan Chun was fleeing.

At this time, Fan Chun had escaped hundreds of meters, and he was just about to be thankful that Lin Qing didn't chase after him, when suddenly he was hit by the milky white ball and smashed towards the mountain not far behind him.

With a "bang", Fan Chun was smashed into the mountain, and his life and death are unknown.

And a big hole appeared where he smashed into the mountain, and it looked quite deep.

But Lin Qing knew that he was dead at this time, and he was hit by the second round of Suyun's hand. Even an ordinary grandmaster might not be able to survive, let alone the strength of the peak Anjin, which is comparable to a grandmaster. the guru.

"Master Huajin!" Feng Santong jumped up in shock.

This is the method of a true master to take someone's life from a hundred steps away.

In the past, whether it was the white mist on Fan Chun's body or the milky white ball formed by Lin Qing, they could use the secret method to induce the formation of true energy in the body, which could not be regarded as a real master's method.

Lin Qing stood on the ring at this time, with a weak look, and said lightly: "Who wants to fight with me?"

The audience was dead silent, no one dared to speak out, whether it was the bosses on the high stage or the audience watching.

It's only been one minute since Lin Qing's appearance, but everyone has been shocked.Whether it was Fan Chun's body-building magical skills, the arena made of crushed stones with one foot, or Lin Qing's two palms that killed Fan Chun, they all overturned everyone's imagination.

Is this still a power that humans can possess?

Especially Lin Qing's understatement made people feel that she was unfathomable.

Hu Man's body softened, and he slumped on his seat with a desperate expression on his face. Even a powerful man like Fan Chun who possessed supernatural powers was defeated by Lin Qing. Who else is her opponent?

At this moment, Qian Sen finally raised his eyebrows and showed a happy smile. He only felt that the aggrievedness of the past seemed to be swept away.

"With Master Lin here, I don't think any of you would dare to look down on me!" Qian Sen thought to himself.

At this moment, Lin Qing was standing on the ring, indifferently. She didn't think it was such a great thing to kill Fan Chun. For others, maybe, for her, it was just killing an ant slightly larger bugs.

The Suyun hand she uses is not an ordinary boxing method, but an earth-level kung fu method, which is the top martial arts in Xiuxian Continent, let alone on the earth.

Suddenly, there was a "bang", and not far from Lin Qing, a person shot Lin Qing in the chest.

The others suddenly became nervous, and secretly said: "Can Master Lin dodge bullets?"

Lin Qing smiled lightly, but did not see any movement. A mask was formed around her. The bullet hit the mask and stopped moving. Ripples were formed centered on the bullet. Although the mask shook, But in the end the bullet could not break through the mask and was blocked.

Lin Qing grabbed it lightly, and the bullet came into her hand.

"Cheng Qi Cheng Gang, this is the real master, once he enters the realm of transformation, he is not afraid of bullets." Zheng Yufeng sighed softly.

"Who are you?" Lin Qing asked with a frown.

"You killed Master Chun, just wait for the Holy Master to take revenge!" said the shooter bitterly.

He was Fan Chun's subordinate. Fan Chun died. If he went back to Hongmen alone, he would definitely die. He wanted to sneak attack Lin Qing to make up for his mistakes, but he didn't expect that bullets would not kill her. He was completely desperate at this time.

"Since you want to kill me, I can't keep you."

Speaking of which, Lin Qing flicked the bullet lightly, and the bullet shot at the man's head at an extremely terrifying speed, and finally shot through his head.

"Can't even be killed with a gun?" Originally, there were people who thought it was a fluke, but seeing this scene, they had no intention of fighting at all.

Wu Dong stood up at this time, cupped his fists and said: "Master Lin, thanks to your rescue, from now on, the Central Plains will respect Mr. Wang, and if there is an order, he will say nothing."

As soon as his words fell, Hu Man and Li Shun quickly stood up and said, "Master Lin!" "Master Lin!"

"Master Lin!" "Master Lin!".
The bigwigs scrambled to talk first, lest they would lose the wind and leave a bad impression on Lin Qing.

If Lin Qing beat Fan Chun to death with two palms, if they were still thinking about it, then they were not afraid of bullets.Is it possible to seek death?

It is estimated that there are not many people like this in Huaguo, and everyone will be convinced to let such a person become the boss of the Central Plains.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience felt that they had gained a lot of insight. They silently took a look at Lin Qing and remembered her appearance deeply in their hearts.After they were going home, they would tell their relatives about Lin Qing, in case someone bumped into her.

They knew that from now on, there might only be one voice in the Central Plains, and that was Master Lin's voice.

As for Li Chengfeng, it was the first time he saw his master make a move, and his heart was turbulent at this time, and he was shocked.He knew that the master was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

"The revival of my Li family is finally hopeful." He secretly thought.

He decided that he must practice hard in the future, to live up to his father's hope, and at the same time not to damage the prestige of his master.

After this gathering, Qian Sen respected Lin Qing even more. At this time, Lin Qing was no longer the Lin Qing he knew at the beginning. She had become the boss of the Central Plains, and even Xiao Erye couldn't compare with her.

After staying in Qingyang Town for another day, Qian Sen respectfully sent Lin Qing and the others back to Pingshan County, while Xiao Muting followed Qian Sen back to Zhongzhou City.

As soon as Lin Qing got out of the car, she received a call.

"Hello, who is it?" Lin Qing asked.

"Lin Qing, I'm your head teacher, Teacher Fan. Why didn't you come home after the winter vacation? Your father was worried about you and called me." Fan Hongmei said.

"Mr. Fan, I went out of town with my friends a few days ago. If my dad calls you again, you can give him my phone number." Lin Qing said.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Qing looked at the time and said, "Is everyone hungry? Let's go have some barbecue!"

At this time, it was already dark, and since it was winter, most restaurants were closed, only a few small barbecue shops nearby were still open.

(End of this chapter)

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