Chapter 54
Lord of the Dark Pavilion
Coming out of Zi Mei, looking back at the tightly locked courtyard, Gong Mo'er snorted to herself, turned around and disappeared into the night in an instant.No one found out that someone had gone in and come out safely under their strict surveillance. Only the moon in the sky witnessed Gong Moer's visit...

Liu Qi was sent by Gong Moer to do other things outside the valley earlier, and now Gong Moer left Liuyun Valley alone, it is not wise to stay in Liuyun Valley now, and besides, there is nothing wrong with Liuyun Valley now As for the available manpower, it is estimated that there are hidden threads of the Second Elder in the industry outside the valley, so there is really not much manpower now.If this matter were to be left on someone else's body, there would really be nothing that could be done, but this person was Gong Mo'er, so it wasn't a big deal!

Gong Mo'er avoids everyone and leaves the valley from the secret place, returns to the inn where she stayed at the beginning, and books a room to stay.She has already notified Li Li and he believes that he will find him soon.

Mo Li and Mo Shang were accidentally rescued by Gong Moer when he was nine years old when he went out of the valley. They were two brothers. They were being hunted down at the time, and Gong Moer accidentally rescued them. Unexpectedly, the two brothers actually insisted on following Gong Mo'er who was only nine years old at the time and was much younger than them. Gong Mo'er thought that Liuyun Valley was not purely her own power after all. After all, there are so many other people, and it is also feasible to establish one's own power.So she accepted two brothers, Mo Li and Mo Shang, and made a plan for those two brothers to carry out, and also handed over martial arts to them. I am very satisfied.These two brothers also lived up to Gong Mo'er's expectations. They have developed very well over the years. From the two of them back then to the dark pavilion, one of the most powerful forces in the arena, one can imagine the hard work they have put in.

The next day, Gong Mo'er got up early and went downstairs, and stayed downstairs for a while after eating before returning to her upstairs room.As soon as Gong Mo'er walked into the room and sat down, a masked man flew in from the back window. Seeing someone intruding, Gong Mo'er just drank her tea casually.When the visitor saw that Gong Mo'er was still calm and didn't do anything to break into someone suddenly, he immediately felt bored.He took off the black scarf on his face, went to sit on a chair beside him, and complained slightly with his mouth curled up, "Pavilion Master, why are you still like this?" The person who came was Mo Shang, the younger brother of the two brothers.I saw him wearing a black satin shirt, a head of black and thick hair, under a pair of sword-shaped eyebrows but a pair of slender peach eyes, full of passion, people will fall into it if they are not careful.With a tall nose and moderately thick red lips, there was a dazzling smile.

Gong Mo'er glanced at him indifferently, Mo Shang immediately put away the expression on his face, pretended to be obsequious, and said with a playful smile: "Pavilion Master, what do you want from me?"

"I remember that it was Li Li who I notified!" Gong Mo'er said calmly, ignoring Mo Shang's flattery.

"Uh, Pavilion Master, you informed my brother, but isn't my brother not free to manage the secret pavilion? So this subordinate came here to share your worries on my brother's behalf. Pavilion Master, do you have anything to order? "When Mo Shang heard Gong Mo'er's words, he immediately found an excuse to explain his arrival.Just as Mo Shang finished speaking, he suddenly sneezed. This must be because his brother found out that he ran out first and scolded him in his heart!Mo Shang rubbed his nose, staring at his pavilion master with burning eyes.At this time, someone who was left in the dark cabinet to handle the affairs of the cabinet was thinking about how to deal with the guy who left him and escaped in the future.

Gong Mo'er knew Mo Shang well, this guy must have escaped without telling Mo Li, and Mo Li could only stay in the cabinet to handle cabinet affairs.However, for Gong Moer, they both came from the same place, so she didn't talk nonsense with him right now, and said directly: "Send someone to find out if any strangers have been near Liuyun Valley in the past half month, and pay close attention to all places in the rivers and lakes." The recent movements of the big forces. Once something is wrong, I want them to completely mess up! People in the secret cabinet should also check carefully, because someone took advantage of the loophole. I will contact you again for other things."

(End of this chapter)

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