Evil king loves heartless concubine

Chapter 5 Arrival in Kyoto

Chapter 5 Arrival in Kyoto
Arrive in Kyoto
Today is Kyoto, Jidu.

A carriage passed through the city gate and drove slowly on the main road. On both sides of the street, peddlers were hawking lively, all of which showed the prosperity of Jidu. It really deserves to be the capital of the Yaori Dynasty.

Hong Xiu lifted a corner of the car curtain and looked at everything around her in surprise, "Miss, it's so lively outside." Hong Xiu turned her head and said excitedly.

"Hongxiu, what are you doing!" Lu Wu lightly scolded, then turned around and asked respectfully: "Miss, shall we go back directly?"

"No, find an inn first, and buy one when you find a suitable courtyard. As for, go back..." Gong Mo'er said flatly.

"yes".Even though Gong Mo'er didn't continue to speak, Lu Wu already understood what she meant, and told Liu Qi outside to find a better inn.


The carriage stopped at the entrance of an inn called "Wankelai".

"Guest officer, would you like to stay at the top or stay at the inn?" Seeing the carriage stopped at the entrance of the inn, the shrewd little Er immediately ran over to greet the carriage to settle down, and then asked.

"Arrange two upper rooms first, and then send some hot water to the room." Lu Wu got out of the car and said to Xiao Er, then turned her head and said, "Liu Qi, you should get out of the carriage first, and leave after eating , if Miss needs again, I will call you again."

"Okay." Liuqi nodded knowingly, then left to eat.

"Miss, please slow down." Hong Xiu jumped out of the car and said carefully to Gong Mo'er, even though she knew it was completely unnecessary, she just wanted to take good care of Miss.

Xiaoer was stunned when he came out from Luwu, and just when he came back to his senses, he heard Luwu's order, and hurriedly responded.Just as I was about to go back to the store to arrange, I saw the car curtain was lifted again.I saw a woman in a pink shirt getting out of the car.

In the car, Hong Xiu heard that Lu Wu had made arrangements, so she got out of the carriage, raised the curtain, and stood aside, quietly waiting for Gong Mo'er to get off.

The pedestrians around couldn't help but stop, thinking, even the maid has such a beautiful temperament, what will the master look like!Sure enough, a small light white hand was first exposed in the carriage, shining with a seductive luster, this is the real "skin like creamy fat"!Just a pair of hands made people unable to move their eyes away. Then, a sky-blue figure got off the carriage and walked into the inn. Everyone wanted to see the woman's face, but unexpectedly the woman was wearing a veil.However, just a figure is so charming, and his appearance must not be bad.

"Hmph!" Hongxiu walked past the waiter and gave the waiter a stupefied stare.

The waiter in the shop suddenly came back to his senses, and the stunning face of the woman with the veil raised at that moment was still in his mind. Compared with her, the first beauty was like a heaven and an earth.Xiao Er patted himself on the head, and hurriedly ran to lead them to the reserved room.

"Who were those people just now? I haven't seen them before."

"Maybe it's the lady from that family?"

"Nonsense! Could it be the young master?"

"However, it's so beautiful! I don't know what it looks like without the veil?"

"It's probably not much worse than the number one beauty."

"If I can marry such a woman, I am willing to die!"

"Hey, big dog, just look like a bear like you, come on. It's good not to scare the lady away."


Gong Mo'er and the others ignored the discussions of the people downstairs, and followed Xiao Er to the upstairs room.

"Wait a minute. Take me to the backyard and borrow your kitchen." The lady doesn't like the food outside, so it's better to cook it yourself, lest the lady lose her appetite.Lu Wu thought so, after sending Gong Mo'er into the room, she handed a piece of silver to Xiao Er who was about to leave and said.


the other side.

"Grandpa, are you okay?"

"Give you a day, I want to know everything, I don't want this to happen again! You know what to do."

"Yes, sir."


(End of this chapter)

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