Chapter 32 Talent Show (2)
I saw that the sisters Gong Ling'er saluted and walked to their respective positions, ready to perform.

"The emperor is here! The Holy King is here! Your Highness the Crown Prince, Your Highness the Third Prince, and the Fourth Prince are here!" Just as the two sisters were about to start performing, a voice came from outside the hall. The queen mother and others also stood up.Seeing this, Gong Mo'er frowned.It's not easy to hide this time, after what happened just now, someone is staring at her!When she was in trouble, the emperor Xuanyuanqi had already led a group of people into the hall, and there was another sentence that Gong Moer liked, "Everyone does not need to salute, I just heard that the ladies here are showing their talents , so let’s take a look! You come as you said just now, don’t worry about me!” As he spoke, he walked towards the high platform, and a few people behind him followed, where seats had been added for the new ancestors.The rest of the officials' children also found suitable seats to sit down.It's just that the sage king Di Junyan inadvertently glanced at Gong Mo'er, making Gong Mo'er confused.

Seeing the fiery eyes of all the young ladies, especially Gong Linger's shy and expectant eyes, Gong Mo'er couldn't help but look into her eyes, it was the Holy King Dijun Yan!At this time, he was still dressed in pure white robes, but the borders were embroidered with silk patterns with gold thread. Just standing there, he won the hearts and souls of everyone.It seems that this Gong Ling'er is looking at the god Jun Yan!
In addition to the holy king Di Junyan, there are three people on it.The older one is undoubtedly Xuanyuan Qi, although he is old, but there is still no lack of domineering emperor in his eyes.The one next to him is the crown prince Xuanyuan Yufei, who looks more like the queen. Although he looks good, he is too feminine.Then, the last one is the fourth prince Xuanyuan Yurui. He is dressed in a silver prince's suit, with a jade pendant on his side, and with a smile on his face, he looks like a gentle and elegant prince!Gong Mo'er had to sigh: The genes of the royal family are good!

As the emperor and the others took their seats, the interrupted banquet began to continue.

Gong Linger and Gong Yueer began to perform.

The sound of the piano gradually rises, like a mountain, like flowing water, gurgling and clanging.Gong Linger danced accordingly.Her waist is beautiful, her body is full of charm, she is spinning charmingly, even the hem of her skirt is rippling like a flower in the wind, her long black hair is disheveled in the wind, she is so beautiful that people doubt she is a fairy Chang'e, at the end of the song The action of turning around and shooting swallows is really the most beautiful thing about looking back and smiling, with all kinds of charm lingering on the brows!In an instant, he firmly caught the attention of all the men on the field, and successfully aroused the hostility of all the female compatriots.Gong Mo'er looked at everyone in the field, and found that only the holy king Di Junyan and the fourth prince Xuanyuan Yurui didn't show that expression.Xuanyuan Yurui stopped at admiring, but Dijunyan didn't look at it at all.Gong Mo'er couldn't help but raised her eyebrows.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were attracted by Gong Linger, Gong Yue'er couldn't help feeling annoyed in her heart.All of a sudden, she ignored the style of the song and sped up her movements. Gong Linger was unguarded, and her movements were a little flustered. She was very annoyed at Gong Yueer, and seeing this, Gong Yueer felt a burst of joy.Finally, the song ended, and the two of them bowed and left.

Patiently watching the performance of the two sisters of the Gong family, Gong Mo'er lost interest in the following performances, and took Lu Wu back out under the pretext of preparing.She didn't notice that Di Junyan in the hall saw her leave, raised his head that had been lowered and glanced in her direction.

Gong Mo'er walked out of the hall, took a breath, and immediately felt that the boring atmosphere disappeared without a trace.With Lu Wu, I found a pavilion and sat down, looking at the night in front of me, I don't know what I was thinking.

"Miss, are you really going to perform later?" Lu Wu followed Gong Mo'er, only saw her kill people, but never saw her play the piano or dance, so she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

(End of this chapter)

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