Evil king loves heartless concubine

Chapter 225 The Emperor Returns Happy New Year

Chapter 225 The Emperor Returns Happy New Year (2)
Without the owner's jurisdiction, it is no longer what it used to be.

Gong Mo'er and Di Junyan traveled all the way, burning, killing and looting everywhere.Where is the stability and peace under the rule of Dijunyan a hundred years ago?Gong Mo'er and Di Junyan frowned.

However, with the return of the emperor today, the jurisdiction will soon be another situation!
The scene was almost the same everywhere. Di Junyan's breath sank and he hugged Gong Mo'er. The luck technique disappeared in an instant, and he came to a dark palace exuding murderous and heavy atmosphere in a blink of an eye.

There is a plaque on the palace, with the inscription "Underworld", the handwriting is thick and sharp, like an arrow like a light, making people dare not look directly at it!
As if he had sensed something, as soon as Di Junyan and Gong Mo'er appeared, the black shadow came out from an unknown corner, holding a fiery red cute pet in his arms.Who is it if it’s not Ari?

"Zhizhizhizhi" Ahri, who was originally depressed, started to yell when he saw Gong Mo'er.

Gong Mo'er stretched out her hand with a smile, and touched Ahri's forehead, and saw a white light flash, and then disappeared again after three breaths.

"Okay, I know everything." Gong Mo'er looked at Ari and said with a smile.

"Zhizhizhi" Ahri ignored Dijunyan's cold air.Master Mo'er, Ari will follow you and never leave again, okay?

"Huh!" Dijunyan snorted coldly, suddenly Xiao Hei came out from nowhere, wrapped around Ahri's neck, ignored Ahri's struggle, and flew away without a sound.

That's right, he just flew away. Xiao Hei finally regained his strength after waking up from the coma last time. He showed his real dragon body for the first time, but everyone still used to call him Little Black Snake, which made Xiao Hei crazy!
"Emperor, empress!" Soi Ying had the opportunity to step forward to salute Di Junyan and Gong Mo'er.He didn't dare to do anything wrong now, it was the emperor's memory that hadn't recovered, so he dared to speak like that, now... the black shadow trembled, let's forget it!

"Hei Ying, are you cold?" Gong Mo'er asked jokingly.

Sadness flashed in Heiying's eyes, and he lowered his head and replied, "Thank you for your concern, Madam, Heiying is not cold."

"Oh? It's not cold! Then why were you shaking just now?" Gong Mo'er looked at the black shadow, "Could it be that I'm too scary? Scared you?"

Black Shadow vomited blood speechlessly.

How could Di Junyan allow Gong Mo'er to focus on another man?Not even for fun!Immediately, he took a step forward and pulled Gong Mo'er into his arms, turned her face to his chest, and said to the shadow: "Do you know the news of the emperor's return?"

Gong Mo'er didn't understand that Di Junyan was jealous again, she rolled her eyes speechlessly, and stayed peacefully in his embrace without speaking.

"Return to my emperor, my subordinates have ordered to inform the elders of your return. I believe their families have already received the news."

"very good."

After Di Junyan left a word, he floated into the palace holding Gong Mo'er who was unknowingly sleepy in his arms.When the black shadow looked up again, where was the shadow of Di Junyan in front of him?
Sure enough, no matter it was a hundred years ago or a hundred years later, no matter how many times of reincarnation, the emperor and queen are the most important in their hearts!But, who told him what to do now!

Looking at the empty space in front of him, the black shadow stared at the sky speechlessly.

Well, he's going to call those old guys here, it seems that the jurisdiction is not very good, the emperor must have seen it, then... let them meet the emperor's wrath together!
Soi Ying thought gloatingly, and then quickly set about making arrangements.

Mirror Sky Continent.

"Miss, it's time to take medicine!" Zhuzhu came in with a bowl of medicine and put it on the table, walked over to collect the embroidered handkerchief in Xuanyuan Yule's hand and said, "Don't keep embroidering all the time, these live beads Zhudu did it!"

Xuanyuan Yule looked at Zhuzhu with a smile, and said, "Zhuzhu, you are almost becoming an old woman recently, why are you so wordy?"

Seeing the smile on Xuanyuan Yule's mouth, Zhuzhu was taken aback.

"Miss, you finally laughed!" Zhuzhu murmured.

Xuanyuan Yule froze and did not speak.Zhuzhu knew that she had said something wrong, so she immediately picked up the medicine bowl, stepped forward and said, "Miss, hurry up and drink it while it's hot! Zhuzhu has prepared candied fruit for you, so you won't be bitter after drinking it."

bitter?She is no longer afraid.It's just this girl's kindness!
Xuanyuan Yule took the medicine bowl, held her breath, and drank it in one go.He raised his head and was about to say something to Zhuzhu, when suddenly without warning, the bowl in his hand fell to the ground with a "snap"...

(End of this chapter)

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