Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 87 Misunderstanding

Chapter 87 Misunderstanding (three more)
When the two arrived at the hotel, it was already dark. When they walked to the front desk, Lin Qing said, "Open two rooms."

"I'm sorry, both of you, since it's the Spring Festival holiday and there are many people visiting relatives and friends, we only have one room left." The staff at the front desk of the hotel said.

"Then open a room." Lin Qing said calmly.

At this moment, Jiang Beichen was very excited. He didn't expect that even God would give him a chance to have further contact with Lin Qing.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Lin Qing got the room card and asked Jiang Beichen who was in a daze.

"Ah, I didn't think about anything." Jiang Beichen said embarrassedly.

"If you don't think about anything, go back to your room!" Lin Qing said eagerly.

At this time, the evil spirit in her body was rampant, she endured it very hard, and she had to go back to the room to refine the evil spirit in her body.

As soon as the two of them left, the little girl working at the front desk whispered: "Hey, now that the world is getting worse, such a young girl has come out to have a room with a man. The problem is that she is more eager than a man."

"But, that man is so handsome. If it were me, I would be willing and eager." Another girl looked enviously at Jiang Beichen's leaving figure.

"Bah, you're a nympho, you're still shameless."

"Why is this shameless? You know that everyone has a love for beauty, so what's wrong with me just liking handsome guys? Confucius also said that food and sex are also sexual. If a saint is like this, let alone us ordinary people."

"Okay, you are right, you are right, I surrender, it can be said that everyone has his own aspirations."

As soon as the two returned to the room, Lin Qing hurriedly closed the door.

"By the way, it was raining just now, so go take a shower." When Jiang Beichen said this, his face blushed unconsciously, and some charming images began to appear in his mind.

"My clothes are dry, you can go wash them. Besides, I want to meditate and practice. Don't disturb me. You can use this bed to rest." After Lin Qing finished speaking, she went to the sofa in the corner and began to practice cross-legged .

Facing the moonlight on the window sill, Lin Qing began to refine the evil spirit churning in her body.

"How could this be? What about the charming scene in my mind?" Jiang Beichen was a little dumbfounded.

Then he went into the bathroom and started to take a shower. After taking a shower, he came out wrapped in a bath towel. He wanted to show off his perfect figure, hoping to be attractive to Lin Qing.

You must know that his figure and appearance attracted many women to show their love before, but they were all driven away by him.At that time, he still disliked those female nymphomaniacs, which made people very annoying. He never thought that one day, he would actually want to attract people with sex.

With complicated emotions, Jiang Beichen walked back and forth in the room. He didn't dare to make a loud noise for fear of affecting Lin Qing's cultivation.But unexpectedly, Lin Qing was not affected at all, and she didn't even open her eyes.

He was about to lie down and sleep when suddenly the door of the hotel was opened and several policemen broke in.

"Stand up for me and fight pornography."

It's not that Lin Qing doesn't know the situation in the house, it's just that she is at a critical moment of cultivation and cannot stop. She believes that Jiang Beichen should be able to solve this trivial matter, and she intuitively feels that it is not easy for him.

And her reaction of not even opening her eyes was considered by those policemen as contempt for them.

And Jiang Beichen also didn't stand up, he looked at the few people who broke in with cold eyes, and said angrily, "Who let you in?"

Seeing Jiang Beichen's gloomy eyes, several policemen immediately felt cold all over their bodies, as if they were being stared at by a tiger in the dark.

"We have the right to crack down on prostitution and whoring." One of the policemen boldly said.

"Who told you that there are prostitutes here?" Jiang Beichen was furious. He stood up and walked towards the policeman.

His strong momentum made the policeman breathless.

"You...don't come here, is it...could you want to assault the police?" The policeman threatened tremblingly.

Jiang Beichen walked up to the policeman, stopped in his tracks, took out an ID and said, "Can you see clearly what this is?"

"Leader of the National Security Dragon Team." Those police officers widened their eyes.

They never expected that they would provoke such a big shot just to make some extra money while the Chinese New Year was approaching.They used to do this a lot before, but they didn't expect to be so unlucky this time.

"Yes... I'm sorry, leader, we didn't know you were here, so I'm sorry for disturbing you." The policemen immediately bowed their heads and apologized.

"I came here to do business, but I was interrupted by you. How can I settle this with you?" Jiang Beichen said coldly.

He was framed for whoring, and Lin Qing was treated as a young lady by them, how could this be forgotten?

"My lord, your lord has a lot, so please spare us!" Several people begged for mercy tremblingly.

"It's not impossible to forgive you, if one of you asks me to slap, that's all." Jiang Beichen said with a wicked smile.

"Okay." They agreed.

Compared to the crime of framing, which may make them lose all their skin, what is a slap?
As soon as they finished speaking, Jiang Beichen slapped each of them and fanned them out of the door. When they went out, Jiang Beichen also closed the door of the room.

The few people who were fanned out were lying on the ground, spitting out their teeth with a "wow".

Several people were in great pain at this time, looking at the teeth all over the floor, they didn't dare to stay here, and rushed to the hospital in a hurry.

This is also why Jiang Beichen restrained his strength, otherwise this slap would kill a person.

In the past, Jiang Beichen would not be so angry, but those people should never frame Lin Qing.

After a night of practice, Lin Qing finally finished refining the evil spirit, at this time she broke through to the peak of refinement.

"It seems that this trip is really worth it!" Lin Qing laughed.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Jiang Beichen lying on the bed. At this time, Jiang Beichen was wearing hotel pajamas, revealing his delicate collarbone and perfect deltoid muscles.

"I finally understand why women like to look at handsome guys. When a person wakes up and opens his eyes, seeing the beautiful scenery in front of him is really refreshing." Lin Qing said secretly.

Seeing that Jiang Beichen was still awake, Lin Qing hurried to the bathroom to take a bath.

She didn't know that Jiang Beichen opened his eyes the moment she walked into the bathroom.

Hearing the sound of splashing water and looking at the figure reflected under the light, he swallowed unconsciously, feeling his mouth dry all of a sudden.

He quickly opened the mineral water beside the bed, took a few gulps, trying to suppress the hotness in his heart.

Before he had a few sips, Lin Qing suddenly opened the door of the bathroom, and he coughed violently in fright.

"Are you awake?" Lin Qing said lightly.

"Yeah." Jiang Beichen looked at the beauty like a lotus in front of him, unconsciously staring dumbfounded.

That's right, at this time Lin Qing had recovered her original appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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