Chapter 11 Returning to the Palace
Homecoming ([-])

Because Gong Moer's symptoms of heart disease were onset early, and Xuelian was missing, after some thinking, Gong Moer decided to go back to the palace.One is easy to cover up, and it is convenient for oneself to act. After all, who would doubt a lady from the official family who has no power to restrain the chicken, right?Secondly, you can also take care of your body, and if you are bored, you can also pick up some people who are not afraid of death, so that you can get some interest for the deity, although she doesn't think about revenge for the deity.

Gong Mo'er did not call Liu Qi, but ordered Lu Wu to rent another dilapidated carriage.Several people got into the carriage, and an old farmer outside the carriage drove the carriage towards the Prime Minister's Mansion.At first, it was a good talk, but when he heard that he was going to the prime minister's mansion, the old man said nothing, and Hongxiu was so angry that he almost cut him off.It wasn't until Luwu took out another ingot of silver that the old man reluctantly agreed.But his face was still cautious, as if he was about to face something terrible.

Finally, amidst the old man's apprehension, the carriage stopped at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Get out, get out, get out, get out of here quickly! How dare you stop at the door of the Prime Minister's Mansion?" The guards at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion saw the dilapidated carriage and the driver was an old farmer, shouting and cursing road.

Hong Xiu was about to get out of the car, but when she heard such an arrogant voice from outside, Hong Xiu became angry immediately.She immediately jumped out of the carriage and shouted loudly: "I would like to see who are the ones who dare to scold your aunt like this!"

"Oh! Girl, stop talking! I told you not to let you come, so I should pull you back?" The old man anxiously persuaded.He knows the guards of the prime minister's mansion, but he is fierce!I'm afraid these girls will suffer!

"Master, you go back first." Lu Wu lifted the curtain for Gong Mo'er, helped Gong Mo'er out of the carriage, and said to the anxious old man beside her.

"This... girl, then be careful yourself!" At this time, the old man also saw that these people were not simple.Lu Wu smiled kindly and nodded, and the old man drove away.

"Oh! Who am I supposed to be? It turned out to be some beauties! What's the matter, did you come here specifically to find brother?" At this moment, the concierge just heard the movement and came out when he saw the red sleeves in front of him. Said.

"Looking for death!" At this moment, even Lu Wu was angry, and the servant was kicked out by Lu Wu before he could react.When he reacted, Lu Wu had already returned to Gong Mo'er's side to support her. No one saw how she made the move, except Gong Mo'er and Hong Xiu.Gong Mo'er glanced at the servant who was crying and howling on the ground, something flashed in her eyes, she still stood there leaning against Lu Wu, without saying anything.

"Open your dog eyes and take a good look, our lady is the eldest lady of the prime minister's mansion! If you dare to speak rudely, be careful of your dog's life!" Lu Wu shouted loudly at the people at the door, with a flash of murder in her eyes. The intention is clearly visible, she will never allow someone to insult her young lady like this.

The concierge's name was Li San, a distant relative of the steward, who had not been here for a long time, so he didn't understand the situation at all.Hearing what Luwu said, she immediately laughed out loud, and her momentum rose instantly, saying: "Miss? Our eldest lady is traveling with His Highness the Crown Prince, and it is impossible to come back! Besides, with your shameful appearance, you dare to pretend to be My eldest lady! Fuck, don’t piss and act like yourself!” Li San hated Lu Wu for kicking him, and at this moment he became even more arrogant, “Come here, teach these delusional young ladies a lesson. The untouchables!" Several nurses surrounded the three of them at once.

Lu Wu was already aroused by Li San's words, but at this moment, she felt that she couldn't bear it anymore.She supported Gong Mo'er, but Hong Xiu couldn't bear it long ago.

"It's enough to keep them alive." Hong Xiu heard Gong Mo'er say this before making a move.

I saw Hongxiu flying out, swirling and sweeping away the two guards with one move, followed by a ruthless move, but it was not enough to be fatal.After a while, everyone was lying on the ground unable to move.

Inside the door, a figure quickly ran towards the inner courtyard, Gong Mo'er glanced at it without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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