Chapter 38
"Ah?" Hei Ying didn't expect his master to ask such a question, so he couldn't help but be surprised, but he keenly sensed his master's slightly changed aura, and hurriedly said: "My lord, let me look at it with my subordinates. Come on, I probably care about that person, so I fell in love with him!" Heiying couldn't imagine that the protagonist was his own master, so the gossip factor in his heart began to become active.It turns out that his master is Sichun, ah, so he is about to have a mistress?Hei Ying thought to himself, and couldn't help showing it on his face.

"Okay, I see that you still need more exercise, so you can help Mubai!" Di Junyan told Heiying.

"What—" Hei Ying hadn't finished speaking yet, seeing Dijun Yan's gaze, he immediately changed his mouth and said, "Yes, master!" Then, with a sad mood, he left with a "swish".

Thinking about what Soi Ying said, Di Junyan slightly curled the corners of his lips.Did you like it?Whether he will confirm it himself.But this feeling is not bad.Di Junyan suddenly said to the air: "Go and see where Yunlan is now, let him come and find me." After a slight movement in the air, calm returned.


Prime Minister's Mansion, Xianglan Courtyard.

"Miss, Fei Yi has already arrived in the capital. Are you going to see her?" Hong Xiu asked while combing Gong Mo'er's hair, talking about the news she had received.

"It's time to arrive, so there's no need to comb. There should be nothing to do today, tidy up and go out later!" Gong Mo'er said after thinking for a moment.

"Yes, Hongxiu will go to prepare right away." After Hongxiu finished speaking, she walked outside quickly.She has to tell Sister Luwu, and she has to arrange everything well, so that there will be no cats and dogs to make trouble for the lady.


After a while, a handsome young master appeared on the street, followed by two attendants. The atmosphere around him attracted the attention of everyone on the street. It was Gong Mo'er, master and servant.At this time, Gong Mo'er had returned to her original appearance, and her red sleeves and green face had also changed slightly. It is estimated that even Qin Shi and others would never recognize her when they saw her.Gong Mo'er ignored everyone's gazes, and walked straight towards the famous Pan Jungui in the capital.Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to hate iron and steel.I didn't expect such a handsome young man to go to such a dirty place!
Because it was daytime, Pan Jungui's business hadn't started yet, so it was extremely deserted.Gong Mo'er walked into Pan Jungui's gate and looked around, but there was no one there.Seeing this, Hongxiu deliberately lowered his voice and shouted to the inside: "There is a guest coming, come out and be in charge!"

As soon as the words fell, a woman in red came out with her waist twisted. When she saw Gong Mo'er in men's clothes, she was astonished as a heavenly being, regained her spirits in an instant, and said with a charming smile, "Oh, son, are you Did you come to look for the servant?" As he spoke, he rushed towards Gong Mo'er.

Seeing this, Hongxiu and Luwu just laughed and looked at it without saying a word.Gong Mo'er looked at the woman in red, and stood there indifferently, but the woman in red stopped when she was about to pounce on Gong Mo'er, cast a look at Hong Xiu and Lv Wu, and said, what's wrong with the master? Still so uncute?Hongxiu and Lvwu returned helpless eyes.The woman in red threw another sad look at Gong Mo'er, and then led Gong Mo'er and her party to an independent attic behind.

"See Master for Fei Yi." As soon as she entered the attic, the woman in red knelt down on one leg and said to Gong Mo'er.

"Get up! I told you that you don't need to be so particular about these etiquettes." Gong Mo'er said lightly.

Fei Yi stood up, stood in front of Gong Mo'er, bowed her head slightly, and said respectfully: "Master, Fei Yi has already arranged all the affairs of the Lintian Dynasty, please rest assured, Master. I have already understood what the master explained this day. It's almost done, please rest assured, Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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