Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 83 The Dragon Veins Are Suppressed

Chapter 83 The Dragon Veins Are Suppressed (Fourth Update)

Lin Qing opened her eyes when the aura in her body recovered most of it. She woke up Hou Yuan and gave him a vitality pill. It is estimated that after taking this vitality pill, Hou Yuan would live another three to five years without dying. question.

Then Lin Qing opened the door, and as soon as she walked out the door, she found that Mr. Tang and Hou Chunhong were looking at her eagerly. She thought they were worried about Hou Yuan's health, so she said, "Okay, Mr. Hou is already recovered." , you can go in and have a look."

Hearing this, Mr. Tang hurried into the room to feel Mr. Hou's pulse. When he felt Mr. Hou's pulse with his hand, he dared not say anything: " is this possible?"

"What's wrong? Is my father okay?" The three brothers and sisters hurried forward and said.

"It's all right. Not only is it all right, but his body has also improved, and his viscera functions have also recovered. It's no problem to live another three to five years without accidents." Tang Lao said in surprise.

"Master Lin, how did you do it?" Elder Tang is willing to call Master Lin Qing at this time. You must know that in medicine, it is also about who has good skills and ability, not just age or qualifications, but Lin Qing can make people feel better. For a person who is about to die to become like this, it means that her medical skills are much higher than his, and she deserves to be called a master.

"If you are asking me this question, I can only answer you as a spiritual doctor." Lin Qing said lightly.

"What? Hasn't the spirit doctor been lost for a long time? It's no wonder that you know how to do it." At this moment, Mr. Tang understood why the other party was able to cure Hou Yuan.

"I don't know if Master Lin is willing to accept me as an apprentice?" Elder Tang said cheekily in order to learn about the long-lost spiritual doctor. Lin Qing's indifference did not affect his enthusiasm.

Lin Qing shook her head and said, "You don't meet my criteria for accepting apprentices."

Although Lin Qing rejected Mr. Tang, she still respects such people. You must know that not everyone can put down their face for the sake of learning, especially some successful and famous people.

"Then can we talk about the Huanyan Pill?" Elder Tang asked immediately.

"Oh? What's the matter with Guan Huanyan Pill?" Lin Qing was puzzled.

"I bought a Huanyan Pill from a patient before. Through experiments, I found that this Huanyan Pill can not only remove scars, but also delay aging. If it can be made into health care products, it will greatly increase the life expectancy of our people. "Old Tang said.

"I understand what you mean, but this is impossible, because the raw materials I refine Huanyan Pill are some century-old medicinal materials, and the country doesn't have so many century-old medicinal materials for me to use. Even if there are, a bottle of several hundred The price of [-] yuan is not affordable for ordinary people.”

At this point, Lin Qing lied. In fact, the raw materials for refining Huanyan Pill are all medicinal materials that are several decades old, but there are not many such medicinal materials in China, so she doesn't want to be reduced to a tool for alchemy.

"It's a pity, why is the Huanyan Pill so expensive?" Elder Tang sighed.

Hou Chunhong originally wanted to discuss cooperation with Lin Qing, but after hearing Lin Qing's words, he stopped thinking about it. If something cannot be mass-produced, it will be difficult to form a large market.

After Lin Qing inquired about the location of Mount Xiantai, she prepared to leave.

Hou Chunhong hurried forward and said: "Master Lin, I'm really sorry, my brother and I offended you before, I hope you don't have the same knowledge as us."

"If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing good about it." Lin Qing left after saying this.

Before Elder Tang could react, Lin Qing disappeared.

"Oh, why did Master Lin just leave? I still have a lot of questions to ask her. Wang Wei, why don't you help stop me?" Elder Tang complained.

"Teacher, I offended her before, so it's not easy to stop me!" Wang Wei said helplessly.

After Lin Qing left Hou's house, he took a taxi and rushed to Xiantai Mountain. This Xiantai Mountain is located in the east of Qingshi, and it is almost close to the junction of Huaguo and Bangziguo.

At noon, Lin Qing got off the car at a hotel at the foot of Xiantai Mountain, and there was no place to stay any further, and she was also hungry at this time.

After checking in for her accommodation, she came to the restaurant on the third floor to prepare for dinner. At this moment, two ordinary-looking men approached her. The two men glanced at her cautiously and passed her by.

Her keen intuition told her that those two men were not simple, not ordinary people.

But the so-called matter has nothing to do with her, if the other party doesn't offend her, she won't pay too much attention to the other party.

After enjoying a table of Chinese food beautifully, Lin Qing walked towards Xiantai Mountain.It was winter at this time, the eyes were gray and white, without any color, and the mountains were either rocks or dead branches and leaves. In such an environment, it was indeed much easier to find medicinal materials.

Lin Qing let go of her spiritual sense and explored the changes in the surrounding aura while walking. She felt that the places where high-year elixir can grow must be unusual, and the place must be hidden, otherwise it would have been harvested long ago.In addition, the spiritual energy concentration in that place must be higher than other places, otherwise it would be difficult to become a panacea.

After walking for about two hours, Lin Qing's eyes suddenly widened.

"Hey, what is that?"

She actually felt the reluctance and cry of the water-based spiritual beings in the mountain. She took out a high-level magic weapon and started digging a hole in an unobtrusive place.

Lin Qing laughed at himself while digging: "Hehe, when did the sword become a tool for digging holes?"

About half an hour later, Lin Qing came to the bottom of the mountain.

What came into view was an underground river. At this time, the river was lifeless, with neither flow nor waves.

Lin Qing vaguely seemed to hear the voice of the dragon chant, " can there be a dragon here?"

"Could it be that this is a dragon vein?"

Through contact with some metaphysicians, Lin Qing also knew that there are dragon veins in some mountain ranges, and these dragon veins are related to the fate of the country and are very important.

Lin Qing communicated through her spiritual sense: "Are you the spirit of the dragon vein? I can hear your unwillingness. Do you need my help?"


"What? You mean you were suppressed? Who did it?"

"You don't know either? You want me to rescue you, don't you? But, you have to tell me, how can I rescue you?"

"There is a hidden cave on the mountain, and there is something suppressed on it, okay, I get it."

Lin Qing drilled out of the ground, ready to walk in the direction guided by the spirit of the dragon vein.

At this moment, suddenly, two people appeared not far away, and they ran towards her direction quickly, followed by five or six men of strong stature, obviously the men behind were faster.

"Aren't these the two strange men I met at the hotel?" Lin Qing thought to herself.

She didn't think about avoiding it. From her point of view, although those two men were good in strength, they were only equivalent to the strength of the middle stage of Anjin, which was nothing to worry about for her.

Although this was the case, others didn't see it that way. The two men showed surprise expressions when they saw Lin Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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