Evil king loves heartless concubine

Chapter 36 1 Banquet to become famous and ask for money

Chapter 36
After hearing Gong Mo'er's words, Di Junyan glanced at her again, turned around and flew away.Gong Mo'er couldn't help wondering if Di Junyan was sick!

Soon, Gong Mo'er returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and went directly to the Xianglan Courtyard to rest.



"Yue'er, what's the matter with you today? You made me mistake on purpose, didn't you?" Gong Ling'er asked Gong Yue'er loudly as soon as she returned to the prime minister's mansion.She didn't forget that at today's banquet, Gong Yue'er suddenly changed the style of the song and sped up the rhythm, causing her to panic and make mistakes during the dance.

"Is my sister questioning me? I'm not good at playing the piano, and because I'm nervous seeing the emperor, can I be careless? Can my sister stipulate that I don't make mistakes?" Gong Yue'er is not a vegetarian, so she won't allow Gong Yueer Linger questioned herself like this.Although she did it on purpose, no matter how stupid she was, she would never admit it.

"Don't make excuses! I think you did it on purpose!" Gong Ling'er came to the banquet because of her sweetheart, and this time Gong Yueer caused her to make mistakes in front of her sweetheart (although her so-called sweetheart didn't watch her dance,) Already lost his mind.That would also take into account what she said, in normal times, she would never do this.

"You say I'm quibbling? I think it's because you are not good at learning and made mistakes, but you should blame me! Hmph!" Gong Yueer roared not to be outdone.


"Okay, why are you two sisters arguing?" Seeing that the two sisters were arguing endlessly, and it was becoming more and more serious, Qin asked to stop it.Gong Ling'er stopped talking, but her eyes were fixed on Gong Yue'er.Gong Yue'er raised her chin and smiled triumphantly.

Seeing that the two of them stopped arguing, Qin went on to say: "Although I failed to clean up that little bitch's hoof at the banquet today, it is good news that she was diagnosed that she will not live to be 20 years old. Hmph! Like a short-lived mother, she is a short-lived ghost!"

"Mother, even if she doesn't live to be 20 years old, she's not yet 14 years old this year, and there are still six years left. You have to avenge my revenge!" Gong Yueer said while pulling Qin's arm.

"Well, mother, remember, don't worry. But in the future, you should avoid messing with her!" Qin Shi knew that her daughter was not Gong Mo'er's opponent, so she specially reminded her.

"Well, Yue'er knows." Gong Yue'er responded readily, but no one knew what was going on in her heart.

Seeing that Gong Yue'er agreed, Qin turned to Gong Ling'er and said, "Ling'er, don't blame your sister, she didn't play it wrong on purpose, and it's not like you don't know that her piano skills are not as good as yours. Mistakes are inevitable."

"Mother, I understand, I won't blame her anymore." Gong Ling'er replied with her head down.Seeing this, Mrs. Qin nodded with a satisfied smile.

the next day.On Huangdu Street.

"Hey, have you heard?" Someone asked the people around him.


"The eldest lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion is really talented. I heard that she drew a picture for the Queen Mother at the Queen Mother's banquet yesterday. It looks like a real person. The Queen Mother likes it very much. The emperor rewarded her on the spot."

"Really? So those were all rumors before!"

"No, I also heard that Miss Gong passed out immediately after finishing the painting. It is said that her health is too poor. After the examination by the imperial doctor, she said that she would not live to be 20 years old!"

"Oh, what a pity! What a pity!"

"Who says it's not, oh..."

In just one night, the news about Gong Mo'er at the palace banquet had spread throughout the imperial capital, even in several surrounding cities, especially her superb painting skills and her frail body.Almost everyone was sighing and feeling sorry for her.Of course, some people are indifferent to it, and some people are happy about it, so it goes without saying.

(End of this chapter)

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