Evil king loves heartless concubine

Chapter 41 She must have nothing to do

Chapter 41 She must have nothing to do (2)
"What?" Yunlan stood up from the chair in shock when she heard that, and said to Di Junyan, "You told me not to do anything else, but to study her disease? Are you crazy? Then what do you do?" The effect of the medicine last time is no longer effective, and I haven’t researched a new medicine yet, and you asked me to find a way to save her? I will never listen to you this time!” Yun Lan didn’t look at Di Junyan after finishing speaking , I am sullen all by myself.He didn't expect Gong Mo'er to have influenced Di Junyan to such an extent.

"Alan, if something happens to her, even if you cure me, I don't think I will be happy in this life." Di Junyan looked at Yunlan and said seriously.

After hearing Di Junyan's words, Yunlan looked at him in surprise, and asked again after a long time: "Ah Yan, tell me, are you in love with Gong Mo'er?"

After hearing Yunlan's words, Di Junyan was stunned for a while, before saying, "I don't know, but she must be fine!"

"I see." Yun Lan said lightly after listening to Di Junyan's words, then got up and left.

"Thank you!" Di Junyan murmured, he knew that Yunlan agreed.

"Muxuan!" Dijunyan yelled suddenly, and an indifferent man dressed in black and expressionless appeared in the lobby, bowing his head and standing in front of Dijunyan. , you go to protect the eldest lady of the Gong family, be careful not to get too close to her, and be careful not to be discovered by her!" Di Junyan confessed.

"Yes." Mu Xuan was slightly startled, and then disappeared instantly.


The next day.

Gong Mo'er had breakfast and was about to go outside. Last night, she was annoyed by Di Junyan's inexplicable behavior, and she couldn't figure out what he wanted to do in the end.Now my heart is not slowing down, but it doesn't show on the surface.Gong Mo'er called Hong Xiu and Lv Wu, and was about to go out, just walked out of the gate of Xianglan Courtyard, in the back garden of Xiangfu, she met Gong Yue'er who happened to come out.Gong Mo'er ignored her, walked past her directly, and walked towards the door, Hong Xiu and Lu Wu also followed her.

Gong Yue'er also doesn't have a long memory, last time she suffered such a big loss at the hands of Gong Mo'er, but this time she didn't know how to hide and not say anything, but still bumped into it.Seeing Gong Mo'er's master and servant ignoring her, she shouted at Gong Mo'er who had already walked past her: "Gong Mo'er, why are you dragging! Why don't you just die? You don't want to die!" Just like your short-lived mother, a short-lived ghost!"

Gong Mo'er originally didn't want to get entangled with Gong Yue'er, but in her eyes, Gong Yue'er was just looking for trouble, and getting entangled with her was purely asking for trouble.But this time she actually mentioned the deity's mother, this is something Gong Mo'er can't stand.Although she has never met her mother in the two lifetimes, and has never enjoyed maternal love, the word "mother" has a different meaning to Gong Mo'er, and Gong Yueer happened to violate her taboo.

Seeing that Gong Yueer insulted their lady so much, Hongxiu and Lvwu were about to teach her a lesson, but they saw that her lady stopped walking outwards, and at the same time as she turned around, she waved her hand unintentionally, and Gong Yueer was thrown off all of a sudden. Fell to the ground, Gong Yue'er remembered that Gong Mo'er was something she couldn't mess with.Hongxiu and Luwu were surprised for a moment, but when they thought that the lady was about to teach Gong Yueer a lesson, they quickly stood beside the lady.Gong Mo'er walked towards Gong Yue'er step by step, her eyes lost the usual indifference, making Gong Yue'er feel a chill from the bottom of her heart, that unhurried step by step seemed to knock on her heart, making her He raised his heart high.

"Don't come here! Don't come here!" In this atmosphere, Gong Yue'er couldn't stand it any longer, and cried out in a broken voice, "You slaves, don't stop her! Stop her!" She was also terrified , Don't even think about it, her master is so frightened, who dares to stop those servants, they all know that the servant girl next to the eldest lady is good at kung fu, so even though Gong Yueer shouted, No one dared to stop it.

(End of this chapter)

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