Evil king loves heartless concubine

Chapter 25 I'm Waiting for You to Beg Me

Chapter 25 I'm Waiting for You to Beg Me (1)
I am waiting for you to beg me!

Three days passed quickly, and this day was the day to attend the palace banquet.

Early in the morning, Mrs. Qin sent her mothers to Lingyun Pavilion and Xinyue Pavilion to remind them of various precautions, and ordered the grooming maids under them to dress up and make up.Even Gong Jing'er was carefully explained by her aunt Shui Shi.On the other hand, Gong Mo'er.

Xianglan Courtyard.

At this time, there was silence in Xianglan Courtyard.If it weren't for the full vitality of the yard, no one would have thought that there would be people living in this yard!It's really "the highest state-quiet"!

A quarter of an hour passed, a quarter of an hour passed...

Finally, after about half an hour, there was a sound from the side room on the side of the main house.After a while, the door was gently pushed open.Hongxiu and Luwu quietly walked out from inside.The two people's martial arts are not low, and they deliberately lighten their steps, they are really silent!The two got together, and after gesticulating for a while, Lu Wu walked towards the kitchen, while Hong Xiu walked towards the main house.

Hongxiu pushed open the door of the main house, looked inside, thought for a while and walked out.After a while, he came in again with a basin of water.Putting down the water and walking into the room, seeing that Gong Mo'er had already got up, he couldn't help being surprised.In fact, Gong Mo'er had already woken up the moment Hong Xiu's hands touched the door.This is a habit she developed from wandering on the edge of danger for many years in her previous life, and it has not changed until now.Even in a deep sleep, as long as there is the slightest sign of trouble, she will immediately wake up reflexively.These red sleeves and green charms are also unknown.That's why Hongxiu was a little surprised that she got up so quickly.She was clearly asleep just now, why did the young lady wake up just as soon as she went out to bring a basin of water?She also wanted to let the young lady sleep more!
Seeing that her young lady had already woken up, Hongxiu didn't think about anything else.Hurrying up to change Gong Mo'er's clothes, when it comes to this point, I have to explain, the ancient clothes are really unusually complicated, Gong Mo'er just didn't learn how to wear them, of course it can't be ruled out because of the red sleeves, green Wu Zai, the reason why she is too lazy to do it herself.Besides the red sleeves, she took out the clothes sent by the Qin family yesterday for the young lady to attend the palace banquet, and this problem arose.Hong Xiu looked at the clothes in his hand, frowning tightly.What kind of rags are these!Although the material looks okay, it can't compare with the clothes from Hongyan Pavilion at all!And, look, is this a style from a few years ago?Looking at the jewelry that was delivered, the young lady is not yet 14 years old, is Qin planning to let the young lady pretend to be a middle-aged woman?This Qin family is making fools of their three masters and servants!Did she really think that Miss grew up in the countryside and didn't understand anything?She really blinded her dog's eyes, she was so self-righteous!
"Hongxiu?" Seeing that Hongxiu hadn't moved for a long time, Gong Mo'er frowned slightly.

"Miss—do you really want to wear this dress?" Hong Xiu couldn't help but question Gong Mo'er, obviously unwilling.

"What's the matter?" Gong Mo'er looked at the red sleeves, couldn't help but feel funny in her heart, her eyes were slightly warm, but the questioning look was clearly asking, is there something wrong with this dress?Isn't this the palace banquet dress sent by the Qin family?
"Oh, miss, it's the one from Qin's that's the problem!" Hongxiu became more anxious when she saw Gong Mo'er like this, stomped her feet and said, then remembered Miss's temper, and continued: "If Miss really decides to wear This one, that Hongxiu is now ordered to go down and use snow forging to drive out an identical one for Miss, the material of this dress is not good!" That way clearly said, Miss, don't wear it.

(End of this chapter)

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