Chapter 50
Gong Mo'er jumped off the horse, led the horse, and walked into the town. Gong Mo'er changed her appearance at this time and was dressed in men's clothes again, so she didn't attract any ideas.Liu Qi followed behind, and Gong Mo'er stopped in front of an inn, and Xiao Er came out immediately, Liu Qi took a step forward and took the horse in Gong Mo'er's hand, and said coldly to Xiao Er: "Let's make you laugh!" Take our horses down and feed them with good fodder. First arrange a table of meals, which should be exquisite. In addition, prepare two upper rooms, and all the supplies in my son’s rooms will be replaced with new ones.” These small towns are not There are no branches with repeat customers, so Gong Mo'er can only do this, but it's nothing, she has never encountered any conditions in her previous life, she just makes her life more comfortable when conditions permit.

"Yes, guest officer, please come in first." Xiao Er immediately knew that these two people must have extraordinary backgrounds, so he took the horse in Liu Qi's hand and said to them.

Gong Mo'er stepped into the inn, and another waiter in the store was about to lead them upstairs, but Gong Mo'er went to a side seat on the first floor and sat down. After going down, he followed Gong Mo'er to the place and sat down beside her.

Gong Mo'er made a cup of tea for herself, originally intended for Liu Qi, but how dare Liu Qi ask his master to make tea for him, so he poured a cup by himself and drank it.Gong Mo'er held onto the teacup with one hand, put it to her mouth and took a sip, frowned slightly and then quickly let go, quietly listening to the speeches of the people around her.

"Hey, have you guys heard? Something happened to Liuyun Valley. The people who went to seek medical treatment recently didn't see anyone coming out of it." Said a man on a table next to him.

"Impossible, what can happen in Flowing Cloud Valley? The people inside are amazing!" Another person retorted.

"What's impossible? Recently, the atmosphere around Liuyun Valley has changed. Haven't you noticed that a group of strangers came to the town a few days ago?" The man continued.

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, this is not something we can quarrel with, be careful not to get into trouble!" said another middle-aged man who had never spoken.

Listening to what they said, Gong Mo'er was thinking in her heart, had a group of strangers been here a few days ago?It seems that it is necessary to investigate that group of people, no matter what, we must not let a trace of clues go.Liu Qi also heard what those people said, and seeing his master rushing day and night along the way, Liu Qi could guess that there must be something urgent in Liuyun Valley. No one will come out.There is a rule in Flowing Cloud Valley that every three days they will leave the valley to bring a terminally ill person into the valley for medical treatment. Many people waited outside the valley, but no one came out for three days, Liuqi didn't dare to think too much.Of course, what Liuqi could think of, Gong Moer also thought of.But she has always been a calm person, otherwise she would have died long ago in her previous life, so Gong Mo'er didn't rush to the valley, and planned to rest here for the night as planned.

Soon the food was served, Gong Mo'er ate a little before going upstairs to her room.Who would have thought that they would meet him!I saw a handsome and gentle man who knew at a glance that the thief was rich and must have an extraordinary status came down the stairs. Gong Mo'er recognized that it was the fourth prince Xuanyuan Yurui, but now that he had changed his face, he would not be able to recognize him. , ignored him at all, just passed him and continued upstairs. Liu Qi didn't know the fourth prince, so he followed him upstairs.Unexpectedly, at this moment Xuanyuan Yurui suddenly stopped going downstairs, turned around and said to Gong Mo'er who was going upstairs: "Brother, please wait a moment!"

But Gong Mo'er ignored it as if she had never heard of it.But it's true, there are so many people, who knows which brother your fourth prince is calling?Besides, Gong Mo'er doesn't think that she is the brother of his fourth prince.

"Brother who is going upstairs in front, please wait a moment!" Xuanyuan Yurui suddenly increased his volume and shouted, this sound immediately made everyone in the shop focus on this one place, but Xuanyuan Yurui didn't seem to notice Seeing the same thing, he turned around and went upstairs to chase after him.Hey, Fourth Prince, don't you realize that he doesn't want to talk to you?The servant following the fourth prince thought to himself.However, how could Xuanyuan Yurui not know that the man didn't want to talk to him?But he just wanted to take care of him!Who made him arouse his interest.

Gong Mo'er had no choice but to stop her steps going upstairs, turned her head and glanced at him lightly, and said without emotion: "What's the matter?"

Hearing Gong Mo'er's words, Xuanyuan Yu Rui's eyes brightened even more, he waved the fan in his hand, smiled very softly and said: "It's okay, I, Yu Rui, just want to be friends with your brother!"

"No need, we won't meet again in the future!" Gong Mo'er refused without mercy, and was about to go up as she spoke.

"Brother, stay!" Seeing that Gong Mo'er was about to leave again, Xuanyuan Yu Rui yelled unhurriedly. Seeing that Gong Mo'er didn't stop, he hurriedly said, "Brother and of my sons The friends are very similar, but my son's friend is a woman."

Gong Mo'er was not moved when she heard this, she walked without any hesitation, but Liu Qi was startled, did this person recognize her master?But it doesn't show on the face when I think about it.

"I'm sure, my brother and I will meet again in the future, so I hope you can tell me your name!" Xuanyuan Yurui quickly walked up to Gong Mo'er to stop her, and continued.

Seeing that this man actually stopped his master, Liu Qiyi immediately stepped forward to stop Gong Mo'er, and looked at Xuanyuan Yurui with a stern look.Xuanyuan Yurui glanced at Liu Qi, then turned to Gong Mo'er, looked at her fixedly, as if saying, "If you don't tell me, I won't let you go!"

Gong Mo'er's eyes narrowed slightly, she had seen Xuanyuan Yurui's thick skin before, if she didn't tell him, this fellow would probably be pestering him endlessly, so she said in a cold voice, "Ask Mo." Then she walked past him , went straight into the room.Seeing that her master had already entered the room, Liu Qi also rested in the next room, but she was always vigilant in her heart.

"Wen Mo? Wen Mo, what a good name!" Xuanyuan Yu Rui didn't mind Wen Mo at all, which was Gong Mo'er's move to walk away.He doesn't know this man, this is not his shrewd and wise master!It's just too silly, isn't it?

"Su Qi! What are you thinking?" Xuanyuan Yurui asked in a threatening tone when he came back to his senses and saw his little servant like this.

"Ah? No, I didn't think about anything. Master, aren't you going out? Let's go quickly." Su Qi immediately changed the subject when he heard Xuanyuan Yurui's words.To say that Su Qi has become much smarter since following Xuanyuan Yurui!

Xuanyuan Yurui glanced at Su Qi, and when he walked past Su Qi, with a "snap", the fan hit Su Qi's head and said, "It's best not to think about anything!" Su Qi Clutching his painful head in the back, he wondered if he would be broken by his father?Seeing that Xuanyuan Yu Rui was going far away, Su Qi hurriedly followed without thinking too much.

(End of this chapter)

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