Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 81 I'm Not a Doctor

Chapter 81 I'm Not a Doctor

As soon as the three of Lin Qing entered the door, they met a middle-aged man. As soon as he saw Ren Wen and his wife, he said, "Sister and brother-in-law, didn't you invite a miracle doctor? Where is the miracle doctor?"

"Hou Chunsheng, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb." Hou Chunyan sneered.

Then Hou Chunyan and Ren Wen ignored him and wanted to enter the room, but Lin Qing could only follow.

"Who is she? How can we let outsiders in so easily, especially at this critical time." Hou Chunsheng said defensively.

If news of the old man's serious illness spreads, the Hou family will definitely be attacked by other families. Their current glory depends on the presence of the old man. Unfortunately, the second generation of the Hou family has few successes. It can support the family rent, and the third generation has not yet been cultivated, so the old man is very important.

"She is the miraculous doctor I invited, please step aside quickly, I want Master Lin to treat our father." Hou Chunyan said.

"Hahaha, sister, you are so funny, such a fluffy girl, how old is she, she probably hasn't even gone to college yet, you expect her to treat my father's illness, and also a miracle doctor, master, hahaha, laugh to death Me!" Hou Chunsheng laughed loudly.

"Hou...chun...sheng..." Hou Chunyan shouted angrily.

"Okay, okay, I'm not going to laugh anymore. Let me tell you the truth. I have already invited Mr. Tang, a master doctor of traditional Chinese medicine from the imperial capital. This little genius doctor, please ask her to rest!" Hou Chunsheng said, emphasizing the word genius doctor.

"You don't need to worry about it, we can wait for Mr. Tang to see it before we let Master Lin see it." Hou Chunyan said.

She didn't know that asking two doctors at the same time was disrespectful to them, indicating that they didn't trust the doctor they invited.

It seems that there are a lot of things going on in this family. Hearing that the two brothers and sisters are confronting each other, it is estimated that the two have often fought for inheritance. There are so many right and wrong in this wealthy family!

Hearing what the other party said, Lin Qing said coldly: "If the other party does not need my treatment, then I will not refund the reward."

If it is caused by other external reasons that she does not need treatment, rather than her inability to treat, she will not refund this reward, otherwise, she would think that Lin Qing is a bully and a fool, but they are begging her, not her begging them.

The herbal medicine that Ren Wen gave her was not an ordinary medicinal material, but a half-elixir. How could she let it go away with the fat she got.

You must know that it is not easy to find a half-elixir plant. The half-elixir that she picked in Lingwu Mountain before has been refined into elixir, which is probably enough for her to practice for a year and a half. I don't know if there is such a place. In the cultivation of immortals, if you want to go further, you must find cultivation resources as much as possible.

"Sister, look, you haven't been treated yet, and the other party has deducted your salary. You can't be cheated, right?" Hou Chunsheng sarcastically said.

"This has always been Master Lin's rule. We trust her, so you don't have to worry about it." Ren Wen said coldly.

Then several people came to the room of Mr. Hou Hou Yuan. At this time, there were already some people in the room, including Hou Chunhong, the boss of the Hou family, his wife, and several doctors. Among them was a gray-haired old man who looked about six or seventy years old. , must be what they call Mr. Tang.

When they came to the room, Elder Tang was sitting in front of the bed taking his pulse, so no one dared to make a sound for fear of affecting Elder Tang's diagnosis.

After about a few minutes, I heard a violent cough: "Ahem, cough, old man, how much time do I have?"

Elder Tang glanced at the boss of the Hou family, and said, "Old man, don't worry, we will try our best to help you prolong your life."

Hou Yuan said weakly: "Mr. Tang, tell the truth, I am strong in my heart, if I don't want to part with these juniors, even if I leave immediately, I will have no regrets in this life."

Seeing that the boss of the Hou family nodded his head, Mr. Tang had no choice but to say, "Old man, you still have about one month to live. You should know that you are not completely sick. You are old and your organs are beginning to fail. , even if the Medical Sage comes, he must be helpless. But don’t worry, I will try my best to extend your lifespan for ten and a half months.”

Hearing such a result, Hou Yuan showed a reconciled expression. His sons and daughters are all worthless, but his eldest grandson is a good seedling, but it is a pity that he has not yet grown up. If he leaves here, then his three children It is bound to compete for family property.

In such a situation where there are both internal and external troubles, how can his family resist the devouring of those wolves, tigers and leopards?
But who is Mr. Tang? He is a master of Chinese medicine in the country. He has treated the leaders of the country many times and was highly praised. Therefore, Mr. Tang also got the title Tang Yanwang. Dare to keep you until the fifth watch, which shows how high his status in the medical field is.

At this moment, a cold female voice came: "You are wrong."

Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to the source of the voice, and a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl caught everyone's eyes.

Hou Chunhong, the boss of the Hou family, scolded: "Who are you? Who let her in?"

Hou Chunyan had no choice but to say, "Brother, this is the doctor I invited."

"Nonsense, how old is she? What kind of medical skills can she know? Even if she understands a little, it's probably just superficial. How can she let her talk nonsense in front of Mr. Tang?" Hou Chunhong scolded.

At this time, Elder Tang stood up and asked gently: "My little friend, you must also know medicine. You said I was wrong. Where did I go wrong?"

He is gentle and open-minded, and doesn't seem to take the other party's doubts to heart, which makes his image even more impressive.

"He doesn't only have one month to live. It depends on who treats him. If I treat him, I will let him live for three to five years without any problem." Lin Qing said lightly.

Although her voice was not loud, it made everyone's ears buzz. This was a naked slap in the face of Mr. Tang!

At this time, a young doctor in a white coat next to Mr. Tang said disdainfully: "What are you? You come here to speak nonsense. If you are a medical student, do you still want to hang out in the medical field? If your words spread If you go out, many people will regard you as an enemy, but do you know how many people in the medical field regard Elder Tang as an idol?"

"Do you know that Mr. Tang was born into a family of Chinese medicine, studied Chinese medicine since he was a child, was admitted to the best Chinese medicine college in China at the age of 16, graduated with a bachelor's degree at the age of 20, graduated with a doctorate at the age of 25, and graduated as a postdoctoral doctor at the age of 28. He is familiar with all kinds of Chinese medicine. Baodian, he was already a chief physician at the age of 35, and he was famous in Huaguo at the age of 40, he probably has eaten more salt than you have eaten rice."

The young doctor in the white coat is the doctor brought by Mr. Tang. He adores Mr. Tang and can't bear anyone to slander his mentor and idol.

"Oh, really? It's a pity that I'm not a doctor, and I won't be in the medical field." Lin Qing laughed.

 Second update

(End of this chapter)

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