Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 75 Forced Marriage

Chapter 75 Forced Marriage
As soon as Lin Qing entered the house, Yang Chun enthusiastically said: "Lin Qing, you are back, where have you been these few months? You didn't tell me, I was so worried."

Yang Chun secretly looked at Lin Qing's clothes, seeing Lin Qing's big change, secretly said: "It seems that this little bitch has really climbed up with powerful people, otherwise how could she wear such good clothes. "

The clothes that Lin Qing was wearing, when she was shopping before, she asked about the price, and they were all thousands of dollars a piece. She was not willing to buy them, as this was two or three months of family expenses.

Lin Qing sneered and said, "Hehe, if I'm at home, you won't be worried."

Yang Chun pretended to cry: "Hey, Lin Qing, how could you misunderstand Auntie so much? Auntie asked you to work before, and it was for your own good. Otherwise, when you go to your in-law's house, you won't know anything and will be laughed at."

Lin Aiguo heard that Lin Qing was back, and just walked out of the house, when he saw such a scene, he immediately said angrily: "Lin Qing, can you calm down a bit, so as not to make your aunt angry."

Lin Qing looked at Lin Aiguo and Yang Chun coldly and said, "Who is looking for trouble? I don't want to stay in this family at all. Give me the household registration book. I will be useful."

Seeing Lin Qing's indifferent eyes, Lin Shangjin said anxiously: "Mom and Dad, why are you going to make her angry as soon as my sister comes back, can't you calm down a little? If my sister leaves, I won't go back to this house either."

Lin Aiguo said angrily: "You... you bastard, cough cough cough."

At this time, Lin Qing's grandma came out of the house and said, "It's a young age, what are you arguing about? If anyone makes my good grandson go away, I will fight him hard."

"Lin Qing, you're back too, hurry up and get in the house, it's cold outside." Although Lin Qing's grandma favors sons over daughters, Lin Qing is also her granddaughter, so there's no way she doesn't feel distressed.

After arriving at the main room, Lin Aiguo asked, "Why do you need a household register?"

Lin Qing said lightly: "Of course I have my uses, so don't worry about it."

"I'm your father, don't I have the power to control you?" Lin Aiguo frowned.

"Have you taken care of me before? Is it too late to think about taking care of me now?" Lin Qing sneered, but Xiao Linqing was already dead.

Lin Aiguo sighed and said: "I admit that I neglected you before. Dad apologizes to you for this, but please understand Dad. Dad is also very busy and has to support the family."

Lin Qing was silent for a while and didn't speak, being busy was not an excuse for indifference.

After a while, it was time for lunch. Today, the family made dumplings and some farm dishes.Of course Lin Qing would not be polite to them, she should eat and drink.

Just after eating, Lin Aiguo said, "Lin Qing, how have you been living without a house for the past few months?"

"I can live no matter what, is it possible that I can starve to death?" Lin Qing asked.

"Let's live at home in the future. After all, it's someone else's home. It's inconvenient for you to live in someone else's home. Who knows if other people have some purpose?" Lin Aiguo persuaded.

"Are you worried about me, or are you worried about your own reputation?" Lin Qing said disdainfully.

"Of course I'm worried about you. You'll be graduating in half a year. Your aunt told you about a marriage in Pangzhuang not far from our village. Pang Qing's family is the richest family in Pangzhuang. You You won't suffer if you marry in the past." Lin Aiguo continued.

"Dad, isn't Pang Qing a cripple? How can my sister marry a cripple?" Lin Shangjin retorted.

Yang Chun said immediately, "Lin Shangjin, don't talk nonsense."

"Although Pang Qing is a little lame, her character is still good. Our family's economic conditions are not good. If Lin Qing wants to marry a well-off man, it will be a bit difficult. After all, all the little girls in the countryside want to marry well-off men. Therefore, they can choose among those with good conditions, and they may not necessarily fall in love with Lin Qing, after all, Lin Qing's character is not gentle enough, and it is indeed not a good choice for a wife." Lin Aiguoyu said earnestly.

Lin Qing sneered and said, "Haven't you ever thought about letting me go to school?"

"What's the use of studying so much for a girl's family? Sooner or later, she will marry into someone else's family. Even if she has studied and found a good job, after getting married and having children, she still has to take care of the children. How can she have the time and energy to go to work? Learning more is a waste." Lin Aiguo instilled Lin Qing with his ideas, and his ideas did represent the thoughts of some rural men.

"Since that's the case, I have nothing to say. First, I won't marry according to your ideas. Second, I should go to school or I will go to school. If we don't have different ways, we don't conspire with each other." Lin Qing said directly.

Lin Aiguo sighed and said, "Hey, Lin Qing, can't you let me worry less, who raised you all these years, don't you have any sense of gratitude?"

"Thank you? Forget it, it's fine if you don't sell me." Lin Qing sarcastically said.

"Girl, listen to grandma's persuasion, your dad is really doing it for you this time." Lin Qing's grandma also joined the ranks of persuasion.

"It's for me, I don't care about it." Lin Qing said coldly.

"I'm your father. Since ancient times, when a woman gets married, her parents ordered her to marry her, and if I let you marry her, you must marry me." Lin Aiguo said angrily.

"Hahaha, it's so funny, do you think it's the old society? As long as you dare to do it, I will immediately sue you in court and arrange a marriage." Lin Qing laughed.

"Okay, you're amazing. I won't pay for your school expenses in the future. Let me see how good you can be? Don't beg me then." Lin Aiguo said angrily.

"Okay, give me the household registration book, I just moved out my household registration, and I will no longer have any relationship with you in the future." Lin Qing said, she was extremely disgusted with such a family, and said for her own good, a Everyone has their own schemes, do you really think she is the former Lin Qing, just say a few soft words, and just want her to be a cow and a horse.

"You rebellious girl, are you planning to sever ties with me?" Lin Aiguo asked with red eyes.

"Lin Qing, hurry up and admit your mistake to your father. There is no overnight feud between father and daughter. If you want to go to school, go ahead and wait until you graduate from junior high school. Anyway, you are still a few years away from your marriageable age." Yang When Chun heard Lin Qing say that she wanted to sever the relationship, she immediately tried to persuade her that she didn't want the cooked duck to fly away.

"You hypocritical woman, shut up." Lin Qing yelled loudly.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll treat it as a white-eyed wolf, and we will sever the relationship between father and daughter. Everything about you, Lin Qing, has nothing to do with me." Lin Aiguo was so angry that he lost his mind at this time.

"Dad, don't be like this. Why do you interfere with sister's affairs? Can't our family have a good talk together?" Lin Shangjin quickly persuaded.

"Have you ever seen such a wicked person who disobeyed her father? Since she wants to sever the relationship, then sever the relationship between father and daughter. I'll see what she can do in the future."

 In today’s push, the cuties are asking for acceptance, turning over the book, and asking for comments.
(End of this chapter)

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