Chapter 14


Prime Minister's Mansion, Xianglan Courtyard.

Hongxiu and Luwu stared at the yard in front of them, their eyes widened, followed by uncontrollable anger.

"Miss, they are too much, how can people live in such a yard?" Hongxiu couldn't help but feel wronged for her own lady.

Gong Mo'er looked at the house in front of her.The yard was deserted, and it seemed that there were many uninhabited people, and the doors of the rooms were dilapidated.Looking at the house again, there are cobwebs everywhere, on the table, on the bed, wherever you can see, there is dust everywhere.Gong Mo'er raised her hand and gently wiped the window sill, her fingertips were covered with a layer of dust.Bed curtains and other things are also the most inferior rough cloth, which is dirty and messy.

"Clean the yard first, and as for these utensils, let Liuqi bring people to replace these doubts in the evening!" Gong Mo'er walked out of the room and ordered to Luwu.She has a slight obsession with cleanliness, and, in her previous life, she had extremely high requirements for living standards. Unless she had to, she tried her best to arrange her quality of life according to the highest standard, and she also had that ability.In this life, it will not change!She was never someone who would make herself feel wronged!

"Yes, Miss." Luwu knew that her lady had a cleanliness habit and had high requirements in daily life, so she chose her to be with her at the beginning.And she is also very grateful for the young lady's trust, so she has always tried her best to satisfy the young lady.

Hong Xiu moved out a stool, wiped it with a handkerchief, and put it in a relatively clean place in the yard. Just as she was about to help Gong Moer sit down, Gong Moer raised her hand to stop her.Hong Xiu caressed her body, then turned around and went to tidy up the yard with Lu Wu.

Gong Mo'er stood where she was, with distant eyes.This time the heart attack actually happened earlier, according to the old man, it should be fine for the time being.But why now?In modern times, she knew that she had heart disease, but she only had two attacks, and it was not as serious as now. She went to the hospital for an examination, but nothing was found, so she didn't take it to heart.But now...with the old man's medical skills, he didn't find out what was the reason, he just guessed that the snow lotus might be useful.What's more, her medical skills have already surpassed the old man's now, and she still doesn't know the reason.It seems that we have to hurry up and check.

While Gong Mo'er was contemplating, Hong Xiu and Lu Wu had already tidied up the house.Luwu has also sent out a message, informing Liuqi, asking him to arrange for someone to buy some household items, and they can only deliver them at night when no one is around.

In the evening, a maid brought Gong Mo'er dinner, and she lifted her chin high and placed the plate heavily on the table, her arrogant attitude was undoubtedly evident.Then she walked out without saying a word. Seeing this, Gong Mo'er narrowed her eyes slightly and said nothing.

"What, is this food for people to eat?" Hongxiu said dissatisfied.

"Miss, Lu Wu has asked Liu Qi to deliver the ingredients, and they will be delivered right away." Lu Wu was no stranger to this situation, she said to Gong Mo'er, and at the same time comforted Hong Xiu.

"Well, in the future, I will open a plot of land in the yard, plant a piece of vegetables, and take out the corner for me to keep. I guess...we will live here for a while." Gong Mo'er softly ordered.

"Understood, Miss." Lu Wu responded.

In the evening, Liu Qi brought people over to rearrange the yard, and Hong Xiu ordered someone to make a swing in the yard.Lu Wu has already prepared dinner.Looking at the well-arranged yard, Lu Wu nodded in satisfaction, such conditions are barely worthy of Miss.In Luwu's eyes, being worthy is not ordinary being worthy.Although at first glance it was just tidied up and cleaned up, but the inside was already different.A knowledgeable person would be able to tell at a glance that all the utensils on the bed have been decorated with the top Shu brocade for the royal family, which is only ten pieces old.Back then, Yaori's imperial concubine only got one horse and was reluctant to use it.Looking at those tables and chairs, they have also been replaced with those made of top-quality nanmu.The reclining chair specially made for Gong Mo'er in the yard is made of rare agarwood.

After everything was arranged, Liuqi led the people away quietly.All this has completely changed without everyone knowing.

(End of this chapter)

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