Chapter 44 Mo Jin (2)
"Yes, miss." Hongxiu called Xiao Er, and soon several dishes were served.The little boy sat down immediately, picked up the chopsticks, and kept stuffing them into his mouth. Although he ate very quickly, his every move showed perfect elegance and nobility, without any sense of rudeness.He swallowed a mouthful of food, looked at Gong Mo'er happily and said, "Sister, thank you, I've never eaten such a delicious meal!" Gong Mo'er just thought he was very hungry and didn't say anything.Seeing that Gong Mo'er ignored him, the little boy was not depressed, and continued to eat.

After a quarter of an hour, the little boy finally ate. Hong Xiu and Lv Wu were already stunned, and even Gong Mo'er was a little surprised.Looking at the pile of empty bowls on the table, Gong Mo'er was a little skeptical, this little boy won't be spoiled, right?

The little boy looked at Gong Mo'er, a suspicious red flashed across his face, and he felt embarrassed and said, "Sister, I just haven't eaten for a long time, and these foods are delicious, I've never eaten them before." .”

Gong Mo'er looked at the little boy's embarrassment, a smile flashed in her eyes, and she gave a faint "um" to show that she understood.

After a while, Gong Mo'er looked at the little boy sitting there quietly with his head bowed silently, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, and asked quietly, "Where is your home? I'll ask Hong Xiu to take you back."

How did Gong Mo'er know that the child was just thinking about how to follow her and not be thrown off by her.At this time, upon hearing Gong Mo'er's question, the little boy immediately burst into tears, looked up at Gong Mo'er, and said, "Is sister going to drive Jin'er away? Does sister not want Jin'er anymore?"

Gong Mo'er's always cold heart was softened the moment she saw the little boy's tears again, this was the first time in her previous life!She walked up to the little boy and sat down, stroked his head, and asked softly, "Your name is Jin'er?"

"Well, Jin'er's name is Mo Jin, and her pet name is Jin'er." Seeing Gong Mo'er touching his head, Mo Jin didn't dodge, but said happily.This little ancestor's head is not easy to touch!Now it's Gong Mo'er, and he won't let others even touch his parents.

"Well, then Jin'er, tell my sister, why are you here?" Gong Mo'er heard what Mo Jin said just now that someone didn't want him, and she was afraid that he would be sad, so she asked insinuatingly.

"Jin'er was kicked out by her brother. Jin'er came out to find her sister." Mo Jin replied honestly.But I thought in my heart, um, I didn't lie, he just came out to find his sister, and it was his brother who kicked him out and sealed his power, causing him to be caught by that person just now.

"Oh, does Mo Jin know where to find your sister?" Gong Mo'er asked.

"I've already—" In the middle of the sentence, I suddenly stopped and changed my words: "Jin'er has forgotten where her sister is, and she doesn't know where her home is or how to get home. Now Jin'er is homeless, can my sister be okay?" Don't leave Jin'er behind?" Mo Jin begged pitifully, blinking her big pure eyes.

"Okay, Jin'er!" Seeing Mo Jin's appearance, Gong Mo'er suddenly said coldly, seeing that she seemed to have frightened the villain, Gong Mo'er softened her voice and said, "Jin'er, don't beg others anymore , whatever you want, sister can give you, you know?"

"Well, Jin'er knows. Jin'er knows that her sister is the best for Jin'er!" Mo Jin said happily.A long, long time ago, his sister did the same to him. Then, Mo Jin thought of something and asked nervously, "Then sister, can Jin'er follow her?"

"Well, from now on, Jin'er will follow her sister until she finds Jin'er's real sister." Gong Mo'er couldn't refuse Mo Jin, and agreed without hesitation.Mo Jin was overjoyed when he heard that, as expected, what his brother said was right, his sister accepted him because he pretended to be pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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