Chapter 1 Plane Crash
White clouds floated outside the window, and the sky became more and more clear blue, like large chunks of sapphires, fascinating the viewer's eyes.

By a window in the middle of the common cabin, a woman in a white shirt and black high-waisted leggings was sitting there quietly, looking out of the window.

The girl's wavy dark red long hair covered her side face, making it impossible for everyone to see her expression clearly.However, if you observe carefully, you will find how beautiful the girl's face is, with a fatal attraction, but the girl's eyes are a little bit abrupt, it's hard to imagine what kind of eyes they are, neither sad nor happy , without desires, as if everything has nothing to do with her, there is nothing that can make him care, even if it just makes her mood fluctuate a little, making people feel deserted, it is inevitably mixed with the slightest distress and love for her. Pity...

Gong Mo'er is currently sitting on a flight to XXXX abroad. She has just completed the third of the three scheduled tasks for this year, and she is going to go for a walk. That's right, it is "walking". She has developed a habit of visiting various places in her free time, especially after completing a task, even though she doesn't know what she wants to see.The reason why she went to XXXX this time was because when she bought a ticket at the airport, the person in front of her bought a ticket for XXXX, so she also bought a ticket to fly to the same location on the same day.

Suddenly, the fuselage trembled, and the passengers were in a commotion for an instant.Gong Mo'er finally turned her gaze back from the window, but she still watched the commotion quietly, she didn't care about anything, and everything had nothing to do with her, even though her life was in danger at any moment.Amidst the soothing sounds of the crew, the fear of the passengers, and Gong Mo'er's indifferent eyes, the plane plummeted rapidly. Finally, there was a "boom", and all the sounds disappeared after that.What the people on board didn't know was that no trace of the plane was found, and this flight became a miracle.


Gong Mo'er looked around indifferently, her eyes touched the flaming red of the river in the distance, she floated over without thinking much, you heard me right, she just "floated" over.

The Buddha said that on the other side, there is no life, no death, no suffering, no sorrow, no desire and no pursuit. The leaves are bright and crimson, the Buddha said, they are the flowers of the other shore.

Yes, the flaming red that Gong Moer saw was the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, and the river was black, named Wangchuan River.At this moment, Gong Mo'er realized that she should be dead, and her eyes fluctuated for a moment before she regained her composure.

"That's fine." Gong Mo'er unexpectedly flashed such a sentence in her mind for a moment, then shook her head, she would never do this, what now?

Seeing my situation, I suddenly thought of such a sentence in my mind: "The flowers of the other shore will always bloom leisurely on the other shore, and the heart of this shore can only wander around here. How many fireworks events are spent in the wind and rain, and how many dreams in the world are left behind." As the water turns eastward, what you see is extinguished, what you see disappears and you remember it, when it is in full bloom, the flowers are gone... the memory left is just a field of petals... the wind blows away, and there is nothing..."

Gong Mo'er looked at the Bianhua flowers blooming enthusiastically in front of her, and suddenly felt sad, shook her head, turned around and was about to leave, suddenly, her heart ached, even if she was like Gong Mo'er, she couldn't help moaning in pain, and looked back suspiciously With the blood red behind her eyes, Gong Mo'er no longer hesitated, and walked towards the bridge.

"That must be Naihe Bridge, and that person must be Po Meng," Gong Mo'er thought.Gong Mo'er came to the Naihe Bridge, picked up the bowl of water in front of Po Meng, and was about to drink it without saying a word.

"Miss, you don't need to drink this, just go this way." Granny Meng stopped her, pointing to an empty door that suddenly appeared next to her, and there was an imperceptible respect in her tone, but Gong Mo'er didn't notice it, but I'm afraid there is no reaction if I notice it.Gong Mo'er glanced at Po Meng indifferently, and finally walked towards that door.Po Meng breathed a sigh of relief, thinking, "What a compelling look! However, I have finally completed that person's explanation."

(End of this chapter)

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